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It's official Houston is weird


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Anyone from Texas is it normal for in Houston lineman for restoring I presume power/women to be threatened to work their jobs trying to restore power honestly that is odd is this a bad part of town or is this just well I don't know it's just been not liking the cops at times I understand not liking other government officials or utility workers especially when you know your power or electric getting shut out but restoring power I'm going to threaten them with a weapon. Honestly it's just really weird I don't understand why someone has to   brandish a gun to an I mean electrical worker trying to do his job honestly don't you think their job is dangerous enough without worried about getting shot . You know their job they worry about getting electrocuted not shot at I don't see why people have a threaten other people  if they're not in armed themselves you know if the other person was arm and acting hostile yeah okay show me your gun but at the same time they're Electrical Workers 

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