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He's been listed in the credits, and the suit from this episode was a fair giveaway.

General Wade Eiling's lore is also usually connected to Captain Atom, and has the same general motivation as Waller an the rest of the government getting involved in these things: "We want a military-controlled super-weapon just in case we need to fight Superman/heroes."

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Bishounen Slade has some pretty rad gear but having his suit be decked out in a bunch of Krytonian tech downplays his own skills with normal swords. So that mention of the tech getting integrated into the suit has me concerned he's gonna keep adding stuff but we'll see.

I am also thinking Jimmy bumped into Grodd. Don't think so badly of your homies Jimmy, emergencies happen a lot in Metropolis and they're both aspiring reporters. Remember when we only had phones and home and work and were not expected to be contactable at a moments notice? Cell phones and texting is efficient for communication but they put so much pressure on immediate responses.

Obviously something involving the crash happened to The General but we don't know what yet. He's got beef with Superman because of it though.

They didn't even go an episode before Steve was revealed as the troll going after Flamebird and I was not expecting that. Having someone troll Jimmy almost immediately did feel accurate though. He totally called the interns out about never following Perry's orders. Gotta say his voice just sounds too young for his character model and it's probably the least fitting voice so far.

Having Lois find out Clark is Superman by episode 5 in season 1 is certainly a choice. Feels weird for her to do that before she's even an ace reporter but then again the other continuities always her meet Superman the first time after she's an ace reporter. I don't mind it and I do think it's reasonable for her to be upset but she should also come to terms with why Clark didn't tell her sooner. I'm not sure what I would prefer between her getting over it oddly fast or her taking a long time to get over it but I hope the writers know what they are doing.

All around things are escalating quickly which may or may not be good but it's entertaining so far.

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