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my job isn't even really tiring im just tired as hell lately.

even if i sleep 9+ hours.


I used to be so tired while driving home.


I once fell asleep and woke up to my truck lightly bumping into the big rig in front of me.... I fell asleep with my foot holding the clutch downand my hand on the shifter :|


Poor sleep is almost as bad as no sleep.


I don't know how to help.

My senior year I would only get like 3 hours from like 6 am to 8 am

I felt like shit every day, well more than usual.

right after my graduation I literally just slept for 13 hours straight, woke up at 5 am to eat, then slept for the rest of the day.


All jobs are tiring. Work is my nemesis. If anyone even mentions camming I get tired. I can stay up for like 3756284749475738 hours straight. But if I have to cam, I will feel like a nice lay down before starting. Then I'll lay down. Now I don't fall asleep easily. sometimes I can be tired and lay in bed all night unable to sleep. But if I'm laying down for 15 minutes before I start camming, I will fall into a deep slumber almost immediately.


And it's camming. Masturbation. By definition it's pleasurable. But b/c it's technically work my body has an allergic reaction to it

I somehow manage.

Like... I really don't know how...

between worsening depression. general anxiety, and a bundle of other things I'm baffled in my ability to somehow do it.

have you ever not thought of it as work? Like when you first started?


I've been there, man. One time I had to call my dad to pick me up after my night class because I was too tired to drive.

I laid down in my back seat the other day, but realized wtf, I want to get home.


I used to be so tired while driving home.


I once fell asleep and woke up to my truck lightly bumping into the big rig in front of me.... I fell asleep with my foot holding the clutch downand my hand on the shifter :|

I can never imagine falling asleep while driving but I remember how many times my eyes feel like lead and just closing them brings me almost orgasmic relief and i forgot where I was going with this.

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