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Bleach remains the only show that aired on the block in almost 15 years that I haven't completely finished. I made it to just before the timeskip and then fell behind, and then I guess I had to delete the rest of it from my DVR to free up space, and I just never got around to finishing it. It's hard getting motivated to watch a lame-duck arc when you know the series is going to end with a whimper in a handful of episodes. I will finally get to it someday, but I'll have to be really bored. 

And I've easily written thousands of words at this point about how the series crapped out, but I definitely agree with the relationships bit. It's pretty much the same issue Naruto had: Shippuden (or at least the anime) spent all this time showing Naruto and Sakura getting closer, and then nope he winds up with a girl he spent essentially no screen-time with. I think Oda absolutely made the right call in keeping romance largely absent from One Piece, because it almost never ends well in long shounen.

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36 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

Bleach remains the only show that aired on the block in almost 15 years that I haven't completely finished. I made it to just before the timeskip and then fell behind, and then I guess I had to delete the rest of it from my DVR to free up space, and I just never got around to finishing it. It's hard getting motivated to watch a lame-duck arc when you know the series is going to end with a whimper in a handful of episodes. I will finally get to it someday, but I'll have to be really bored. 

And I've easily written thousands of words at this point about how the series crapped out, but I definitely agree with the relationships bit. It's pretty much the same issue Naruto had: Shippuden (or at least the anime) spent all this time showing Naruto and Sakura getting closer, and then nope he winds up with a girl he spent essentially no screen-time with. I think Oda absolutely made the right call in keeping romance largely absent from One Piece, because it almost never ends well in long shounen.

back when Bleach was airing I don't think I made it to the end. I've watched every episode online that aired up to around 2010, but then life changes happened and I didn't have internet that would allow me watching anime (or anything really) for 4 years. I still followed the manga, and I think I eventually managed to go back and watch the fullbringer season, as for that filler season before it I think I watched some then decided to skip it. I was only able to see the first few episodes of the Fullbringer arc before Dish had those issues with Turner, where I lost those channels for a couple of months, the series being done by then.

I think relationships in Bleach could have worked out, Kubo drawing characters together throughout the first few arcs, and even the HM arc up until a little past the Grimmjow fight. But I think the fake Karakura arc on to the rest of the arrancar arc really drained Kubo very much so, that was really when the series quality took a nose dive. The show was able to do character interactions a lot better than he could (that being a byproduct of them padding out the content to fill episodes). By the time of the quincy arc though it felt very much so like Kubo was on autopilot, making things up as he went, doing whatever to continue the series without putting much thought into what's happening. There is a lot that I really like in Bleach, but Kubo honestly I don't think was meant to do longrunning series, the kind that go on for several hundreds of chapters, over the course of 10+ years, like the guys that do the Naruto and One Piece series. Weekly manga releases break people and destroy their health, you seeing more mangaka going for bi-monthly or monthly releases now instead of the old standard that was weekly. I think Kubo would be better off doing that kind of work.

I can't say much about Naruto since I gave up on it long ago, though I'm aware of the main story events that happened. With Naruto and Hinata, from what I've gathered online it seems like the most focus there was on building those two (outside of anything the anime filler does) was during the events with Pain. Them depending on that one The Last movie to really set them up.


The Pain arc did give Hinata a decent heroic moment where she said outright that she cared about Naruto and he realized "oh hey she's a person who exists."  I don't really mind them getting together in the end, since Hinata always had a crush on Naruto, but at least earlier on in Shippuden Naruto and Sakura definitely had a decent amount of interpersonal development.  Sakura actually winding up with Sasuke at the end is far more offensive: after all the shit he directly did to her, it just reeks of abused girlfriend syndrome.

27 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

The Pain arc did give Hinata a decent heroic moment where she said outright that she cared about Naruto and he realized "oh hey she's a person who exists."  I don't really mind them getting together in the end, since Hinata always had a crush on Naruto, but at least earlier on in Shippuden Naruto and Sakura definitely had a decent amount of interpersonal development.  Sakura actually winding up with Sasuke at the end is far more offensive: after all the shit he directly did to her, it just reeks of abused girlfriend syndrome.

yeah, pretty much. I don't remember if I was too into pairings in Naruto. With Bleach I was very set on Rukia x Ichigo, but I didn't really care too much about who ended up with who in Naruto. Naruto x Hinata is the better ship over him and Sakura. I think him and Sakura could have worked out well enough, but they probably are better off as friends. It seems like everyone on the internet was out to shit on Sakura as a character. I liked her a fair amount, though I wasn't invested in the series like many others are. The parts about her telling Naruto she lived him to try to make him stop going after Sasuke, and then her thinking she could go kill Sasuke on her own was simply bad writing. I don't know where they're at in the series here, so no clue if that stuff is spoilers. And then after all he's put her through, she still ends up with Sasuke. Though I guess to be fair, with that one Boruto gaiden or whatever series they released before the Boruto manga was a thing, I really liked Sarada in it, and honestly I'd rather have had her as the MC over Boruto.

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