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This is one job I cannot afford to get fired from, for I turn 27 shortly, and this is my last shot to make my overrated college education worth something while continuing to sidestep the debt collectors.  :beer:

Because I need to keep this job so badly, I'll have to be a little bit of a betch if a kid gets in my face, so I can't stand my ground and act all big and bad. However, if someone throws me $10,000,000, that'll trigger the internal switch that makes me go from betch mode to alpha male warrior.  <3


Never kills one to be humbled, in fact perhaps that's part of growing.


Goodluck, I got fired from my last job for flipping off some asshole while wearing clothes with the company logo on it. Ooops... but we live and we learn  O0


I give it one month.


Anyone else wanna place a bet?


I give it a week and a half before indictment for sexual misconduct with a minor.


And there are convos where I sent ten to fifteen messages to a girl without a reply. I don't like making a young woman look bad, especially when her green online now dot has been flashing for weeks since the convo started. It just makes her (and the others) look not that sociable, which isn't an awful thing because some girls are just so shy, but it makes it look like I developed my social skills back in the day and these girls don't know how to reply because they've grown up attached to their cell phones and Facebook profiles.


And the great irony is that I'm not even THAT sociable as you can guess from my lone wolf nature, so it just goes to show you what the internet does to this generation. Just like old people don't know how to type fast, the young ladies aren't so great at holding up conversations in my experience. :D


the idea that you actually MEET anyone...good god...



I've never flipped out on a date yet, but I've come close. The only reason I didn't was because I was sober. Had I been drunk I would have said what I really meant as soon as I noticed that she was trying to end the date without really giving it a decent effort. <3


Obviously ignore the (creepy) title of this decent Lifetime movie, and just focus on the interaction. I've been there before. The only thing is that I didn't flip out, but I easily could have done what he did because I did flip at my liquor store job last week. It's all about the liquid courage. Anyway, people watch this and give him a thumbs down but he's not a bad guy at all and I completely relate to where he's coming from, and I think he did do a good job here of letting her know, "Hey, I'm not putting up with your nitpicky judgmental BS!! I was being nice to you!!"




I give it a week and a half before indictment for sexual misconduct with a minor.

It'd be funny if he ends up teaching a class with one of the girls he pestered on OKC and she recognizes him, then she shows all her friends his angry messages.

It'd be funny if he ends up teaching a class with one of the girls he pestered on OKC and she recognizes him, then she shows all her friends his angry messages.



If that honestly happens, I'm going to approach her after class and say, "What was that all about on OKC? You got the messages right? Why didn't you respond?" (nose to nose with her)



If that honestly happens, I'm going to approach her after class and say, "What was that all about on OKC? You got the messages right? Why didn't you respond?" (nose to nose with her)

Then she's like, "What's a 'Zenigundumb'?"


Then by the end of the next day the whole school calls you Zenigundumb.

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