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PSA - Take down your bird feeders...

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  • 9 months later...

They're having us take them down again, due to the Avian Flu.  There's hundreds of dead birds in and around a lake a few miles away.


There hasn't been any sort of request around here among the bird people but I emptied my feeder a couple of weeks ago [ before the last big blizzard ] when it was reported in ND. It's still hanging up though because it's under the balcony of the apartment above mine so often little birds will just perch on it as a place to rest when it's gross but not windy out. 

Thankfully I've trained most of them to react to a specific whistle call that I only use when I'm filling it so I don't worry too much that hungry birds will be constantly checking it. They only flock when I call.

They think it'll have worked through by early summer when the weather is steady and warm. I look forward to filling the feeder again and seeing how many flood the area looking for seed-treats. 

That all said, anyone else have like a billion robins in their area right now? Usually the trees are bent full of starlings and maybe grackles, but holy crap the trees around here are full of robins. Absolute clouds of them. 

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22 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

There hasn't been any sort of request around here among the bird people but I emptied my feeder a couple of weeks ago [ before the last big blizzard ] when it was reported in ND. It's still hanging up though because it's under the balcony of the apartment above mine so often little birds will just perch on it as a place to rest when it's gross but not windy out. 

Thankfully I've trained most of them to react to a specific whistle call that I only use when I'm filling it so I don't worry too much that hungry birds will be constantly checking it. They only flock when I call.

They think it'll have worked through by early summer when the weather is steady and warm. I look forward to filling the feeder again and seeing how many flood the area looking for seed-treats. 

That all said, anyone else have like a billion robins in their area right now? Usually the trees are bent full of starlings and maybe grackles, but holy crap the trees around here are full of robins. Absolute clouds of them. 

No more than the usual quantity of robins here.  Other than the birds that over-wintered (Mourning Doves, House Finch, Wrens, Junkos & Chickadees) here I heard a Blue Jay nearby.  They never seemed to check out the feeders for some reason.  Oh, I heard an Owl a few nights ago & we have a Hawk that patrols the area & has tried to get at the birds at the feeders occasionally.  The Flicker & the Woodpeckers haven't been around the last couple years. :(


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