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Well I hope I'm not blacklisted now.

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At work my department does stuff behind the scenes. We don't deal with the public and we have a typical office job atmosphere. No weekends, no late hours, etc. Pretty nice after working retail and with the public for years. I don't mind working with the public but I wouldn't want to right now. I think those that do are really brave or I hate to say desperate. Anyway, one of the places in the system that does deal with the public currently has many job openings but they can't fill them because we can't hire currently. So they had the idea to shift some of us in various places to that location "temporarily". One such department was ours. Me and a coworker were to split it each week and go there.

There are two problems with this. First and most importantly I have asthma. I don't want to be anywhere near the public right now. Especially in this situation and by that I mean the reason the place has so many openings is because the manager there is trash. That person always runs off everyone hired and now this time they can't replace them so they are doing this. So now they are taking people who did not sign up for this job in particular just because they are terrible at being a decent person. And for people like me you are helping put me in the line of fire since I have an underlying condition. Just because you treat your employees like garbage and now need bailing out.

So when my department head told me the details and asked if it sounded okay I kind of pushed back hard. I explained I was not comfortable with this in any way because of my asthma. I did not mind helping out if maybe I could do stuff behind the scenes there or something. She said she would tell the higher ups(where the idea came from). They decided, for now at least, to just take my other coworker for the entire time. So now he has to go there every day he works instead of his actual job. This also includes late nights and weekends. You'd think they could at least have tried to go with his normal schedule since he is helping them but no. It isn't fair to him or anyone that we have to cover for them and now he has to go work with the public which again is not the job he signed up for.

So now I hope I'm not blacklisted. I hope that in the future if I see a job I want to apply for, the higher ups won't be like oh yeah it's that guy. He wouldn't cooperate and help us when we asked him to, good reason or not. So yeah he's not getting that position. Although I don't know if it really matters. The chances of me moving up have always been slim. I will already be beaten out by anyone who has more experience and seniority(which is most everyone there), anyone who has a higher degree than myself and by people already in departments. Typically when they promote they promote from within a department since that person knows how the department works. Except when it comes to me apparently. I actually applied for the position that my coworker has, the one that will be leaving for a bit. I was almost promised that position, strongly hinted that it was mine and then it wasn't. He is actually still being trained so I know my department head at least is not happy about that, now that he has to go all the time he has to put his training on hold. Thankfully I don't think my direct supervisor cares either way. Of course they could at any time change their minds but for now this is how it is. Again, hopefully not blacklisted but not sure that it matters either way. I have to do what's best for me as well. I'll just have to see how all this plays out over time.

Edited by DBZ4ever

In the end, you always need to do what's best for yourself. No company will be there for you when you're sick or in trouble.

You're guilt is making this bigger in your head, I think. I've managed a long time, and never focus on this stuff, nor have I worked with other managers who hold on to shit like this.... it was handled poorly on their behalf, and sounds like they scrambled or should have pushed back themselves.

You good, homie.

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