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The channel behind this has already done a couple live action SCP shorts and a few w/ manipulated game footage, the last one they did was pretty good


And I dont think its the same guys but a movie about SCP-096 (the Shy Guy) is being made and wil realease..... eventually? Haha I cant complain these things take a lot of time especially small indepnedent teams





If they wanted to go the route of a mini series, I'd say they should partner with Netflix or Crypt TV.  Also not use a single person from that staff in any of those trailers. Cinematography was horrible, Acting was horrible, costume department didn't do their job. The SCP containment team/9-tailed fox should sound far more authoritative and military. They also wouldn't be wearing fucking skull biker bandannas on their mouths, and should be speaking in more military jargon and stay in formation.  I don't know what they were using to record with, but their editor did something funky and distorted the quality. I have seen better found footage films done with much cheaper cameras in better quality. Also the camera man needs to stop with the damn low angle shots, I keep seeing the top of the set and their shitty black curtain. 

As for the concept it could be difficult or easy to get the rights. Whoever initially created each SCP may own that character and need paid or consulted for any high budget series or film. In the case of SlenderMan, there have been many games and stories based off of the character. However when the film was being made they had to consult the original creator of the creepy pasta. It all depends on if they own a trademark or if they had surrendered any rights to whoever runs the SCP game due to the wiki nature of the lore being ever evolving by many hands. For the most part I'd say they'd just want to make sure that the rights for the iconic SCP are covered.  

I think an anthology series would work well with the right team. Really you could set up most stories in a similar way that Tales from the Crypt was. Have one of the Doctors doing an post-mission or pre-mission briefing/de-briefing which will info dump the meat of what you need to know, then it cuts into the containment team on the mission.  Some SCP that I feel are important may have to go unexplained or just alluded to. I think SCP 3000 the giant eel which they get their amnesia drugs from is too grand of scale for a low-mid budget series to pull off without looking like dog shit. SCP 682 is another fan favorite who I don't feel can be done properly without a pro film team and high budget. Even then I still have doubts that he wouldn't look like cgi trash. As well his containment is usually just brutal battles, and story is mostly just tests in trying to kill him, however him constantly evolving. There isn't all that much scary in terms of suspense with him. He's more in the nature of the croc from lake placid or Godzilla. 

If I were to pick a list of SCP for 1 season 12 episodes that would have interesting to watch stories, it would be 956, 049, 173, 106, 096, 1048, 610, 939, 993, 3199, 1471, 053,  035

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Posted (edited)

SCPs are created via a wiki and most of the people in the community go in knowing, and even wishing other members will take their SCP's andhelp work them into the lore with the creation of their own SCPs/stories. I wouldn't be surprise if some people hold copyrights on theirs though I guess.. 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
22 hours ago, Lytbryt said:

The channel behind this has already done a couple live action SCP shorts and a few w/ manipulated game footage, the last one they did was pretty good

What is wrong with my critique, or were you just feeling passive aggressive that I didn't like their highschool preforming arts project. 

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