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looks like I was wrong about the Trans Marco headcanon being dead **spoiler**

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Marco turned into princess Marco again






edit: not only that but apparently he's been Living as Princess Marco for some time and keeping a multi-universal social media handle (and has his own merchandise) as Princess Marco reaching out to Princesses from other dimensions for long enough to gain a following


so....he basically IS a trans girl now

(side note, he yells "I'M KEEPING THIS DRESS" when they sit down to play party games)




added the clip where he confirms he's a celebrity with fashion dolls based on his princess persona's likeness in other dimensions and gets royalties payments for use of his image as a girl


That's cross dressing, not transsexual.


Which is a classic gag rather than a sexuality.

maybe....but I want to ask you a serious question


wouldn't the idea that he's a crossdresser be worse than him being a trans girl?......'cause if him dressing in drag is a joke...then it would be a lot more of a stereotype than if he was dressing like a girl because he felt happier that way


It wasn't his choice, he sort of chanced into it, and then kept doing it because it became a positive role model regardless of the truth.


Which are headcanons in general, aren't they?  This could be a commentary on that.


It wasn't his choice, he sort of chanced into it, and then kept doing it because it became a positive role model regardless of the truth.


Which are headcanons in general, aren't they?  This could be a commentary on that.

the only other reason I say it's more likely that this is a metaphor for him being trans...is that Ms. Heinous thinks he's female even out of drag, and it doesn't insult him

Jman[/member]  Daron Nefcy has a wall of fan art she likes at work and it contains several Trans Princess marco fan art pieces as well as a bunch of pictures of Star and Janna kissing



it also appears to contain one of a male version of Star


There was that trans Dimension episode which had a male Star, among others.


Trans Marco isn't canon.  Princess Marco is because it's a joke.


There was that trans Dimension episode which had a male Star, among others.


Trans Marco isn't canon.  Princess Marco is because it's a joke.

I don't recall any episodes featuring a genderbent Star, if you aren't making it up I must've missed it


also I'm pretty sure the 3 pics actually visible on that wall were specifically drawn by Trans marco headcanon fan artists


Jman[/member] side note, a Screenshot may have leaked from season 2's finale which shows an interacial gay couple Kissing during the concert that the season finale ep focuses on


tumblr_olsz9xgOaj1vh8f0fo1_1280.png, I am still awaiting confirmation that this screenshot is actually real and actually from Star Vs and not something else


Jman[/member] side note, a Screenshot may have leaked from season 2's finale which shows an interacial gay couple Kissing during the concert that the season finale ep focuses on


tumblr_olsz9xgOaj1vh8f0fo1_1280.png, I am still awaiting confirmation that this screenshot is actually real and actually from Star Vs and not something else


Ok, that isn't a bad thing.


It doesn't mean Marco is trans though.  Why the fuck does he have to be trans?  He seems quite happy being a male.


Ok, that isn't a bad thing.


It doesn't mean Marco is trans though.  Why the fuck does he have to be trans?  He seems quite happy being a male.

it doesn't mean he's Trans but it does at least mean Daron Nefcy is trying to get LGBT storylines in the show


and if it is a real screenshot then it arguably means Disney now has a leg up on Cn in terms of Same sex representation too


Nickelodeon's Loud House has Gay dads raising a Kid, and CN's Steven universe has Several Lesbian Aliens


but in neither show have they been allowed to show a same sex couple Kiss


there was a throw-away scene in the Steven Universe episode "the new Lars" where two men may have kissed but I'm not 100% sure



Jman[/member] the same sex Kiss screenshot was real!


Disney's Censors allowed a male on male Kiss on one of their kids networks for the first time ever, something even Steven Universe has never done!



edit: apperently there was also a Lesbian couple further in the backgroundtumblr_olvx0iNN6y1rma5mto1_400.jpg


edit: there's a second Gay male couple and several Lesbian couples in this shot, wow



Which is fine.


Except that doesn't make Marco trans.  If anything, it serves as a balance to the heavy harem elements the show seems to be toying with.


Which is fine.


Except that doesn't make Marco trans.  If anything, it serves as a balance to the heavy harem elements the show seems to be toying with.

as does the fact that Star gave up being Marco's girlfriend and gave him and Jackie her blessing at the end




also Steven Universe continues to be a garbage cartoon....I hate to admit you were right



seems the show delights in giving the middle finger to it's fans now




another Gay couple showed up in the season finale, an interacial couple with an adopted daughter on Mewni





edit, I summoned someone who I thought would actually care that Disney's Censors finally relented and allowed Gay people to exist in one of their cartoons


That's a good thing censorship wise.


But notice how it's just there and in addition to rather than in place of M/F romances.  They don't need to brag.


That's a good thing censorship wise.


But notice how it's just there and in addition to rather than in place of M/F romances.  They don't need to brag.

never said they needed to brag


they just needed to not deny gay people existed, and now they've acknowlaged gay people exist in Stvoe, so, lack of speaking roles aside Disney isn't trapped in the 50's anymore


There's bad writers who really hype up gay characters and go "if you dislike this you're a bigot" (CoughKorraCough).  Star just lets it be and is better for it.


There's bad writers who really hype up gay characters and go "if you dislike this you're a bigot" (CoughKorraCough).  Star just lets it be and is better for it.

the Korra thing was also super half assed because they more or less literally did not imply they loved eachother until the final episode and they didn't even get to kiss, they just hugged (they're apparently relesing a follow-up comic, maybe they'll actually do some form of PDA there)

Between all the good things I've heard about it and how surprisingly attractive Princess Marco is, I kinda wanna start watching Star Vs. now.


I recommend it because...it reminds me of Rocko a lot.  It's funny, the messages aren't pushed really hard, the ongoing story never falls into melodrama, it's just really fun to watch.




I recommend it because...it reminds me of Rocko a lot.  It's funny, the messages aren't pushed really hard, the ongoing story never falls into melodrama, it's just really fun to watch.

you obviously haven't seen season two's finale, shit got real dark real fast



unrelated to Star vs. but Disney has apparently confirmed (after having denied it for over 20 years) that Gaston's yes man Lefou


was Gay and had a crush on him


and that the live action remake is going to make it more obvious.....as if they have to

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