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Fairy Tail Anime Discussion Thread

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Posted (edited)
On 10/11/2018 at 12:14 PM, mochi said:

all the main fan favorite couples except

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Laxus and Mirajane

are canon at the end

if the fans are pissed off it's probably because

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Laxus and Mirajane didn't happen....and in fact Laxus responds as if it makes him angry that people want him and Mira together when Lucy asks if that's who he's dating



...Why would people be shipping Laxus and Mirajane?


Edited by ben0119
On 10/10/2018 at 11:06 PM, Daos said:

I heard the ending blows, and I have avoided spoilers so I am ready.

People also said that Naruto was better than Bleach.  Which, watching Shippuden now... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.  I'm sure they put it above Fairy Tail, too.  So yeah, I usually don't listen to people and decide for myself once I see the show.  HxH was supposed to be god's gift to Shonen, but I ended up hating that.  JoJo was hyped to hell and it met and even exceeded my expectations.  Never know you'll react to something so best not to let what other people say about stuff affect you too much.  I've mostly avoided spoilers, too.  We'll see!

3 minutes ago, ben0119 said:
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...Why would people be shipping Laxus and Mirajane?


**shrug** it was a popular ship


either way the ending low-key implies he's dating  Freed, but not explicitly enough to confirm it canonically, just shoots down the idea he's dating any of the available girls but confirms he is dating "somebody"



Grand Magic Games -

This is mostly going straight from memory.  I could've taken more notes, but ehh, that would slow down the binge, and probably make this post even longer!  Here goes...

I don't know why people rip Fairy Tail so much.  This show gets the emotions going a lot, and it makes the ass kickings of the villains so satisfying.  Not many shows match it in both of those regards.  And this Grand Magic Games Arc has so much going on, lots of plots and sub-plots, so many players with different motivations, all interweaving and converging.

So yeah this is the wrap-up from the filler, I can tell these characters are filler as hell.

Lucy got her new outfit during the filler?!  Wait, maybe she got it right before and I forgot?

Okay I'm sorry but I do not remember this Max guy.  Is he one of those really minor background Fairy Tail members or is he a new character they introduced as "was always a part of the guild but you just didn't see him until now" thing?  I did think it was funny how they actually used that as a plot point with the memory powers council guy, though, lol.

Maybe time passes slower here and we can get in a bunch of training!  Actually time moves faster here LOOOOOOOL.

Second Origin sounds like an asspull to me.  Like, what was the point of the joke of missing out on 3 weeks of training if they're just going to do this?  Have 'em do 3 weeks of hard training, or hell, give Fairy Tail a handicap.  But, if Guru can unleash inner potential, and Mystic Gohan can exist... I'LL ALLOW IT!

So, is Ultear channeling St. Peter with that upside-down cross on her outfit?

Meldy all grown up. <3

So that old lady is the Edolas version of Wendy's dragon.  Ok then.  And yeah Edolas counterparts can cross species as established with the Cat MAAAN.  Anyway I was glad how Wendy came into her own as a fighter thanks in part to the new spells.

That Erza and Jellal near kiss was EVIL.  Happy getting punted into oblivion was hilarious, though! :D

Wow, fair weather fans, much?  As soon as Fairy Tail gets down in the dumps, you boo them out of the building?  Besides, who actively hates really shitty teams?  Yes, enemy rivals get booed to death, but I don't think anyone actually goes out of their way to hate the Detroit Lions.  I'm not a big sports guy.  They still suck, right?  Then, after Fairy Tail starts doing well and ultimately wins, they get a lot of support.  From fair weather fans to bandwagon jumpers!  Fuck you people!

I did think it was kind of convenient there were these games for Fairy Tail to get back on top without slowly working their way up, but it wasn't exactly an easy victory, heh.  Also makes sense why the games are only recently being held again.

Just a general comment, I can see the fan service gradually increasing.  Don't know if that's because it got more in the manga, or it was always like that and the anime was cutting it or toning it down before.  I hear Fairy Tail gets into almost full-blown ecchi/porn levels later, but I don't know how accurate that is.  I think I have seen Fairy Tail listed under ecchi on some sites for one of its genres, though, lol.

An example what I talked about earlier, Jellal, Erza, Millianna, Kagura, Ultear (who tied in with Gray too,) their whole thing was really well done and not even the main part of everything that was going on, but it was connected in multiple ways to multiple subplots.  Loved that story.  Also Kagura reminds me of Akame.  Not sure which character was made first or claiming anyone ripped anyone off, just pointing that out.  And I can't remember if Simon talked about a sister before?

Haha, I love how the traditional tournament has been done to death so much, shows don't do them anymore, and the announcer even commented on how this wasn't a tournament setup. :D This is at least the third time I've seen this between HxH, MHA, and Fairy Tail.  I think a traditional tournament would've been fine, but this allowed for more variety, and also rematches etc.  Fights were great, by the way.

So the motion sickness thing has been retconned or revealed to be a Dragonslayer trait and not just a Natsu trait.  And is this really a time for a Fairy Tail speech?! :D I know it comes back to bite them later, but come on. :D

Erza beating all 100 monsters was glorious, and I was so glad she didn't get trolled by that cheater guild.  I thought she should've gotten more points than she did, though?

As to satisfying ass-kickings, Natsu whipping both Rogue and Sting, and Laxus whipping that cheater guild all by himself, Erza whooping Minerva.  And I believe this is the first we've seen Makarov's son?  Why do so many people around him turn evil?  His master, his son, grandson for a while... And the part with Mavis crying. :D

Her eyes kind of bug me though.  Are they like that because she's dead?  The maid girl also has weird eyes.  Hers have no reflection, but at least she has pupils.  I know I'm forgetting names, but I'm not going to look them up and risk spoilers.    

Also... Mavis looks like a young girl, those "ears" or whatever those are in hair look like wings, and we carefully didn't see her in her swimsuit... could there be wings... and a tail, under that nightshirt/dress thing?  Maybe she's an actual fairy... with a tail!  But, wouldn't the others have commented on it?  Still, hmm.

Also gotta' say I didn't expect her to be around this whole arc, given how mysterious and rarely she showed up last time.  She was fun, though!  Scared of ghosts! :D And Fairy Tactician! :D

What is with fat girls in anime and being able to turn into a slim form?  I've seen it with pirate lady from One Piece, and there's a Bleach character in the manga like that too.  She was funny, though, I think Kubo actually squeezed as many fat jokes into one chapter as humanly possible.  But, at least the fat form seems to be the default for this girl?  Debatable on the Bleach girl, but the One Piece girl went slim permanently and never went back to being fat, as far as I know.  Not that I want to see a bunch of lardos running around, but still.

Wow, you don't hear many southern accents in anime anymore.  I think that southern accents for Kansai dialect thing was an early dub thing that was dropped a while ago.  Some have also said a Brooklyn accent or such might be more analogous.  But for this girl, given she looks like a redneck Pippi Longstockings, I'd say it's fitting!

I almost wonder if Yukino was created to fuck with the editors that made Mashima bring Lisanna back. :D I love her though.  She's such a sweet girl.  What Jemma did was horrible!  Loved Natsu going in there busting that place up.  But, we got no follow up!  YUKINO MUST JOIN FAIRY TAIL DAMN IT!

Yukino was definitely pretending to be a badass with her "whoever loses dies" thing in the match, trying to go along with Sabretooth's ways.  Heh.

That Memory Maker guy is way too hax.  I think he's one of the few that uses more than one element, too.  There's him, the edgelord paper girl, Jellal, Cana (only because of one spell,)... I guess Natsu, whose lightning became permanent?  Thought it was a one time deal.  We know the magic is learned and not anything innate that says a person is born with this kind of magic.  So, most wizards are specialists and not jack of all trades, it seems.

Was so glad when Sting blasted Jemma.  That was great.  Jemma is the Snoke of Fairy Tail!  I love it. :D  He totally got blasted through, though!  No way he survived that!  I call BS on Lector being "teleported" too.  It was almost like 4kids intervention! :D Maybe Mashima thought it would be too dark and heartbreaking for Lector to actually be dead, but there's no reason to keep Jemma around except to cause problems later! :P I bet him and Minerva aren't "gone for good!"

So, are we just going to pretend the drunken Kung Fu guy didn't say he would get to fuck Lisanna and Mirajane all night if Elfman lost the fight?  That was creepy and disturbing and didn't come off as a joke, and Bacchus never apologizes and takes it back.  But now he's one of their buddies because he lost the fight?  Ehhh...

And why is such a strong guy in such a joke of a guild?

I did like how clever and atypical that fight was, though.  Elfman just tanked all those hits, haha.

Thought for sure pumpkin guy would be some shady evil fucker, but he was the king (who isn't evil) haha.

Levy worrying over Gajeel is adorable.

I love how the Blue Pegasus team consists of three generic shojo bishonen boys, a woman whose entire strategy is based on fan service, and that smelly idiot MAAAN! :D Oh and the creepy-ass rabbit was just that damn cat this whole time!  And he's not even as tall as that costume! :D:D:D

I think Mirajane has gotten even thicker in this new anime!  And why does she wear that bodysuit?  Is that the outfit for when she anticipates using her powers?  Still love the cute front pony tail thing she has.

This is a random thing but I really like the character names.  You've got names that are just different enough from names you might commonly hear, like Erza (I kept reading it as Ezra for so long,) Mirajane, some names that are straight up RPG names, like Jellal, Lahar, and Ultear, which sounds awesome, then some everyday names and a few Japanese names, and of course names that reference certain things.  Watched the Unearthed episode on Pompeii tonight and apparently Bacchus is the Roman god of wine. :)  Heartfealia... :)  Oh and "Heartfeelmeup" that was a good one who ever came up with that line! :D

Why didn't Sting just finish off Fairy Tail?  He felt it would be a hollow victory?  Fairy Tail is just THAT badass?  He had the perfect strategy to camp until the end. :D

The acid drunker guy reminds me of Gray from Black Clover in just two ways.  That "splooosh" catchphrase he has, is like "shoooo" that Gray does, and they're both big fat guys.  

When are Lucy's celestial spirits going to stop acting so goofy, useless, and uncooperative?  Well, at least the mermaid was more helpful this time, but only because of circumstances, lol.  And why didn't the fishing guy just REMOVE the water instead of making it hot?

I forgot the thing about how Loke can come and go as he pleases, and why does he have cat ears now?

I could really do without these edgelord girls from the Hungry Wolves, especially evil Strawberry Shortcake.  

Good luck using your status defect spells against the White Mage, bitch! :D (Evil Shortcake vs Wendy)

I guessed that Rogue and Sting's dragon parents were abusive and that's why they killed them, but nope.

Yup, Lucy and Yukino definitely had to get into that position to summon the spirits! :D

I started thinking after a while that maybe the dragons attack BECAUSE the Eclipse is used.  Either they are drawn to the magic, or they feel the need to intervene, given the humans have created such a superweapon that can also be used as a time machine.  We did see a scene earlier with Igneel saying they might have to get involved.  I was close!  They come through the gate!  But why doesn't Lucy remember closing it?

Some of these dragons walking through the gate have some smug-ass troll faces. :D Like the one that comes for Rogue, Jade Dragon, and the Rock one, haha.

The kingdom is doomed because of my incompetence.  Yup! :D And you guys really couldn't have gotten more specific about the time traveler?  These are big stakes!

I'm not sure who the girl with the short purple is supposed to be.  If she was significant at some point and I forgot or has purposefully been kept mysterious.  I thought maybe she could be Edolas Wendy with a haircut or somehow Edolas-related but I don't think that's it (Wendy's hair is blue anyway,) but she apparently has a connection to the poison Dragonslayer guy.  She called him Eric.

Hm, that spell that removes dignity wouldn't work on Gray or Yoruichi. :P At least, you'd have to come up with something else besides removing clothes!  And he's sophisticated and doesn't just mindlessly destroy like other dragons! :D

All these beautiful old buildings getting destroyed! T_T I'm just glad the castle and arena survived.  It feels like it should be longer than just 400 years since the age of dragons, though.

Natsu not getting sick while riding the dragons. :P

Mother Glare is actually played by a woman?  They must have really messed with her voice!

Of all the people to turn evil, I wouldn't expect Rogue.  He was the first Sabretooth member to recognize that they're being assholes and should maybe change.  Though I can't blame anyone for wanting to kill his cat, it's kind of creepy! :P I wonder who "they" are that kills him, though.  And what's up with that shadow?  We thought it was just his ability, but it's its own entity?  That might have something to do with him turning evil.  Also the fact he looks like Zeref, but with a longer face.  I mean surely Mashima wouldn't make someone look like Zeref on accident?

Dragon Tamer magic seems suspect to me.  How can you control these powerful beasts so easily?  Yeah, the fire one was turned by Natsu by making friends, and Jade Dragon wasn't being controlled and was just there for the lulz, but still.  It is cool that Natsu was able to spend time with a fire dragon that knew Igneel, though.  I wonder if the thing of him always remembering Natsu will come back later.

I think it is kind of silly that ONLY Dragonslayer magic could harm a dragon.  I think it should be someone strong enough, or elements or abilities to counter that particular dragon, and just say Dragonslayer magic is more effective.  Even still, the Dragonslayers couldn't slay any of those dragons!  I gotta say, the show built up the dragons for a looong time, and when Acnologia showed up, and then these, they were rightfully and properly powerful and terrifying!

I thought Natsu just launched himself into Rogue, but he hit the dragon, too, heh.  That was nice how he took out the Eclipse Gate.

I was wondering if Flare just got perverse pleasure out of torturing Lucy in their match earlier, or if it was sexual, too.  Seeing her save Lucy during the dragon attack and then her expression afterwards, I'm beginning to think she's a lesbian sadist.  She sure was annoying, though!  BLONDIE!  I'm wondering about evil Strawberry Shortcake, too.  She kept acting disgusted towards men, but seemed to enjoy torturing women.  Though, one of her victims was Wendy, so that speaks even less well for her.  I may be reading too much into things, though.

There's a few villains that are straight up classic muwahahha evil, and villains that have demented reasons for how they are and what they do, but I've noticed that Mashima really likes to make sympathetic villains, villains with motivations that make sense, and he likes to redeem villains.  In Rave Master - 


He even attempted to redeem a domestic abuser.  Granted, that guy ended up sacrificing himself to save the others, so probably the only way Mashima could even try to get by with that.

Is your heart as cold as your ice, Gray?  Don't play with a woman's heart!

Speaking of tear-jerkers as I mentioned, the whole thing with Ultear.  Jesus Christ.  And after all that, she just turns time back a minute, but doesn't die at least (but will soon, probably.)  Oh my god T__T.  And when Gray sees her on the road... I wonder why she sent a note to Jellal and Meldy that she straight up died?  And have not sure if it was intentional, but a woman walked by in the foreground that looked like Ur when old Ultear was talking to the announcer.

I had to know that once Gray got shot through the head, that wasn't sticking.  No way he dies.  Shot through the chest (not heart,) this is anime, he can live, shot through a bunch of other places, this is anime, he could possibly live, shot through the head, he's dead, and that's not happening, lol.  I am just so fucking glad the whole last part of the arc didn't get undone by time travel cheating/shenanigans, either from Ultear, or the Eclipse.  Too much character development and struggle.  Ultear just went back one minute, and destroying the Eclipse just sent time travelers home.

I kept thinking the time traveler was Levy this whole time.  You think it originally was and got changed to Lucy?  We kept having those scenes of tormented Future Levy writing about the horrible things happening, and begging for help.  At least we saw Present Levy writing later, so Mashima didn't forget about that.  Maybe we were just seeing Future Levy, but she never was intended to travel back.  Not sure.  Carla's vision didn't end up amounting to much either, but then that ability seems to be mostly useless from what I can remember anyway.

Future Lucy went to Heaven with the rest of Future Fairy Tail. T__T

After all this, we never got to see what Arcadios was capable of.  His battle with the executioners was off-screened, and he didn't end up fighting the dragons.  Presumably he's pretty strong, since it was considered impressive that that squad took him down, and seemingly not a magic user, since he's just a knight for the kingdom?  I think they said earlier that like 20% of the population doesn't have magic or something when that one evil guild was going to have a muggle genocide?  So I would have liked to see what a strong non-magic user was capable of.

Gajeel dressed up. :D

Pumpkin punishment! :D

Freed really doesn't like people teasing Laxus.

Lol telling those girls to get their hands off him!  Those women were all drawn really crappy and ugly too.  And now he wants to dance with Laxus! :D

So, I thought the Grand Magic Council was the only government, but there's also a Kingdom of Fiore?  Well, maybe the Council just governs magic and guilds and the Kingdom is the regular government in charge of the country overall?  But then the council guy said a war could start if the Council knew about the Eclipse.  I'm so confused.  Also, Black Clover has a regular King AND the Wizard King.  King Clover reminded me more of the over-the-top cartoonish noble from Attack on Titan who was stuffing his face with cookies while the Titans were attacking though (King Clover had whores AND food,) and the Clover capital city looks like the walled cities from Attack on Titan.

Surprised the council guy with the memory manipulation powers wiped the council members memories, and let Jellal go.  I'd still be weary of him.

Maybe the Baram Alliance would be more effective if they actually acted together instead of separately, like an actual alliance, or rather, grouped together?  But, Oracian Seis breaking out is JUST what we need.  Yeah it's not suspicious he happily went back to jail at all.

So that creepy little scarecrow pet was Zeref's, not that big nose guy.  Or maybe Zeref was working with that guild?  Doubt it.  Probably just spying and the pet was really working for him the whole time.  I am and am not looking forward to the battle with Zeref.  He needs to be dealt with, but the guy is scary and I can only imagine what shit he is going to cause.  But, you tell 'em, Mavis!

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, mochi said:

**shrug** it was a popular ship

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either way the ending low-key implies he's dating  Freed, but not explicitly enough to confirm it canonically, just shoots down the idea he's dating any of the available girls but confirms he is dating "somebody"


Some Bleach final arc spoilers in here too -


I don't remember anything significant between Laxus and Mirajane so far.

Given what I've seen so far, I think it's basically confirmed that Laxus is gay and probably dating Freed at the end.  It's even more certain than the possibility of Yoruichi being bi and Soifon being lesbian.  It could be argued that Soifon and Yoruichi have a really, really close mentor relationship and Soifon sees her like a mother or big sister, and gets jealous of Urahara because it's like a daughter getting jealous when her mom starts dating a guy.  And maybe Soifon is just disgusted with her lieutenant and not men in general.  Maybe.  Can't remember if Kubo confirmed the sexuality of either character.  That said, there is a confirmed lesbian character, Chizuru, and a confirmed trans character, Giselle Gewelle (seemingly also lesbian herself) in the last manga arc, so I wouldn't throw out the possibility at all that Yoruichi is bi and Soifon is lesbian, but I would put my bets that Yoruichi got with Urahara.  (The ending is so fucked up and rushed, probably thanks to Jump, that we don't even know if Yoruichi, Urahara, and several others are dead or alive.)  Many of the Fairy Tail guys are set up with a girl, so for as significant as Laxus is, the fact he isn't is conspicuous by its absence.  Then there's the behavior of Freed towards Laxus.  It could be counter-argued that the Thunder Legion are all really big fanboys/fangirls of Laxus, and Freed is the biggest, but I'm convinced it's more than that.


Edited by ben0119
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)






Fairy Tail has had all really good OPs.  Strike Back is my personal favorite so far. :)

Also going by OP animation, those filler arcs are completely filler, right?  Earthland counterparts to characters we first met in Edolas?  Oracian Seis?  Uhh... must be really good at not feeling like filler.   I'll check them out when I'm fully caught up, which shouldn't take too much longer.

I know you said to skip the filler, but I couldn't resist watching episode 202.  Not nearly as much fan service as seemed implied from the preview, but still pretty nice! ;) Love Yukino. <3 And she just rejoins Sabretooth?  Hmm not so sure about that.  We'll see what the canon has to say about this!

LOL the drama over letting Frosch do this is hilarious.  And in the end he ends up at Fairy Tail's guild headquarters. :D

Freed asking if Laxus wants a massage, and he goes sure. :D Bixlow asks Freed if he'll give him one too and he glares at him and tells to "go rub yourself down!". :D

Got a couple minutes into 226, but passed out.  Will be marathonning at full speed and full force today!

Edited by ben0119
  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, ben0119 said:






Fairy Tail has had all really good OPs.  Strike Back is my personal favorite so far. :)

Also going by OP animation, those filler arcs are completely filler, right?  Earthland counterparts to characters we first met in Edolas?  Oracian Seis?  Uhh... must be really good at not feeling like filler.   I'll check them out when I'm fully caught up, which shouldn't take too much longer.

I know you said to skip the filler, but I couldn't resist watching episode 202.  Not nearly as much fan service as seemed implied from the preview, but still pretty nice! ;) Love Yukino. <3 And she just rejoins Sabretooth?  Hmm not so sure about that.  We'll see what the canon has to say about this!

LOL the drama over letting Frosch do this is hilarious.  And in the end he ends up at Fairy Tail's guild headquarters. :D

Freed asking if Laxus wants a massage, and he goes sure. :D Bixlow asks Freed if he'll give him one too and he glares at him and tells to "go rub yourself down!". :D

Got a couple minutes into 226, but passed out.  Will be marathonning at full speed and full force today!

Edolas, and Oracian Seis are not filler.

Yukino fuckin stole my heart and her arc during the Grand Magic Games only made that stronger.

Edited by elfie
Posted (edited)
On 10/25/2018 at 10:33 AM, elfie said:

Edolas, and Oracian Seis are not filler.

Yukino fuckin stole my heart and her arc during the Grand Magic Games only made that stronger.

I know, so why are they in the filler?  IT'S A TRAP!

I know, I love Yukino! T.T

On 10/25/2018 at 9:00 PM, Daos said:

The Earthland counterparts to Edolas people... It's THE INFINITY CLOCK ARC YOU FOOL..... RUN!

I know haha, I was just saying, going by the OP stuff, and that one episode that was half filler arc wrap-up and half canon arc start-up, they seemingly did a good job tying it in?  May be worth going back and watching when I get caught up. 

Also, how did the anime writers know that Mashima wouldn't use those characters?  Because Edolas stuff keeps coming up in canon.

Edited by ben0119
On 10/27/2018 at 7:27 AM, Daos said:

They created a stupid reason at the end of the Infinity clock arc for none of those characters to be seen again.

They had to search for some talismans or something I think? :D It's in that transition episode.  But, what I'm getting at, is Mashima obviously didn't have plans to introduce and use the Earthland version of those Edolas characters?  Because I could see how that filler arc could cause issues otherwise.


... well THAT ending was horrible.

Yeah at this point I still followed what people were saying about the manga while not reading it so I knew about the Not!Celphone, and how Gray's reasoning for turning traitor were totally a trick, but man, it still comes off as horrible writing! CELL PHONES! .... CELL PHONES! IN A FANTASY SETTING! YOU NEED RULES, MASHIMA!!! YOU FUCKIN NEED RULES!!!!!!

5 hours ago, elfie said:

... well THAT ending was horrible.

Yeah at this point I still followed what people were saying about the manga while not reading it so I knew about the Not!Celphone, and how Gray's reasoning for turning traitor were totally a trick, but man, it still comes off as horrible writing! CELL PHONES! .... CELL PHONES! IN A FANTASY SETTING! YOU NEED RULES, MASHIMA!!! YOU FUCKIN NEED RULES!!!!!!

Foreshadowed in this alternate universe ED


Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Daos said:

Foreshadowed in this alternate universe ED






... hold on though. If it's in an alternate universe, it doesn't count.

Edited by elfie

I'm caught up on the new eps. The animation........ well there really isn't any. It's mostly still frames that they pan left and right on.

Hopefully they're saving their money for the big fight scenes because they are just phoning this in right now. Apparently it's a new studio called CloverWorks and they're not very impressive so far.

5 episodes in and the story is going at a snails pace. It was probably good that this is the final season.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Daos said:

I'm caught up on the new eps. The animation........ well there really isn't any. It's mostly still frames that they pan left and right on.

Sorry I don't believe you met.  This is A1 Pictures....

... hold on. This is a new studio? Is A1 Pictures still taking part in it?  If so, this is a 100% EXACT likeness to everything A1 has done on the previous seasons!

Edited by elfie

In April 2018, A-1 Pictures rebranded its Kōenji Studio as CloverWorks which will have a unique brand identity, distinguishable from its main Asagaya Studio.[6][7]

On October 1, 2018, CloverWorks separated from A-1 Pictures, although it still remains as a subsidiary under Aniplex.[8]

2 hours ago, Daos said:

In April 2018, A-1 Pictures rebranded its Kōenji Studio as CloverWorks which will have a unique brand identity, distinguishable from its main Asagaya Studio.[6][7]

On October 1, 2018, CloverWorks separated from A-1 Pictures, although it still remains as a subsidiary under Aniplex.[8]

fuck me why did they do that!? Ugh.

  • 3 months later...

Well, I decided to not make a post on that mini-arc with the town of the giants because, it was flowing right into Tartaros Chapter.  Didn't realize how long the arc would be though!  Wasn't about to take notes while I watched, and it's pointless to post in the middle of an arc when questions I have could be answered by the end of it.  Comments in no particular order -

This other side to Flare is funny and kind of cute, when she isn't always acting so psycho all the time.  Was funny when she joked about stalking Lucy.  She is definitely a lesbian though, haha.

I kind of wish an individual giant or two were developed.  Seems like a lot of effort went into their character designs to make them unique.  I'm guessing Mashima must have written up stuff for them but didn't feel it was worth including in the series.

Why did Erza look down there to confirm she de-aged?  Wait a minute, Erza isn't bald down there is canon confirmed! :D And I thought it was hilarious she noticed she spell wore off when her boobs came back. :D I wish the de-aging came more into play than it did though.  Was mostly just an issue for Erza.

Ok, I don't think I'm remembering wrong here, but I don't recall Minerva ever showing any redeeming qualities whatsoever, or any remorse for her actions.  So why is Erza pitying her and wanting to her change her ways?  Hell, before Erza wanted put in her the fuckin' ground!  WHAT THE FUCK?!  WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM?

And ok, now we're learning that Minerva was abused by her father.  Ok, fine.  Jiemma does it to everyone else, guess it wouldn't be a surprise that he did it to her.  I had always saw her and Jiemma as the 2 ruthless hardasses in charge, but he made her this way apparently.  That works well enough on its own.

But still, it makes no sense for anyone else to feel sorry for her.  Minerva being gone forever was the selling point to get Yukino to rejoin the guild!  It makes no sense whatsoever!

That said, it's not just Jiemma that looks like a Street Fighter character, but Minerva too.  I really noticed it when we saw the flashbacks to her childhood.

So yeah I guess Yukino did just rejoin Sabretooth then.  It's a shame.  I was hoping she'd join Fairy Tail.  We may not see her as much depending on how the future story goes.  No that in matters much because FAIRY TAIL IS DISBANDED FOREVER! T___T :P

That damn revival chamber to bring back the demons is a ridiculous troll.  Glad it got destroyed before some of them could revive.

Jackal is supposed to be well, a Jackal.  But looks like a catboy in his regular form!

So yeah, Vic is Mard Geer.  Ugh.  Not the voice I would have imagined.  Don't know what his Japanese voice sounds like (all the Youtube videos are fucking AMVs,) but since he looks Naraku, I wouldn't have minded Paul Dobson. :P Looking it up though the last anime he did was Roberta's Blood Trail in 2013, which was right after Final Act. D: And holy hell I can't believe Final Act was in 2012!  Maybe I could have enjoyed the character more if not for that.  But maybe it's fitting that Vic plays THE UNDERWORLD KING. :D

Nevermind, found a video.

Yep, Vic had no business getting this role!  He must have weaseled his way into it!

https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Toshiyuki-Morikawa/ Oh, just going by that quick clip, that sounds like JP Naraku!  It is!  DAMN YOU TO HELL VIIIIIIC!

So, I made the foolish decision to look up Silver's VA, not thinking of the spoily consequences.  Though it should have been obvious, given his name is SILVER, and how he looked.  I thought he was going to be Ur's husband/Ultear's father.  I still think it's weird that Ur looks just like Gray, but she's not his real mom.  But I thought I didn't get spoiled AFTER ALL when he revealed he was really Deliora!  But that turned out to be bullshit lol.  I did think it was odd that a Demonslayer was a part of a guild with demons.  But that was explained too.  Did make sense he was going to betray them all along too.

Deliora using Silver's body would have been some convoluted Inuyasha-level shenanigans.  Though the whole arc reminded me of Inuyasha anyway, what with the demons created by someone else and the boss-not-boss looking like Naraku, even uses roots as an attack, Silver being back to life, and whatnot.

The stuff with Silver and Juvia's involvement in it was so sad, though.

Ok Mashima you can have Kyoka's ass and tits hang out as much as you want, but she's not doing anything for me.  I think the mask and weird bird appendages probably don't help.  Also the fact she's an sadistic psycho.

Is it my imagination or were Erza's boobs drawn bigger during that interrogation scene?

There's too many cats per for how many people are here, just Erza and Minerva.

Erza, your Fairy Tail speeches are not going to work on fucking demons!

Ok, the way 259 and 260 were done was fucking confusing.  Erza beats Kyoka, and the Face counter reaches 0, then next episode they are fighting again and counter is running again???  I actually had to look this up.  Apparently the events are running concurrently.  It's not always clear in most shonens that this is the case when you cut away to multiple fights and events, but if you err on this side it means things aren't taking AS long as they appear to be, and it's forgiving in cases like this, things seeming to take too long for the stated time limit.  But, there isn't even a narration or text onscreen that gives any indication what the deal is.  A simple 1 hour earlier or whatever would have sufficed.  Either that or show things in a more logical order.  Pretty sure the counter reaching 0 is a bigger deal than the Mard Geer stuff anyway.  I think this is a case where you don't 1:1 adapt the manga, guys.

The dragons were inside the dragonslayers all along and giving them anti-bodies so they don't turn into dragons like Acnologia?  Can't say I saw that coming.  I also thought them returning would be more like an end of series thing.  Either way, the dragons in general, in all their appearances, have definitely lived up to the hype.  And Acnologia ripped their souls from their bodies?  So they were more like ghosts this whole time?  Didn't quite get that.  Igneel coming back only to die really got to me though.  Poor Natsu.

So, I never really thought about Mirajane's demon takeover power too much.  Figured that was just the magic she chose to use?  But she was born with it?  Every other mage picked a magic type and learned it.  Her siblings even learned takeover magic to be like her.  And it's not genetic, either.  Makarov and Laxus don't use the same magic, nor do Ur and Ultear.  So that makes me think Mirajane really is cursed or infected or something.  I don't think she has demon parentage because the other two don't have it.  Unless they're just half-siblings?  I did notice the parents weren't shown.  Hmm.  

Don't really get why everyone needed to have their memory erased of Lumen Histoire.  And it's Mavis nude in a crystal, heh.  But whoa, Doranbolt was a member of Fairy Tail all along hahaha.

Ok, I'm sorry, but if Mashima is expecting tears for mermaid lady, that just isn't going to happen.  She didn't even seem tsundere, she seemed to genuinely not care for Lucy.  She acted like a cunt every time she was summoned.  Maybe if Loke or Virgo were sacrificed it would be one thing.  One of the silly minor zodiacs wouldn't have worked either.  Ah well.  Celestial King was badass.  And everyone perving on Lucy (even more than usual) was hilarious.  Although... we already have a water user in Fairy Tail?  The abilities are different, but still.  And Lucy did use some other spell that I think seemed familiar.  Was it her finisher from Grand Magic Games that got canceled out?

#FlatEarthDebunked #GlobeEarthDebunked #CubeEarthTRUTH

Two of those Demon Gates are basically Fishmen from One Piece lol.

Loved Wendy's progress in this arc.  Thought it was silly they made a big deal of cutting her hair just to grow it back.  It's funny that the crab guy can make hair longer though haha.  And Wendy losing one of her twin tails was clearly her most serious injury yet. :)

Umm Jiemma, isn't the fact that you got one-shotted by Sting and had to stoop to demon powers make YOU weak?

Why did the dragon twins fall down?  They didn't seem that injured.  Is there a lot of violence censorship of what happened in the manga in this anime?

Nice power up for Gray, and nice team up against Mard Geer.  Looks like Gray might have some demonic affliction now though.

How did Gray and Natsu survive the abstract concept of purgatory by burying themselves??  Did the spell just not extend under the ground?  Or was it something to do with Gray's demonslayer magic?  That is when his skin got all messed up.  Seems like he blocked/absorbed the attack?

By the way, that Dragonification reminds me of Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.  Ryu  (not that one) has a counter that increases the entire game, as you use your dragon abilities, and if you use too much and it reaches 100%, you turn into a dragon and go on a rampage and it's game over.  So you have to manage it over the course of the game.  It's a cool mechanic.  I wonder if Mashima has played it.

So, Acnologia just wants to kill every human and dragon?  Is that what he said?  Interesting to learn that while he is a major evil power, he's not aligned with Zeref at all.

I'm not sure if Mard Geer is correct about Zeref just wanting to die.  Either way, I wonder why he doesn't take more direct action.  Maybe he just likes to watch the clusterfuck for the lulz?  Somebody needs to smack that smug-ass expression off his face, though.

Did, did he just say ETHERIOUS NATSU DRAGNEEL?!  Did Zeref create Natsu?!  Is that why he asked why Natsu didn't remember him?!  But, he's clearly human?!

Natsu leaving for a year long training mission.  Poor Lucy left behind. D: And Makarov is disbanding the guild so the members can "spread their wings."  In other words go on soul searching journeys and training and blah blah blah.  Timeskip incoming.  Then after it's over the guild probably gets back together and on to future adventures together.

Posted (edited)

P.S. I was going to ask if Fairy Tail Zero was required watching, but it seems my question was answered for me.  It plays automatically next on Funimation's site, it's numbered as the next episode in the series.  Wasn't sure if it it was spin-off series or just a flashback arc in the manga, like the Turn Back The Pendulum arcs showing the history of the Soul Society in Bleach.  Those did get weird chapter numbering, but they were still part of the regular manga, and were part of the anime seasons.  So, probably best not to skip Zero, then.

Edited by ben0119
  • 1 month later...

Fairy Tail Zero -

Wow, looks like some guilds were like straight up mafias in this time.  And warring as much as they like.

Okay the child abuse thing has been played to the hilt.  Do we really need more of it?

With that speech impediment, Zera should be the one getting bullied, not be the boss of mean girl popular kids.

This game makes me think of something the Pharoah would come up with in the pre-card arcs of Yugioh.  Hmm, Yugioh Zero. :)

So, I was completely wrong in my guess that Mavis is a fairy or fairy-like being of some sort.  She's human.  Those wing things in her hair are adornments she wears and she dresses like that just because she likes fairies, I guess.  The outfit isn't hiding any wings or a tail etc, so I don't know why her swimsuit scene was kept off-screen in Grand Magic Games.  She looks like a young girl because her body got stuck at 13 years old from using that Law spell improperly...  

That seems excessively silly.  Why not just say she goes into a magic coma for a long time, or dies?  Or you just have 10 years to live.  We learn she was supposed to die in 10 years but apparently it's not from using that spell.  More details are going to get filled in with that timeline later, I imagine.

So, Fairy Tail's ultimate weapon in a dead 13 year old's nude body trapped in crystal.  That seems... problematic.  No wonder Makarov doesn't want anyone to know about it. :D

Forgot to talk about the treasure hunters at the giants village.  So, we did finally get to see what sort of combat non-magic users are capable of.  And we see it again here with the cast of Zero.  Cool.

Precht, Geoffrey, how OLD are some of these characters?!  Do humans live longer in this world, or did they live longer cuz magic?  Maybe some dark magic to keep them alive longer?

Zeref was part of the Fairy Tail nakama?  If even for a short bit?  And taught them magic?  WHAT?!  What and what?!  Can't say I saw that coming.  And we learn that Zeref's curse only kills everything because he doesn't WANT to kill anything.  Okay then.  Not sure what his deal is.

It is cool to finally have how people use magic fully explained though.  I feel like this should have happened sooner. :P

Maybe Precht's background with Zeref is why he became so obsessed with him later and got into black magic.

So, Zera was an illusion that Mavis subconsciously created out of loneliness.  I did not expect that.  That was a mindfuck and heartbreaking.  That was some M. Night Shyamalon-level shit!  I'm trying to remember if she did anything to directly affect anyone or anything, but it seems like she mostly just hung around.  Might have to re-watch. :P

So why didn't the others point this out sooner?  Just trying to humor a lonely orphan kid with what they probably originally thought was an imaginary friend?

So, does this mean the real Zera's body just laid there and rotted? D: They could have said something about Mavis burying her and blocking it from her memory.  Hopefully it just burned up in the fire.

Okay, it should have at least been alluded to that the orb treasure was like this, maybe it was and I didn't pick up on it.  If it can cause all this destruction then why and how did Blue Skull steal it and what do they have to gain from keeping it around?  It just seems like kind of a dumb ass-pull forced thing to cause this whole chain of events to happen, or did I miss something?

Also, Dryer is kind of a dumbass.

You can tell that Mashima really could not be bothered with creating any distinctive characters outside of the main group for this arc.  Heck, even then only Zera and Dryer are actually new major characters.  There's of red shirts and a lot of characters that don't even have names or I forgot what they were, and like, he wasn't even trying with some of the designs of those villagers.  The mother having a terrible voice actor did not help either.  Maybe background characters and red shirts have better designs in the manga?  Still...  But, maybe it's for the best, if it keeps the arc short and to the point.


One thing from the last arc I forgot to comment on.  When Natsu found that Heat Blade I thought for sure he would have this badass sword going forward, but Zeref broke it. D: It makes me wonder if Mashima thought of giving Natsu a sword but changed his mind.  Oh well.

I finally got caught up last week!  I'm finally watching Fairy Tail new, whoo!  I may have missed out on this show for a good while beause I naively held off on it thinking ASA or Toonami might get it and I could discuss it with everyone here (won't make that mistake with a show again; now, if I'm really interested in something, I'm going to watch it, Toonami be damned,) and I got sidetracked and dragged my feet for a long time, even when we got the final season announcement and as it aired, and I didn't read the manga so I didn't experience that "live," either, but I am at least going to get to enjoy the final arc of the anime as it airs, damn it!

It looks like the dub is 3 or 4 episodes behind?  So Fairy Tail is a simuldub?  That's not what I would call a simuldub, though.  Space Dandy, and Dimension W... such as it was, aired concurrently with the Japanese version.  Anyway, the Japanese VAs are good enough but since I prefer dubs I'm definitely going to want to re-watch those episodes dubbed.  Unsure if I should do that as they are released or wait and marathon them in one go.  Re-watching each episode a few weeks behind the current ones is definitely on odd way of watching, but I don't know that I want to wait to see them in English until the series is over, either.  Hmm.  I'll probably just go back and watch them as soon as they come out in English, if I remember and can navigate around Funi's player easily enough.

I see what you guys were talking about with the animation cheats and shortcuts.  It is unfortunate.  It doesn't seem as bad as the first anime, at least, but that's not saying much.  The art quality is better than the first anime at least, seems more or less the same style as the second anime.  I do hope they stop phoning it in at some point, like Daos said. *sigh* At least the story is good, at least to me, anyway.

I don't know if we want to mark spoilers in here or not, but I figure since you guys were nice enough to not post any while I was marathonning through the series, whether intentional or not, I'll mark mine until I can be sure where everyone is in the show.



Avatar Arc is one of those warm-up buffer arcs, just to kind of have some fun, until things get serious in the final arc, even if the villains goal here was to slaughter a bunch of people.  Everyone got back together to beat down this Zeref cult and good times were had.

Since all we saw and heard about was Lucy working as a reporter and trying to find everyone, I was afraid she wasn't doing any actual training.  Glad that isn't the case!  Her new ability of using some of her celestial spirits is a major improvement!  Plus more cute outfits for Lucy! :)

Wow, that COOL guy can actually talk and act normal!

Haha, Natsu actually looks cool with his hair like that, and he had no plan for his training mission lmao.

Wendy and Shelia are idol singers now!  The Sky Sisters! :D

Oh god, the infamous goat licking scene.  I've heard about this.  At least it didn't actually lick Lucy's feet.  Still, that's some fucked up shit.  What the hell, Mashima.

Man, Gray really had me going.  I thought for sure he gotten taken over and corrupted by the demon-ness he inherited when he took Silver's demonslaying powers.  Kinda funny there was a filler arc eons ago where Gray "betrayed" Fairy Tail, but he was mind-controlled or something.  It was all just an undercover sting!

Carla has a cute catgirl form now! :) But, it seems weird with her voice coming out of this form.  Carla seemed like Wendy's nanny and called her "child," but this catgirl form doesn't look that old?  Not saying she should be an old lady, but this isn't what I would expect Carla in human form to look like, even if the character design itself is fine for what it is.

Well, the whole GRAY WILL KILL FROSCH thing blew over like it was nothing.  What happened different that Gray didn't end up killing him?  Maybe Gray really did get taken over by his demon side in that future timeline?  And now Rogue's darkness has disappeared.  Odd.

Gajeel is working for The Man! :D And he finally got rid of that stupid bandana!  He looks so much cooler without it!

A mysterious continent on the other side of the ocean.  Just like out of an RPG. :)

Okay, I can see what you were going for, Makarov, but I'm not sure it was the best way to go about things.  Still, it did give all the Fairy Tail members a chance to spread their wings and grow on their own, so it wasn't a complete waste.

So, after the Fairy Tail guild hall got destroyed AGAIN, they went with a more humble version this time.

Zeref built an Empire to entertain himself LOL.

Aaaahhhh that explains a lot.  Now we get that timeline we got at the end of Zero fleshed out.  Mavis didn't only get her growth stunted, she's immortal, and has the curse, which is why people around her started dropping dead!  And when she fell in love with Zeref briefly, that's how she ended up in this sort of comatose sleeping beauty state.  I thought she was just dead, but it looks like I was wrong.

So that explains what the Lumine Histoire is, too, or Fairy Heart.  Infinite magic!  No wonder Zeref wants it!

Oh, I guess every place in Ishgar is named after a plant or Flower.  (We just learned the name of the continent in the Tartaros Chapter arc, by the way.)  I don't think Fiore itself refers to a plant though, does it?  It made me think of "Fire."  But, the Clover Kingdom, hmm, lol.  I wonder if that's adjacent to Fiore. :P

I had to look up what a Carocol was. :)

I thought Brandish was dressed like that because of the vacation island, but that's her normal outfit?!  At first I thought her powers were geelogical related.  I thought she raised the island up, then sunk it.  But it's size changing powers!

Knocked out with a sucker punch. :D

LOL the scene of Brandish and Lucy in the tub actually happens. :D

Ah, so that's why she hates Lucy.  But, Brandish doesn't have all the facts.

I don't know how I'm supposed to take God Serena seriously, given his goofy name, appearance, and behavior.

Milk drinking vampire Hitler?  Really?

Okay, those top four Wizard Saints were obviously talked up just to get defeated by God Serena, to put him over to show serious of a threat he is.  But then God Serena is easily defeated to put Acnologia over.  But, we already knew Acnologia was night unstoppable?

It reminded me of something in Bleach's final arc -


Squad 0, who was mentioned and talked up throughout the entire series as the ELITE OF THE ELITE CHARGED WITH PROTECTING THE SOUL KING, but they all get systematically defeated by Bach and his Elite Guard, and the regular cast ends up having to defeat the villains.  They didn't get walked through like those Wizard Saints did though LOL.

Oh yeah, Acnologia's humanoid form looks pretty cool.  I'm glad his arm is bothering him, though.

Ooooooh so that's what happened.  The dragons didn't disappear, they went into the Dragonslayers bodies and then traveled with them into the future through the Eclipse Gate.  I guess kids that young really wouldn't know what year it was or anything.

In Zeref's time it was like ancient Greece.  And of course he kept researching forbidden magic no matter how many times his teacher got into him.  Annnnd he got the curse and killed everyone.  So it was all to bring his dead brother back to life.  You could learn a lesson or two from Ed and Al, Zeref.

Whaaaa?  So it's really true?!  Natsu is Zeref's brother that he brought back with his black magic?  So he's kind of a human and a demon.  And E.N.D. stands for Etherious Natsu Dragneel and is not the ULTIMATE DEMON we thought it was all this time.  I always thought his name was Dragneel because "Dragon+Igneel" and Natsu was not connected to Zeref at all.  I suppose that was a coincidence and red herring, or Mashima changed his plans?  I'd have to go back and re-watch really early stuff to be sure.  So that's why Igneel wanted Natsu to just steal the book and not open or destroy it.

Natsu was still going to try to kill Zeref anyway, even though he knew he would die too, but Happy pulled him away and stopped the attack from hitting Zeref.  T__T  Happy's paws are just fine waaaahaaahaaa.

Not to mention Natsu and Zeref look nothing alike.  That's anime logic for you, even in the same show where Mashima made Elfman, Mirajane, and Lisanna look clearly related, and don't get me started on Gray and Ur! :D

I love the airship invasion, and all the tactics and stuff Fairy Tail is busting out to repulse the Alverez Empire invasion.  Definitely gives me more RPG vibes, but it's just cool all around.

Nice combo using that cannon and Erza to take out that annoying sand guy.

Makarov thought that guy might use ice magic because of his name, now I won't be surprised if it's something totally different.

The Alverez Empire has the Wizard King on their side?!  Ishgar is fucked! :D I think he is called this not because he is a king of wizards, per se, but because he is a master of all magic. :)

Frozen time.  I thought it was super speed.  If this girl wasn't so obsessed with fucking with people she could have killed everybody by now.  I actually thought Wendy used her Third Origin there, but Shelia did an end run around her!  She's going to lose her magic. T__T At least this means this isn't Wendy's last fight!  Was nice to see Ultear again, if even briefly.

Man, that one smack from Zeref was enough to give Natsu a deadly demonic tumor.  Thanks for saving Natsu, Brandish!

This mafia guy lol.  Nooo how is he hurting our Mavis like that? D: Oh no, the real Mavis' body just started bleeding from her head and the crystal cracked! D:

Seeing Lucy naked is not torture you weirdo! :D

LOL now they're just fucking with him.

That was a lake?  I thought it was the ocean.  But, so much for him!

Natsu has no room to talk about wrecking the guild hall. :D

Destroy Mavis's ghost?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  And man, this cliffhanger is one of the most evil yet!

This guy is using memories to bring back the dead.  Not fair!  Way too hax!  Also I don't remember the pink-haired swordswoman?  I don't know how Erza is going to deal with all three of these.

Good on you saving Jellal, lady, even in spite of everything.  Erza would be jealous of that mouth to mouth though, lol.

Sabretooth and Blue Pegasus already defeated?!  Well that's disappointing!  I wanted to see what they could add to the fight.  NOW what?  And yeah I know it was done to put over the villains, and the good guys can't win all the battles, but still!


That's all I can remember to comment on for now.  x_x At least I can just post about each episode as they come out now.

Posted (edited)
On 2/16/2019 at 4:21 PM, elfie said:

... I haven't read the manga, but I fear Mard Geer will return, which means people will get traumatic Vic flashbacks, even if Funimation replaces him.

Oh god, I hope not.  I haven't read the manga either.  But, right now in the anime -


There's a guy using people's memories to make them fight dead people they once battled and/or knew in the past.  It's conceivable that Mard Geer could be "revived" in this way.

Vic will definitely be replaced, since Funi already kicked him to the curb a while ago, but what you're getting at is we're still going to remember from when Mard Geer was played by Vic anyway.  Ugh, yeah.

Edited by ben0119
23 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Oh god, I hope not.  I haven't read the manga either.  But, right now in the anime -

  Hide contents

There's a guy using people's memories to make them fight dead people they once battled and/or knew in the past.  It's conceivable that Mard Geer could be "revived" in this way.

Vic will definitely be replaced, since Funi already kicked him to the curb a while ago, but what you're getting at is we're still going to remember from when Mard Geer was played by Vic anyway.  Ugh, yeah.

So far, the guy didn't revive Mard Geer.  Fingers crossed.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/18/2019 at 6:20 PM, elfie said:


  Hide contents

So far, the guy didn't revive Mard Geer.  Fingers crossed.



He never did and he's beaten now!  Woo!



Ep 301 -


Yeah there's still almost no animation, even for moments that clearly deserve it. *SIGH*

So I guess whatever adventures Lyon may have gone on off-screen weren't very substantial.  Or at least not relevant to Ur.

Good motivation from Gray, though.

The spirits were afraid of Erza and evaporated!

Nice upgrade to that spell, Meldy.

Why does Jellal call that grand chariot?  That's clearly the Big Dipper!

How did Jellal manage to destroy a bunch of the ships except for the one they're on but also manage to take out the guy that was on the same ship as them?

I swear Jellal was scientifically engineered to appeal to fangirls.  Tragic backstory, became a villain, even though he was possessed (in one episode he says you can only allow darkness into your heart if you let it or something, but that ep was filler and not sure if he said something like that in canon before,) punishes himself anyway and makes himself a martyr, etc.

She kisses Erza to make up for giving Jellal mouth to mouth recessitation?! :D

Yes because I'm sure simply negotiating will get August to call off his attack.  You guys needed to send someone else to deal with someone who can use EVERY KIND OF MAGIC, come on.  Or at least send more people!

Irene... and is she related to Erza?

What is this... she's changing the environment?  Summoning monsters?!

Six monsters on their side.  That includes Levy. :D

Ep 302 -


Yeeeaahhh I don't think Zera would have grown up to be a drunk. :D

That may just be a ghost projection of Mavis, but still...


Brandish loves Happy lmao.

Natsu Big Head Mode Activated! :D

Lmao making Lucy flat then almost bust out of her top!  I didn't know Brandish could change the size of individual body parts. :D


Yeah of course this didn't go well, and I don't think this is a sufficient force to take down a guy that can use every magic.


Yukino slapped some sense into Sting!

Master Crybaby lmao.

Yeah Sabretooth recovered quickly lol.

Does he LOOK human to you guys?

How is he able to use all of the Tartaros Demons' abilities?

Ah hell, not good.  Levy got poisoned anyway.

Levy couldn't have proofed her skin somehow?

What business does Acnologia have here?  Well, I hope she lasts longer than God Serena! :D

Ep 303 -



Gajeel ingested the Bane Particles to be able to fight the demon.  But, does that mean he's poisoned now? 

Yup, the animation is still non-existent.  It's like the first anime all over again.

Gajeel is upset over getting a cat way after the others?  There's no requirements for Dragonslayers to have cats. :D

Aww, Gajeel wanted a future with Levy.

Okay, there has to be SOME way out of the Underworld, right?

Brandish is right that it's genocide.  But didn't Zeref say that he wanted to kill every human at the meeting with the Twelve, and they were non-plussed?

What the hell, Brandish stabbed August?!  Oh hell, Mest fucked with her memories.  Talk about unethical.  Now you've ruined any chance of negotiations.  Because somehow August survived, and he's pissed!  And when Brandish wakes up I'm sure she won't he too happy either.  Mest, you fuckin scumbag.

Irene can enchant everything?  And now she's altering the land?  But what does this mean?  What's going to happen?



Nice. Even bad guys have their values.


... honestly, I don't know why I keep following this anime every week. It tune out for half of the time since everything is just so predictable and boring. I rarely feel like I am too old for it when I watch most of the TOonami shows, but Fairy Tail DEFINITELY turned into that a long time ago.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ep 304 -


New OP.  But it doesn't have subtitles.  The credits aren't translated either.

Oh so that's what happened.  Irene cast a spell that moved people and buildings around and reshaped the land and shrunk it.  Move Acnologia far away and move Zeref near Fairy Heart.  Increase encounters between the two armies.

Gajeel got lucky that the spell just so happened to get cast right when he was about to be sucked into hell.

Not really sure how Mavis was "reset?"  She seemed very in the moment, the same as she was before she was removed from the crystal.  I'm as confused as Gajeel.  But for whatever reason, waking Mavis up has caused Zera to return and become corporeal?  Or at least visible and audible to everyone?  But how is she able to speak to everyone telepathically?

Mavis never told anyone about Zera. T__T

Eye of Sauron! :D

So I take it Irene is Erza's mother or sister or something?  They keep talking about the scarlet hair.  Was her real family ever hinted to be important before this?  Can't remember from her backstory what she might have said about them.

I would like to know where Mest is.  Seems he didn't get taken with either group.  Fucker.

Royal army wasted again lol.

Turned the princess into a mouse. :D I'm sorry but is this supposed to be a serious moment?  Especially the way mouse Hisui is drawn?

So Natsu was able to cancel the spell mostly, because it was using heat.

Natsu landed on top of Lucy. :D

Yukino and Sorino are sisters!  And wow Sorino is wearing a tiny bottom!  The outfits of the girls in this arc!

Glue and tape are those girls' powers, really?  Are we supposed to be impressed?

Uuuhhhh Mira and Lisanna are covered with "glue."

So Mirajane was able to absorb powers from the Tartaros Demons?

They were swords the whole time?!

Ah crap Irene is here.  RUN MIRA!


On 4/6/2019 at 7:57 PM, elfie said:

Nice. Even bad guys have their values.


... honestly, I don't know why I keep following this anime every week. It tune out for half of the time since everything is just so predictable and boring. I rarely feel like I am too old for it when I watch most of the TOonami shows, but Fairy Tail DEFINITELY turned into that a long time ago.

You know, the first couple of seasons had a certain magic to it. For all the predictability and lack of character development it was still a fun show and very entertaining. The main strength of Fairy Tail was they knew how to hype a fight, and the fight scenes were actually pretty good.

This final season is just kind of....  bad. The magic is gone at this point. The fights are ridiculous, the power scaling is ridiculous. The animation is almost... non existent. Their's no suspense because you know Mashima doesn't have the balls to let anyone die.

It's a big bag of meh at this point.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Nice nostalgia!

Edit: Not sure why you're confused elfie, posted this because they just suddenly finally released this and I found it cool hearing a cover of the old very first OP theme for the first time.

Edited by DangerMouse
  • Confused 1

Just saw the latest episode.... yeah this show is just crap now. It's not even anime. It's a slideshow with music. It's literally still images pretending to be animation.

12 hours ago, Daos said:

Just saw the latest episode.... yeah this show is just crap now. It's not even anime. It's a slideshow with music. It's literally still images pretending to be animation.

Welcome to A1 Pictures/Cloverworks

  • 1 month later...

So, I fell behind twice and caught up twice, but didn't get around to posting until now.

Ep 305 -



Now Mira is covered in "glue" again lul.  And why is she being burned and her clothes disintegrating like it's acid.  I don't remember the "glue" having that property before.

Blasted through the heart.  Pfft!  I don't care how strong you are, your magic couldn't pierce those titties, August! :D

Oh, Brandish healed Mira?  I guess she must realize that Mest acted on his own and isn't holding it against the other Fairy Tail members.  But she still went with the other Spriggans.

How the hell is this guy doing spells that affect the mind with ice?  Also hey Makarov was right.  He is an ice user.

Seriously, all the Spriggans that got their asses whooped are just fine now?  And they sure got here fast.  And even the ones that are dead are back because of the historia guy.  And Jellal said something about sinning one last time so I'm pretty sure he meant to kill this asshole.  But somehow he survived. 

Well, at least now we get to see what God Serena can do, even though I'm never going to be able to take him seriously with that name and hair.

Wait, Serena?  And his hair looks like Sailor Moon.  Naaaaah.

So while this battle is going on, Irene is going go to try to separate the Fairy Heart from Mavis.  I'm guessing either the process of preparing the spell or using the spell will take some time, and right when she is almost done, someone will stop her.  It sucks that Mavis is stuck as prisoner on the sidelines in all this, though.

Yukino hug her damn it!  T___T

So this is where that flash forward was from.

Another one.  Larcade?  Did we not see all 12 already?  Looks like this guy has some hax BS to him too.  He just caused those two dudes' souls to go straight to the afterlife?

I thought this girl hated Brandish.  Was it some kind of tsundere thing?  Also I don't know how the hell they're going to beat Time Bitch again.

Yay Gildarts!

Alright, since this is the final final battle.  Maybe NEXT episode the animation will be good?


Ep 306 -


Whelp, animation is still non-existent, even after entering this final portion of the arc.  How many episodes does this Final Season have and how many are left?  Is there any chance of this animation improving at ANY point at all?  Maybe for the last few episodes AT LEAST?

I spoke too soon about being able to see what God Serena could do.  The Historias aren't as strong as their real counterparts?  Because they can't be any stronger than the caster himself or because they're just weak imitations?  Seems like before their advantage was mostly psychological.  But this guy is nobody to Gildarts.  Either way, sucks we got jipped out of what could have been a great fight.

I was right.  Irene is going to be performing this spell for a while, as the battle rages on outside.

That Ice Lock spell is some bullshit.  I guess it's emulating what would happen to the mind during hypothermia??

I'm a Winter Mage.  I freeze everything.  Your Ice Make Magic is an inferior derivative.  OH SNAP!

Invel froze the whole battlefield!

So maybe we were celebrating too early about the Ice Demon Slayer Magic not having any repurcussions.  Gray is turning ton the Dark Side?!

You never told Gray that you're E.N.D.?  That was real smart, Natsu!

Brandish has taken off with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy.  This could portend good or bad things.

Ep 307 -


Oh hey, flashing back to when the show actually had animation.

When did the thing with the scarf happen?  And a body pillow?!  I feel like I would remember this!  Stuff from the manga that got cut?

They both stabbed each other at the same time?!

Of course your calculations meant nothing.

Loved seeing Invel take a beating.  Is this causing Gray to drift more to the Dark Side though?

That's fine logic there Brandish, lol.

I get lesbian vibes from the time magic girl.

So Neinhart was enhanced by Irene to be able to fight directly one on one?  It's resulted in cutting wind magic, or is that being caused just by his magic power?

Natsu knocked him good though.  And since he's beaten the dead people should be gone again too.  Hell, just kill this guy so no one else can come back!

Yeah there's no way Gray or Juvia were dying.  That flashback was sweet though.

And now Gray learns who E.N.D. really is.

Ep 308 -


Some great moves here by Lucy.

So it was all just an act?

That's a great point by Mary.  Brandish could have just made Natsu's organs explode.  Hell she could do all kinds of stuff like that to mess with people's bodies in any fight!  How would you even beat that?!

Mavis escaped! =3

Ummm Levy has MOUNTED Gajeel.  You're gonna have to wait til the battle is over for that, girl!

Zera nooooooo don't go again waahahahaaa!

Whoa I thought Zera and Mavis were going to kiss! :D

How many times has Lucy been tied up in this show?

I thought Gray had come in and taken out Mary and ran off with Natsu.  But Natsu just went demonic?  Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that something like this could happen!

Ep 309 -


So did Gray's dumbass actually buy the part of the story Invel said about Natsu being responsible for all the shitty stuff happening in his life?

This is probably the best animation, what we're seeing in this Gray and Natsu fight.  Not that that's saying much.

Yeah hurry up and get to them Lucy and Juvia.

Of course their strength has been enhanced.  Do you not see how they look like fucking monsters now, Erza?

Yeah, using Fairy Heart on THIS many enemies...


Has Erza put a stop to their madness?

By the way, it would be nice to know where everyone was in relation to each other.

Ep 310 -


Brandish can shrink wounds, but can't undo the damage.  That's kind of confusing.  Because she shrunk the tumor to nothing.  But can't shrink wounds to nothing... so... she can only shrink a wound so far, or she can shrink it away but they would still be weakened, or, it's like after you heal from an injury, you might not ever fully heal, or... x_x

Yep Erza put a stop to that nonsense. 

Not sure why Lucy appeared to be dead though?  That's what made Natsu go berzerk.

Juvia made it back to Gray.  And now both have passed out. :D

Killing people with endless pleasure?  Okay then.  And yeah, vulgar is the word for that power.

Booo at off-screening August vs. Crime Sorciere!

At least we get to see some of the fight.

Odd he didn't finish them off though.

Larcade is Zeref's son?  And his mother is Mavis?!  How?!  When?!  How is this even possible?!

Ep 311 -


Natsu's mind... well this should be a short episode. :P

Natsu's dad looked cool.  So they got killed by a dragon, huh?  Which one I wonder.

Why wasn't little Natsu wearing a shirt?

So not only did the Dragonslayers' lives with the dragons take place much earlier than we thought, but they were also hanging out together, and don't remember it?

Did I hear that right?  Wendy was the same age as Sting and Rogue, who are all younger than Natsu and Gajeel?  Then why is Wendy so much younger now?

Larcade... I'm almost starting to wonder if this guy gets some kind of sick pleasure out of all this.

A power to make you hungry?!  Really?!

Ok light/white/holy magic doesn't affect Sting, but some of these spells are still working on him.  I guess he's not immune to "human desires."

Sting chewing on Lector. :D

Yukino and Kagura chewing on each other. :D

Well, eating magic is usually a good move for Dragonslayers.  Now Sting can use Rogue's magic!

Given what's been said about Larcade in this episode, I don't think he was born by natural means.

Zeref and Larcade both need the shit slapped out of their smug-ass faces.

Shut the fuck up, Dimaria.

Smoke is emanating from Natsu's body and his body temperature is falling.  Odd.

Okay I thought it was obvious that the tumor in Natsu was demon-related.  I actually thought that Porlyusica would've known that and wouldn't have though it was... a tumor from using too much magic?  Why is that even a thing?  Wouldn't every character have this tumor then?!

So according to the Fairy Tail wikia, new episodes out on Sunday?  I thought it used to be Saturday?

Oh, I came across this while I was trying to find out when the new episode would come out.



LMAO is that really true?  I didn't put that together at all!  I thought it was just a general pleasure and not necessarily THAT kind of pleasure.  Then again Kagura did call it vulgar LOL.  Larcade you are indeed a SICKO!


On 4/21/2019 at 12:38 AM, Daos said:

You know, the first couple of seasons had a certain magic to it. For all the predictability and lack of character development it was still a fun show and very entertaining. The main strength of Fairy Tail was they knew how to hype a fight, and the fight scenes were actually pretty good.

This final season is just kind of....  bad. The magic is gone at this point. The fights are ridiculous, the power scaling is ridiculous. The animation is almost... non existent. Their's no suspense because you know Mashima doesn't have the balls to let anyone die.

It's a big bag of meh at this point.

Eh, I don't agree that it's that predictable or that there's such a lack of character development.  There's been plenty of twists and reveals that have thrown me for a loop.  Some of the characters have had a lot of growth.

I am still enjoying the characters and story. 

I don't really think this show has ever had much in the way of power scaling in the traditional sense.  Fights are often won by power of friendship, or willpower, or someone has just the right ability to counter someone else's, and there will be strategy and tactics involved.

Well I don't expect any of the main group to die in most shonens.  Other characters, sure.  Besides, happy endings aren't overrated, and the show is called FAIRY TAIL after all.

The animation though yeah... is very disappointing.  It's a real shame.  Why did this season get such a shitty studio?!

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/8/2019 at 7:38 PM, ben0119 said:

The animation though yeah... is very disappointing.  It's a real shame.  Why did this season get such a shitty studio?!

Because they wanted it to be a long-running anime, and you cannot release 52 episodes consistently each week without stretching the small budget thin.

  • 2 months later...
On 6/22/2019 at 3:04 PM, elfie said:

Because they wanted it to be a long-running anime, and you cannot release 52 episodes consistently each week without stretching the small budget thin.

That makes no sense.  The other series were much longer and didn't look like this.  The first anime had bad animation, but nothing like this glorified gif stuff.  And the second had great art and animation!  This one kept the art style of the second anime but the animation is practically nonexistent!  And the manga was ended in December of 2016.  So, they could take their time making this.


Keep writing down my episode comments in my document, but keep forgetting to post them.  Well, here's for the last slew of episodes since last time I posted.

Ep 312 -


Lucy's ancestor knitted Natsu's scarf.  It's white because dragon scales lose their color when they fall off.  Alright then.  Never mind knitting a scarf out of SCALES.

This smug bastard couldn't figure out that Rogue and Sting's powers combined could be a problem?

Oh and Kagura's power.

Good, now KILL HIM!  Larcade has no redeeming qualities and will only be a problem later if he's allowed to recover!

Yes, flashback to why it's ridiculous that Minerva was allowed to get back into anyone's good graces.

Well, it's not if Natsu beats Zeref, it's if he kills him.  Unless Zeref was lying, which would be fucking hilarious.  Well, if anyone kills Zeref or he dies, period, I imagine.  Unless it not only has to do with Natsu being strong enough, but their link to each other.

Hahaha I made a joke in my head that Lucy's boobs could save Natsu, but then Porlyusica suggested it right after that! :D

All that hax spam from Erza, and Irene just shrugging it off.


That's right, Erza, Irene is your mother's sister's niece's cousin's former roommate!

Okay so they are related.  This thick babe is Erza's mother?!  MILF ALERT!

Ep 313 -


Hahaha Lucy actually got naked and laid on top of Natsu!

Man this is like some kind of RPG backstory.

Ah now we have the rest of the blanks filled in for the Dragon war.

She invented dragonslayer magic.  Lol almost all the Dragonslayers are laid out.

Wow that escalated quickly.  And they turned on her quick!

Irene ended up turning into a dragon just like Acnologia.

Wtf sort of spell did Zeref cast on her?  And are these side effects from the spell or just from becoming a full dragonslayer?

So that's what the slash is from.  I wouldn't think you could do a C-section that way lol.

Erza is a dumpster baby?  FFS.  Well fuck you bitch!  Erza, get her!

Ep 314 -


So Natsu is going to die because his demon seed is going to merge with his dragon seed.  Surely there's some way around this?  Remove the demon seed?  But then he would probably die anyway because that is what revived him when he originally died as a child centuries ago?

I am seeing some semblances of animation in this fight, so that's nice.

Lol Irene salty that the other Dragon Slayers got their dragon seeds suppressed.

Well fuck, she wants to take over Wendy's body now.

Hahaha Wend took over Irene's body!

I suppose Irene could have inflicted a mortal wound on Wendy's body but then that would kill her too?

Taking on dragon form.  Now I know she's getting desperate.



Man, this fight is giving me chills!

Ep 315 -


Erza split the meteor, and then flew back down and slashed Irene after Wendy enchanted Erza's sword with Dragon Slaying power!  AWESOME!

Eh, Irene returns to dragon form, but no scar?  I call BS!  Or did that just defeat her dragon form?

Not much wound on Erza after being stabbed either.  Is this from shitty censorship?  Why are they censoring now?

After all that, Irene just commits suicide.  So it turned out she actually couldn't bring herself to enchant on Erza, and that's why she can't bring herself to kill her now.  I guess she was just too miserable and felt too guilty to continue on.

Why would someone's scent disappear after they died?  Or do the Dragon Slayers smell their magic aura?

So... it was all a mental thing?  Natsu just had to choose to be human and both seeds disappear?  Can't say I saw that coming! 

It look like he didn't die from losing the Demon Seed, or lose his powers from losing the Demon Seed.  I guess they are more like effects of having both powers than their source, then.  It was explained that Dragon Slayers learn their magic and then the seed grows as a result of using it, after all.

Lucy helping to keep Natsu warm hahaha.

Happy too!

The Universe One spell is reverting!

So, will everyone return to their original locations, or random locations?  And has moving around on the rearranged world affected that?  Or will they remain in the same place they are now but only the place will return to its original location?! x_x

Ep 316 -


So, it looks like some people moved and others stayed where they were.  Zeref is still in the guild hall of course.

Thanks for completely destroying the cathedral, Gildarts!

Gildarts hit August with his spell, but he is able to split into cubes and reform?!  What?!

Ajeel (why did Mashima name him so similar to Gajeel?) pussed out now that he's on the losing end.

Uhh Elfman and Lisanna are OBVIOUSLY related!  Your grandpa doesn't even look human, Ajeel!

Yeah Mira would've been able to see your foot prints dude.

Brandish is leaving... and that's why she won't see Lucy again.  August is going to kill everybody!

Cana is here to help her dad!


Gray doesn't know that he could kill Zeref without Natsu dying now!

A version of the spell that completely erases Gray's existence?! 

Hurry up Natsu!

Ep 317 -


Love this epic OST.

How many times has Gray tried to cast Ice Shell and had to be stopped now?

I would say neither of you were in your right mind when that battle happened, Natsu and Gray.

Natsu could have just told Zeref about how he got rid for the Dragon and Demon Seeds.

Tell Zeref to take it outside or yet another guild hall will be wrecked?

Acnologia, of course.

Oh, please leave Erza and Wendy alone!  Oh, he's just come to... desecrate Irene's corpse?!  What the hell?!

So Zeref is doing all this to save humanity from Acnologia?  Didn't he say earlier that he wants to wipe out humanity?  He said it at the meeting of the Twelve where everyone could clearly hear, unless I'm remembering something wrong.  But apparently he told a plan to Gray that even The Twelve don't know??  What the fuck does Zeref actually want to do?!

August can't have mastered every spell because some are secret and unique to their inventor.  But I guess Fairy Glitter wasn't strong enough to do anything to him.  Maybe from someone with more magic power?

August doesn't understand love between parent and child?  But I thought Brandish was like his granddaughter??

Ep 318 -


HOLY SHIT, SOME ANIMATION!  In this fight with August at least.

Gray just sitting on a bench watching the fight lol.

I like Gildarts' new automail arm.

We're all sick of Zeref's nonsense, Natsu.

Mavis wants to meet up with Lucy, Gray, and Happy?

So is Zeref more evil for having not only kissed but fucked Mavis who is stuck with a 13 year old's body?

Even if Mavis just "looks" 13, she still has a physically small body.  I don't think she would be able to carry a baby to term and have it.  And wasn't it said that she won't grow any more?  Doesn't that include, well, everything?  Including the baby making parts?

So wait, how was the baby born from Mavis if she's stuck in the crystal?

The baby was able to survive by himself in the forest?!

Larcade was just a demon from the book of Zeref?  Who just so happened to have platinum blonde hair?

I was wondering why August was dodging those card spells after he was hit with Gildarts magic and just turned into cubes and reformed, and tanked the Fairy Glitter.  He copies magic!  So he hasn't really mastered every spell... well, he has, but not by learning it himself the old fashioned way!  You're a big fat phony August!

He can't do anything about automail attack either. :)

Whaaaaa?!  August is Zeref's son, not Larcade?!  Well, if he was born that long ago, and not being immortal, he'd be really old by now.  But why didn't he tell Zeref he was his son?

Ep 319 -


Why didn't Natsu stop Zeref from killing Larcade?

August still isn't down?!

Still don't know why August didn't just tell Zeref he was his son.

He recognizes Mavis?  I guess August remembers everything from birth like Ray. >_>

So he saw Mavis and stopped the spell.  August died unfulfilled.  It's sad that neither of his parents will ever know about him.

But Natsu should be okay if he beats Zeref since the Dragon and Demon Seeds are gone?  He still needs Power of
Friendship to save him??

Lmao what the hell are you planning from watching that, Mavis?

Fuck provoking Acnologia.  Let him defile that corpse all he wants!

Acnologia is "all sorcery," no magic type and every magic type, and invulnerable to all magic, and somehow even stronger than his last appearance after he lost an arm?!  Sure, make him even more hax lol.  How the hell is he going to be beaten?!

Blue Pegasus to the rescue.  Who is that... probably not Edolas Lucy.  Hmm.

Using the Eclipse??

Ep 320 -


Nice to see they actually carry conventional weaponry.  Of course those bullets did nothing anyway.  I am having flashbacks to Skies of Arcadia airship battles though. :)

Ah, so Lucy's ancestor, Anna, had more of a role than I thought.  She taught language and culture to the children and was going to be their teacher and caregiver in the future, but they went off course, and when she found them, she decided to leave them alone?  Maybe Anna saw they were already happy with their current lives.

So messing around with time had some repurcussions.  A time rift has been created.  But are they really going to beat Acnologia by tricking him into flying into a time rift?  He won't be beaten by anyone in a fight?  I find that hard to believe.  Then again he's immensely powerful and immune to magic, and has been treated almost like a natural disaster up until now.

LOL Zeref over powered Natsu?  Ok lol.  It seemed like the fight was even for a while, but now Zeref is winning and has Natsu trapped.

So Zeref's plan all along was to reset time to before he became immortal and
make things right, to have a "happy ending."  Of course if that happens the current world will be undone.  Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers won't grow up with everyone they've known in this current time and some characters may never even be born due to how much events would be changed.  So, this plan can't be allowed to go forward.

If Zeref really wanted to die he would just lie there and take it.  But apparently he likes fighting too. *sigh*

I thought Natsu wouldn't die if he killed Zeref now, because the Demon Seed and Dragon Seed are gone.  So what is this about saving Natsu with the power of friendship?  And what would opening the book do?

Poor Lucy.
Eh, so Layla actually died from opening the Eclipse gate and not from vague anime-itis disease?  Or was she already sick and the gate weakened her to where she died even faster?

Ep 321 -


Wait so Acnologia didn't avoid the time rift?  He flew right through it?!

Of course Zeref found the time rift.  He's had nothing but time.  LOL he can just open and close it at will?  And closed it and that's why Acnologia wasn't affected?  I would think even if it was closing it would still do something, since it isn't completely closed.  Whatever.

They need Levy to read all this script.  If she even could.

Acnologia has the motion sickness weakness too LOL.

Jellal is going to buy time?  Don't tell me he's going to go out in a blaze of glory.

Mavis really?!  Interrupting this fight?!

And of course she didn't stand in between the two, but close enough that Zeref could grab her.  For being a supposed brilliant tactician, you sure did some stupid shit here, Mavis.

And now Zeref has the Fairy Heart and is even stronger!  Perfect!

Ep 322 -


Woo, all the Twelve have finally been defeated!

Before he took on the Fairy Heart, Zeref was looking a bit like Kirito with that outfit.  Emperor Spriggan, eh? :D

But in the white form, now he has fairy wings! :D

Jellal going to make a heroic sacrifice and go out in a blaze of glory?!  NOOOOO!

So, not Acnologia wants to wipe out all of humanity, but first he wants to kill all the Dragonslayers.  But now he wants to destroy "all?"  Does he mean the entire planet?!  Does he have that kind of power?!

So, did Natsu actually kill Zeref, but he somehow brought himself back after he died??  Or he used that ability to split into light particles and reform?  He said all of space and time belongs to him.  But how can he undo the results of Natsu's attack if he himself was destroyed by it?  But he should also be strong enough to just tank the blast in this form anyway?

So rewriting the script heals Natsu.  Damaging the book hurt him.  So makes sense.  But now Lucy is infected with Darkness!  GET LEVY!

Lol, linking the rift with guild hall door, purely for symbolic trolling.  But I thought he needed the Eclipse gate too?  Or was he saying this is just based on the principle of the Eclipse gate?

Ep 323 -


But I still thought getting rid of the Demon Seed got rid of the Natsu demon issue.

So it's not Darkness, but fire.  But wait it's Darkness too.  But Gray can cool Lucy off at least. :)

So Anna is going to take care of Acnologia.

I was going to say, send Ichiya, lol.  No one will care if he dies.  But, why am I feeling emotional right now?

The Host Club's airship destroyed.

Natsu lit his spirit on fire?  And the fire of emotion?  Won't this kill him though?  Well, leave him without the use of his arm, at least.  I guess THAT part of his soul was destroyed, kind of like when Sarutobi took Orochimaru's arms.

Kick this emo edgelord's ass, Natsu!

Zeref is actually taking damage?  Or just dirt?  Nope, Natsu is actually hurting Zeref!  Not only blasted his shirt, but sent him flying!  And Zeref has lost the Fairy Heart power.  Natsu burned his magic.  And he can't move?  Is this asshole finally going to die?

Natsu walking towards door rift?  What's going to happen from that?  Hmm looks like no time shenanigans happened from the preview.

I think we must finally be getting close to the end of the story now.

Ep 324 -


Mavis, you still love this bastard?  Even though you say you can't forgive him?  You're hopeless.

Did Mavis' brain stay the same as a 13 year old's too?

I don't know if you loved anyone either, Zeref.  You said you wanted to save the world and relive your life, but it seems like you did everything for selfish reasons.

The Power or Love kills Zeref!  Well, whatever it takes!  He's dead now!  Power of Love trumps immortality!

Eh, was that Zera's voice just now?

Uuuhhhh pretty sure Zeref doesn't deserve to go to Heaven, if that's what you're implying, show!

I don't like losing Mavis, but she was a ghost before this (we all thought she was dead and this was a ghost ghost,) we later learned she was immortal and that that was her projection.  So really she should have been dead a long time ago.  It's like Kikyo, except Mavis acted stupid instead of like a cunt.  Well, Kikyo did some pretty stupid stuff too I guess.  Actually Kikyo was dead, so nevermind.  But the point is, both of their times on the world had passed.

Makarov is still alive?!  REALLY?!  Did he somehow just not die in the first place, or was he brought back to life by Mavis and Zeref dying...somehow?  At the very least he seemed to have seen them crossing over into death somehow.

Why didn't Lucy go give Natsu a big hug too?

For the umpteenth time I thought getting rid of the Demon Seed would stop Natsu from disappearing!  Or was that just to stop him from turning into that demon form again?

Hmm, I'm going to guess that Natsu got sucked into the time rift because reasons, and didn't actually disappear from Zeref dying.  And Acnologia didn't get wiped from existence by the time rift, and Natsu is going to have to fight him.  But Acnologia is still immune to all magic. =P Maybe he can be beaten into submission?

Okay yeah the preview pretty much confirms this.  But it looks like the other Dragonslayers will be transported too.


  • 2 weeks later...

Ep 325 -


Of course Acnologia isn't dead. And he ATE the time rift?

So having space-time magic means Acnologia can call down random Flare blasts all over the place?

Ok so it actually split his body and spirit and fucked him up to some extent, but he's still dangerous.

And even with all this, Acnologia still is missing his arm lmao.

Of course Ichiya and Anna aren't dead. Not even anyone as expendable as them.

Erza SWIMMING to Magnolia.

Oh hi Mest. We didn't forget the shit you pulled.

Sure would be nice if Brandish was here to shrink Acnologia and step on him, or at least grow huge and fight him!

Pulled inside to stabilise. But not so fast! It's a Dragon Slayer dream team! They broke out of their crystals!

Ep 326 -


A hint of Acnologia's backstory, huh? So, the Dragon war and how Acnologia came to be is not exactly what we thought, it seems. This guy has an unnatural grayish-black skin color. I thought that was because of Acnologia going full dragon. But apparently that was how he looked as a human too? And the original Acnologia was a kind guardian? But then he betrays the humans? I am betting there was some sort of control or possession spell involved. Also makes me wonder why Acnologia would take the name of that dragon, and then decide to destroy everything.

I still think it's weird that this show had TWO big bads, though.

Fairy Sphere. Wasn't it called something else before? And how do they trap Acnologia in there without being stuck in there along with him?

You guys really should have your spell books organized better!

Awesome OST in this episode.

Man, I really hoped that they would up the animation more here. And if you're going to use animation short cuts, at least make it less confusing! I couldn't even tell what was going on with some of those exchanges with Acnologia!

I need to watch or read a recap on Cobra's character or something. But the only problem is finding one without final arc spoilers!

Yeah everyone being a wizard is an issue when the enemy is immune to magic. It's a good thing Erza uses physical weapons! I hope they aren't considered magic! I think some have magical abilities but others are just regular weapons, just summoned by her requipping ability?

Need a screen shot of Erza there when Acnologia attacks.

Destroyed his weakness on instinct? But he laughed. Maybe he's not as mindless as you guys think?



Ep 327 -


Making a ship out of ice. Great idea! But ice sails will never catch wind will they? Well, not much. Ah, have Juvia manipulate the water!


Oh yeah, this is where it all started.

A clever plan indeed.

Meldy connected everyone together and made a magic Spirit Bomb of Friendship! :)

T___T Everyone helping. So many familiar faces. Good to see Brandish contributing.

Okay there's no way Acnologia is still mindless. He's reacting to what's going on. But the Acnologia inside the time rift has gone completely berserk, so maybe there is a correlation there?

So because Acnologia lost everything to dragons, he hates all dragons. He's racist!

I still want to know why his dragon turned on him though. I think some sort of control or possession shenanigans must have been at play.

Yay, some semblance of animation in this fight!

Since he is immune to magic, Acnologia would have to be beaten to death with physical force, or use a weapon enchanted with Dragon Slayer effect. Maybe have Gajeel make his arm into a sword and have Wendy enchant it?

Instead they are giving their power to Natsu. So... is seven of those powers enough to be equivalent to all/no magic type?


On 9/5/2019 at 9:27 AM, elfie said:

Fairy Tail is getting its own JRPG. The news broke today with a teaser.


I'll have to look into this more when I get the chance, later.  But, Fairy Tail is already pretty much a JRPG in anime form. :) Rave Master was too, as far as that goes.  If they put good effort into it, it could be awesome!

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

I'll have to look into this more when I get the chance, later.  But, Fairy Tail is already pretty much a JRPG in anime form. :) Rave Master was too, as far as that goes.  If they put good effort into it, it could be awesome!

Somewhere in Season 2 I was like "man this has all the elements of an RPG that actually may be promising. .... with better writing that the players can probably fulfill. :P "  I mean Mashima was basically just making his own Marvel universe.

Edited by elfie
  • Thanks 1

Ep 328 -


So the Fairy Sphere froze Acnologia in the Time Rift, too? Cool.

Now Natsu's scarf is transforming?

Acnologia wanted to destroy everything... so he could have everything? And now he says Natsu is worthy of being king? Well, doesn't matter, he's dead now, finally!

Natsu is on top of Lucy!

First OP is playing! :)

Lucy given an award for best writer with a character based on herself. Erza was such a shitty writer that she got chased by villagers with pitch forks! Is one or both referring to Mashima himself? :D


So who is the purple hair girl who is with Erik again?

Lul is Mashima trolling the shippers with these Laxus rumors? :D

Okay that was subtle not so subtle confirmation that Laxus and Fried are a thing.

BABY?! Well, Gajeel is a pretty tall dude. And it would make sense that his hard as steel magnetic south pole is proportionate in size! And Levy is so petite too! Whoop, gotta finish this post before I open THAT tab!

Wendy LOL. And does she STILL not look older? She's as getting to be as bad a case as Silica!

Since when can kings retire? And yay pardons!

That means Jellal can stop with his brooding atonement quest LOL.

Erza's hair wasn't combed this whole time? LOL.

Gray kept his scars to look cool, Juvia. But your body... OH MY.

Elfman and Evergreen was already obvious.

So that girl's magic was able to recover after all?

Reincarnations of Mavis and Zeref? But the Mavis and Zeref would have still been alive when these two were alive? I mean I guess they lived unnaturally long lives, but...

Yes Ichiya is clearly the most handsome man of all... >__>

Man this is an ep I really need the dub for with all this quick dialogue and people talking over each other and not being able to recognize everyone's voices. Was all of that narration Lucy, or was some of it Zera at the end? And the Laxus rumors were random girls?

But where is Brandish? T___T

Aquarius was left to rot I guess LOL.

Fairy Zera! :)

So, Natsu and Lucy didn't get together? Or did they? Natsu grabbed Lucy and said he had something to say to her, then said nevermind. Then said it doesn't matter because they will be together forever. But that doesn't necessarily mean as a couple. Damn it Mashima!

At the end of Rave Master,


Haru and Elie had a wedding with fucking shojo bubbles!


100 year quest... so it's NOT over? So... there is actually a Fairy Tail manga called 100 Year Quest currently being released. How is Mashima working on two mangas at the same time? Well, it says he releases it every other week, with the help of others, but still. But, the main story clearly ended but it's still going?? Anybody know if this manga is good?

Well, it is the end of an era. I made a dumb mistake by not jumping on Fairy Tail as soon as I could, in the vain hope Toonami might finally air it. Lesson learned. But I'm glad I was at least able to watch and discuss most of Final Season live. I loved the show and think the last arc and ending was pretty good, despite some issues I have with it, and some truly unfortunate animation. Don't know if I can say I like it more than Rave Master, but I love both for Mashima's trademark charm and style and how fun, adventurous, heartwarming, and uplifting everything is. It doesn't hurt that Mashima is pretty damn good with representation, and the utilization of the women, too. I definitely put Fairy Tail as one of my all time favorite series.

That said, there is still a decent chunk of Fairy Tail to chow down on! I can watch the OVAs and movies now. And there is the new video game coming out, and 100 Year Quest!


Whuelp its finally over. Except it's not finally over because the ending hooks right into a new arc, because Marketing and Money.

I would want to watch this under better circumstances, but I am on a trip WITH a cold, and do not feel well.

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