ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Fairy Tail Anime Discussion I noticed that the anime is currently on break right now, so I suppose this won't be usable for weekly discussion at the moment, but at the very least, it will be up for when the anime does come back. I just started watching the series, so I wanted to have a place to talk about it, as there doesn't seem to be a general anime discussion thread of sorts or anything like that, and the What Are You Watching Thread is mainly just used as a log with little actual discussion. So, I'll just be watching through the show at my own pace and posting my thoughts here as I progress through it. Anybody else is welcome to talk about old episodes or the show in general, and as I said, the thread can be used for weekly discussion when the anime returns. Seems kind of silly for me to ask people to mark spoilers, since there's no TV airing and most people will be current, and not having to do that is one of the reasons I made a dedicated thread. Marking spoilers for multi-paragraph posts is a pain. I wouldn't mind if you give a heads up if you want to discuss some spoilery content, though, and I can just scroll past those posts until I'm caught up. Can't really think of any rules that need to be given besides the general board rules, which everyone already knows. Without further ado... Quote
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Giving the population of the country doesn't seem very medieval/fantasy. So, the first OP is alright. You will die from diabetes from the ED, though. I wonder if all these people in the OP are actually important. This show looks very digital. It looks very flat. It kinda' doesn't look all that great. D: Hopefully the show's visuals will improve as it goes along. I like Lucy. She's fun, sweet, and cute. I suppose she is the main character. Or at least, the story is being told from her point of view, like Kagome. She's the greenhorn Wizard and as Lucy learns more about the world, so does the audience. Lucy is a summoner, basically, so that's pretty cool. Plue was introduced. Summoned from another dimension? Well played, Mashima. And he still doesn't look like a dog! I always thought he was kind of creepy and cute at the same time. Natsu's fire magic is pretty cool. I like how he can eat the flames and also uses flaming strikes instead of just breathing fire and throwing fireballs. Natsu is a s***ky little shit. I like him. His stunt stealing the S Class quest was an example of that. Natsu's fire-based one-liners and catchphrases are cheesy but they have their charm. His backstory of being raised by a dragon is a little like Ryu's from Breath of Fire II, so I appreciated that. Not sure if it was a reference or not and I'm sure that's been done before but I just always liked that. The Magic Council is pretty cool. Running the world atop that magic circle. That one guy looks like Sieg Hart. Evil? I'm not so sure. The Council is like the Dean from an 80s movie getting mad at those troublemaking Fairy Tail hooligans, hahaha. I actually like the world that's been created here in general, with the Council, guilds, and all the magic powered devices, like the car and the pen. It's pretty creative. Erza? I thought it was Ezra this whole time. Have I really been reading it wrong this entire time? She's a right badass. I like her. Her requip magic is pretty creative. Of course her alternate outfits put her in scantily clad rpg female battle armor, haha. That first one though. Her boobs aren't even that big, come on! See, in another anime, Erza would mash people against her boobs to console them, resulting in a fan service moment that freaks out the character, but she's wearing armor, so it hurts them. That's funny! Eh, is Erza really Queen of the Fairies? Or wait, is that some kind of title? Tatiana Erza... Erza Scarlett. Natsu is called Salamander. Gray has a boring character design. Most of the other characters look cool, though. He hasn't seemed that interesting so far, but I'm liking his backstory we're getting in this Cursed Island Arc. Surely something less Engrishy than Ice Make could've been come up with? Hell, ice users often form their ice into shapes. Not sure why that needs to be specified or considered a different type of magic. His necklace looks just like the Rave Stone. Not sure what the story is there. Unsure if intentional but one of the notes on the bulletin board has what looks just like the Moon and Death Academy from Soul Eater. Could be a shoutout! Mirajane seems nice, and she's cute. Her hair is weird, though. And I hope she does more than serve drinks. The show has some stock animation sequences a la Sailor Moon and Digimon. That's fine for transformations but I hope it doesn't continue for attacks. This series definitely has Mashima's odd sense of humor, as exemplified by the ugly maids, haha. Daybreak = Dear Kaby was pretty well done. Mashima does emotional stuff like that well and it reminded me of something that might happen in Rave Master. Of course, kinda cheating on the anagram since he made up a nonsense name to make it work, heh. I thought the "wow" thing was just for cheesecake and fan service moments and whenever one of the guys was stripped down (why does Gray do that by the way?), but it's also been used for random comedy moments. I guess Mashima is having way too much fun with that sound effect, heh. Unsure what true use the clock man has but the joke where Lucy sits inside it and he repeats what she says and describes her tone, like in a book, is hilarious. Was pretty great when Natsu was doing the same thing back, heh. Most of Lucy's summons, like the crab man and cow man, seem pretty lame. I assume she'll get better ones as she goes along. Virgo at least seems to be a good start and the mermaid was powerful, though only useful in aquatic situations. Plue had some power in Rave Master, so we'll see if that carries through here. Happy is an asshole! He seems to have it out for Lucy, too! >=[ That cat needs to learn some respect! And man, if you thought Chopper had a cutesy voice, Happy takes the cake! What is that noise Happy keeps making? Any explanation as to what he is? He can talk and grow wings. Guess this world is just full of mystical creatures. Unsure why the show is called Fairy Tail, aside from what we see in the OP. Do fairies have tails in this world and will any ever appear? Obviously it's the name of the guild and a play on Fairy Tale, this show being in the fantasy genre, but the guild has to have a namesake, right? Not sure about Todd Haberkorn playing Natsu. He has a very distinctive voice and it can get annoying. Not the voice I would've imagined for Natsu. We'll see how it goes. I love Cherami Leigh as Lucy, though. She surprised me with her range when Lucy was trying to decide how to introduce herself to Fairy Tail. Lucy in general seems to be a more colorful character than Asuna so I'm sure she'll get to show off more in this role. I'm looking forward to it. The other VAs I don't have any issues with. I like these previews or whatever they are with the cute Final Fantasy-style versions of the characters. Why do Gray and Natsu always fight? I suppose they just have clashing personalities. Oh, aww, they're tsundere for each other. I loved how they were fighting and would stop as soon as Erza glanced at them, haha. Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Okay, so that's what the deal is with Dark Guilds. They're outside of the official guild structure and don't follow the law. The army will confront them as will Legal Guilds. They aren't arrested because this seems to be less of a law and order issue and more of a war situation, given what the Council talked about with tons of Dark Guilds popping up. Well it makes sense that Eisenwald would be angry at the Guild Masters and want to take them out. So it wasn't just mass slaughter for the sake of being evil, then. Why don't they take turns driving the magicmobile? Okay this Kage guy has to be a reference to Shikamaru. He has the same power and similar appearance. Doesn't seem to have the same personality though. I did like how a henchman was the last one standing instead of the boss, though, and I liked how he had a change of heart, which I wasn't sure was going to happen after he turned on them the first time. Characters have magic energy that they have to recharge, just like MP, heh. Didn't expect the Virgo character to come back. The sarcastic use of the cheesecake "wow" for ugly Virgo was funny. But she can change appearance to look nice! Yay. I do enjoy how she treats Lucy, haha. Using her to dig under the wind barrier was a clever solution to that problem. But what is the deal with Virgo's eyes? "Fairy Tail flies" is not a good insult! I thought wind would just make fire stronger? I suppose it would smother it if it was too much wind. I did like the scientific and logical explanation for Natsu's fire drawing away Eragor's wind. He never really used that scythe though. Then again Natsu never really gave him a chance. Is Makarov a dwarf? Why is he so short? He seems to have some sort of giant magic, able to grow his body or parts of it to giant size. Was kinda surprised most of the other Guild Masters didn't have very cool designs. They didn't try to help fight, either. Thought they would be old wise badasses, but I guess not. At least Makarov knew what the flute was. I'm sure our resident activist went into convulsions over Bob. But, at least he's a flamboyant pervy bi guy instead of just being gay? That's different, right? Why does the Lullaby have a cute girl's voice interlaced with a man's voice and the monster effect? It's not often that there are repercussions for destruction caused by anime heroes. So that was a nice bit of unexpected realism, even if it was just a show trial. Natsu showing up as "Erza" was funny, too. We're already seeing signs of corruption in the government, as well. That Natsu vs. Erza fight was a total tease, though. Hope we see more. Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) What is this thing with Natsu telling us to keep the light on and not sit too close? I agree with the latter but f**k the light, it's too bright. That some psa safety thing for kids or what? Weird. This show changes themes fast! We get rid of the diabeetus ED but now we have a new cutesy OP! Why do they give this show such cutesy themes? Wait, did this same group do one of the Rave Master OPs? The new ED is pretty decent. Nice and chill. Mystogan and that other S Class dude are assholes! They're hardly ever around and don't seem to want much to with the other members. And when they are around they act like jerks. Why does Makarov let them be part of the guild? I thought everyone in the guild was supposed to be friends or at least be amicable towards each other. Kinda weird how Mystogan doesn't want to show his face, either. I like how the narrator feels the need to unnecessarily explain and call attention to so many things. "The dreaded keep out sign." ;D I love this harp playing summon. And her VA can sing! Hmm, this is another good emotional moment with the song and Gray thinking back to his past. So, Lucy's melee weapon is a whip. Nice. Wait, Colleen Clinkenbeard plays Erza?! She doesn't sound anything like her other voices! Will a magic-powered motorboat really suffice to get them to the island? A ghost? Well, it's no more fantastical than anything else in this world. Eyebrow Man tries to look cool with his hair, outfit, stances, and how he uses his powers, but the eyebrows ruin it. ;D I thought the ways Natsu used his powers against Eyebrow Man and Lyon were pretty clever and creative, such as forcing his way part-way inside the barrier and using his flame magic outside it to propel his punch, and using his flames to dodge in midair. Hahaha Natsu made Dog Boy paralyze himself. Also think it's really funny how he's a dog but he has hair and an overly-humanoid body. That loss to Lyon was rough. Good fight, though. Poor Gray. Why would you use static Ice Make when Active Ice Make Magic is available? Or is it that you have to master one before being able to use the other and Gray hasn't gotten that far yet? Lucy beat Love Girl in a legit, hard-won fight. Good for her! I'm sure she'll be up there with the others in no time. Is Aquarius ever cooperative, though? Heh, some good ole stereotypical pirates. Erza got them to take her to the island. There's some random weird creepy creatures that appear like easter eggs, at times. One was in the water behind the boatman. I thought Ur was also Gray's mother, since they look very alike. I suppose she was like a mother. Like that backstory though. So that's why he strips. It was originally to get in touch with the cold, but now he just unconsciously does it out of habit. ;D Gray has definitely had it rough. Explains why he's so broody. Lyon wants to revive a giant deadly demon capable of destroying cities just so he can kill it and say he surpassed Ur. Dude definitely lost it and did not take Ur's death well. Lyon looks like Toshiro with that hair, but not in the face. He's got weird reptile eyes. I would've thought Zalty leveled out the temple by melting the pillars on the other side. Thought he had some acid melting power, not time magic. He must have advanced the age of the stone to make Natsu fall, then. So one-handed Ice Make Magic really is unbalanced, like Ur said. What is the advantage of using just one hand anyway? It's not like Lyon was using a weapon with his free hand. Was he just trying to show off? Ur turned her body into the ice, but I'm not really sure that counts as being "alive". I know the show was just trying to say she's still around in spirit and memory, but still, ice = not alive. I've always liked Mashima's style and the concepts he comes up with. I just like the feel of his series. Melting unmeltable ice with "Moon Drip" from moonlight that then ends up causing demons to lose their memory (like that twist, by the way) by creating a toxic shell over the island is pretty creative and original. Does Erza really care more about the rules than these poor villagers? Betrayed Makarov, really? Heh, it's the first armor that gave Erza more coverage! ;D The Moon was destroyed! Not quite... So, these may be demons and creatures of Darkness, but they aren't necessarily evil. I like that interpretation. Pretty sure that's not the kind of attention Gray wants, though, haha. If there are really only 12 Zodiac Keys then how did Lucy already get 5 of them? Does nobody else give a shit about these things? Also for one of a kind summons most of them are pretty lame and weak. Is an apology really enough to smooth all this over? They tried to kill the villagers and the Fairy Tail wizards! Lyon is thinking about joining a guild. Eh? Zalty was really that girl from the Council? And she's Ur's daughter, alive! What's this? Signs of a larger story, and a conspiracy within the government. Okay, I take it back, Siegrain is evil as fuck. What is the punishment?! Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Alright, just finished the Phantom Lord Arc and the Loke mini-arc. Aw, Lisanna and Natsu are adorable together! Puppy love! But I have a feeling something horrible happened to Lisanna. She's just too precious to live. I wouldn't be surprised if Happy started off as a dragon, but the explanation is the guy just painted him that way, heh. Sure, he made everyone happy when he was born, but he's a snarky little ass now! Gajeel reminds me of Kenpachi. Kenpachi just wants to have a good fight, though. Gajeel is a sadistic jerk. I'm surprised that the guild hall would be destroyed this early on in the series. Shaking things up early! And I thought the guild was bristling with cannons in the OP, not skewered by steel pillars! ;D Okay, so we don't exactly know Levy much less her two fanboys very well, so I'm not sure of the choice to use them as victims, but on the other hand we know the other characters care about them and are affected, so I suppose it still works to a certain extent. Point is, Phantom Lord crossed a line! Okay, I can't understand a lot of what that French guy is saying. Unsure what his mind powers have to do with being the element of Earth, either, but I suppose that's part of the "soul" thing. Man, this guy is a bastard, though. We're learning more about Elfman, and getting his backstory. Development for him, it's appreciated. So that's what happened. His magic involves having monsters take over his body to use their attributes in battle, and when he attempted a full body take over, he lost control and killed Lisanna. "As you are now?" "A former S Class Wizard?" What happened to Mirajane? We may not have seen everything, but I don't think her issue stems from the Lisanna incident, unless it's a mental/emotional thing stopping her from fighting at full power. Makarov is looking pretty badass. Guess that is his Saint outfit. Makarov taken out by a cheap shot, and had his magical energy drained. Not cool. I think that's the first time I've ever seen someone kidnapped and rescued so fast! You don't see that very often. So instead of a rescue arc, this will be Fairy Tail trying to protect Lucy and prevent her from getting captured again. Whoa... the guild is walking! This is crazy! And that cannon! Holy hell, Erza managed to block the blast! But... she's down and out. Wait, is that guy so fat really just so he can use his own body as a canvas? o_O Anyway, painting magic, that's cool. We've got some other creative powers, here, too. Magic bullets! Awesome! It's not your fault Lucy. Don't cry. T__T Eh? This guy can control other people's bodies? No, he has control over the element of fire. Natsu got really unlucky today. Wait, how did Natsu stop him from controlling the fire? I can see how he tricked him into thinking he was going to hit the glass power core thingy instead of him, but how did he block his control before that? Anyway, yay, cannon destroyed! Aria... the strongest member, and he's beating Natsu. Not good. Natsu is about to have his magic energy drained! Erza! She's back up! And she beat him in one hit! Don't mess with her! Well, now Natsu can move on to the next enemy. Still impressed that Erza was able to do that in the state she's in, though. Stop beating up Lucy you sadistic freak! Eh a giant steampunk robot?! No, this is more of a magically empowered golem that happens to look like a transforming robot. This is still pretty cool, though. Nooo a giant magic circle of death! Jose looks better without his hat and wings, or whatever those were. He's a bastard, though. And I don't for a second believe this is just about doing a job for Lucy's asshole dad, or their guild's ranking. There's something personal about this with Makarov. But what? Wait, so I get how Natsu is a Dragonslayer, but how is Gajeel a Dragonslayer? Natsu eats fire and uses it to fight, which is obviously what we think of with dragons, but steel? Oh, I see, so there's different types of dragons in this world. Gajeel learned from an Iron Dragon. Oh? Those piercings are actually supposed to be rivets? Clever. And I see with Gajeel, Loke, and others, that Mashima still likes drawing characters with piercings. There were lots of them in Rave Master. Breath attack! Just like Breath of Fire. Hmm, more effort was put into this Natsu vs. Gajeel fight than probably anything else so far, but the animation is still really bad. Who the hell animated this show anyway? Why didn't Lucy make a contract with Sagittarius before this? Man, this guy is lame, too, though. He's wearing a horse costume. x_x And he can't shoot fire. Does he have any fire arrows? =3 No to that, to, but he can start fires with his arrows! I'm guessing there was fuel in that area he shot. Natsu is all fired up! Getting motivation from the destruction of the guild and making a comeback, too. Ah, so that's why it's called Fairy Tail. Gajeel is defeated! Water vs. Ice. Only time I have seen this matchup outside of Bleach. How can her body be made out of water, though? Eh, what the hell is this girl's deal? She's gloomy, but, also... we've got a bit of a female Miroku/Sanji on our hands? ;D This girl is crazy! Instead of trying to hit her with ice, he needs to try to freeze her. Just like that! Rofl it wasn't on purpose! Hahaha "blush". <3 Oh, that's why she's so gloomy. Eh? The sky has cleared? The first time Juvia has ever been happy! That was a quick but good fight. I have to give this show credit for not having the fights drag on forever. "Wanna go at it?" ;D What else could that mean?! But anyway, I love Juvia already. She's hilarious. Why does Jose hate Makarov so much? What went down between them in their past? An early recovery for Makarov. He's heading to the battlefield? That light... it would seem that in addition to his Giant Magic, Makarov is a Light/Holy Magic user. He's got some White Mage skills, too! alt text He healed Erza's injuries and armor! Finally those stupid shadow things are killed! Fairy Law! Equally matched, huh? Doesn't look that way, Jose. Hm, both their dragons disappeared on the same day. The mystery deepens. Jose was stripped of his Saint title and Phantom Lord was disbanded. I'm kind of surprised nobody got thrown in jail, though. I don't think Jose is going to be causing any trouble any time soon, though. Good to hear Fairy Tail was found innocent since they weren't the aggressors. We've also learned that there are bad guilds that aren't Dark Guilds. If they can do some evil shit without breaking the law, or at least not getting caught, they will. Lucy just left to say goodbye to her father for good. So much for your business' growth and your heir, asshole! Aww, even Happy missed Lucy. He should still tease her less, though. >=[ Her mother is dead. So that's why she never sent the letters, and why she internally monologued "mom" while looking at that case. Anyway I'm glad that Lucy knows she shouldn't blame herself for the situation, since Phantom Lord would've used any excuse to attack Fairy Tail, and knows how much a member of the family she is. Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Laxus is a fucking asshole! Why is he a member of Fairy Tail again? Oh, he's Makarov's grandson? That doesn't mean you can't still kick him out! Mystogan is... not an asshole? I'm surprised. He defeated all the Phantom Lord branches and got back Makarov's magical power. Seems he has some control over the elements himself. I can see why that old lady hates people. Erza realizes their a team finally, haha. The Strongest Team! But how strong is Lucy? Either way, while she might be weaker, or at least seems that she is, the other members don't fault her for that and appreciate her being on the team. So that's nice. I have a feeling Lucy is going to progress quite a bit, though. Lol, Juvia is still hanging around, and sent Gray a gross lunch. Hmm, this play is surprisingly mostly canon. I guess Mashima wanted some levity after the heaviness of the Phantom Lord Arc. Loke looks kind of like Ichigo. Haha, without the glasses and the different hairstyle, he looks like a totally different character! ;D Hairstyle really does make the character. We've been over before that the reason anime characters have such wacky, different hairstyles and hair colors is to make it easier to tell them apart. This definitely proves that. Oh, and all this time I thought Loke just had a bad relationship or two with Celestial Wizards. Had no idea he was a Spirit with an abusive master! That explains a lot! And that's why he's disappearing! Lul, all those girls are mad that Loke presumably dumped them for Lucy, but not that Loke was dating them all at the same time. ;D Pillow fights? These three are a bunch of big kids! Okay, obviously Loke didn't want Karen to die, but who is really crying when an abusive parent or ex or something dies? Not sure on that reaction. And it's obvious she got herself killed on purpose to make Loke feel guilty. Karen was a psycho. Ares is cute. I hope we see more of her some day. Wow, Lucy got the King of Celestial Spirits to change his mind. Nicely done. Now Loke is one of her spirits! King of Celestial Spirits looks a bit like Alpha Trion, heh. Loke carried her off... Hoo boy this is going to be good. ;D Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 15, 2018 Author Posted January 15, 2018 (edited) Alright, it's been a while but I've finally gotten around to watching more Fairy Tail. I was actually extremely sick when I watched the arcs in between the ones I already commented on in this thread and the one I just watched, so I never got around to writing anything on them as far as I know, could be in a document somewhere, but I don't think so. And too much time has passed for me to really get into any real detail but suffice to say I loved them! Keep in mind, I had posts I cared the most about backed up in the event anything happened, so after ASMB got shut down, I copied them over to here, hence why other people's replies were lost above. Edolas Arc - If Makarov knew what Mystogan's deal was, why was he not aware of the anima forming or do anything about it? Or did he not know that much? Was Mystogan having all those staves a hint that he didn't have internal magic and required them to perform a large variety of spells? Yeah you've probably all been wondering about those cats for a while. Now we're finally going to get a very, unexpected, I must say, explanation! Gotta say I did not expect Edolas to be the way it was. I was thinking more of a straight up evil universe, but it turns out it was more of an opposite universe, with character personalities, events, and the nature of the world running somewhat opposite to the real one, with exceptions of course. Edolas Erza was the only one who was evil version of themselves, more or less. Gotta say just the way Edolas looks it doesn't look like a place lacking in magic. It's trippy as hell! Floating islands and sky rivers, odd plants and animals! Whole place looks like an album cover! Turns out, though, that magic was responsible for the floating islands and some of the other weirdness, heh. The idea of people not having innate magic and having to use enchanted items is an interesting, different take, as is magic being a limited resource, leading to intense conflict. A comment is made about old timey people being pretty impressive for being able to make fire by rubbing sticks. Does this mean there wasn't always magic around? Because why else would there be a need to know how to do this or even knowledge that it could be done? Though, I suppose if you didn't have fire magic or know someone who did you'd still have to be able to make a fire through conventional means. And the arc after this has been talking about “the origin of magic”. Hmm. Edolas Lucy is even more scary than the real one! And I love that outfit! Mild-mannered Natsu is hilarious too! And all the other versions, oh my god hahaha. Mirajane the same. Well, she already had a personality shift, heh. Edolas Lisanna. T__T Noo don't leave. D: Nooo Lucy don't cut your hair! D: Besides, we don't need to be able to tell you apart with that if you have different outfits! Edolas Lucy wants to be bossed around. <3 I always thought using the same VA for Makarov for the King was simply an ill-thought out oversight. But he's supposed to be his counterpart? I mean, he's tall instead of short, and his way of going about it his horrible, but he did what did for his kingdom, his people, 'his children', if you will. Maybe. But, then who was Fairy Tail's master that died? That one cat's constant clawing at the air is annoying. Okay, so, I can understand why the Exceeds Queen and advisers did some of those things, but basically encouraging racism? Not sure that was necessary. Making the cute little cat creatures evil as fuck also would have been an interesting take, but this show doesn't typically go that route. Very few just straight up pure evil villains. And forgiveness and redemption is a big part of the series. Before knowing the full story, it almost made me want to root on the Edolas Kingdom for rebelling against the Exceeds, but the way they were going about it... definitely not a case of the enemy of the enemy is my friend! Rofl Gajeel wants a cat too. Reporter Gajeel is still pretty cool, and a pea in the pod with our Gajeel. Chain Dragon Cannon they meant literally! I thought it would be like a rail gun or something. Wasn't sure how it was going to aim! That guy's name is actually Sugar Boy. And how the hell is he sliding on the floor like that! Wendy's roar is so cute! Assistance and healing magic! <3 Another fake Dragon. Emphasis on the word fake. As powerful as it may be, it's not a real one. But still didn't go down easy! Erza vs Erza. You don't get a battle much more intense! Rofl evil villain Natsu. This is great! Okay Erza I can see. And the others weren't evil so much as kinda dicks. But the king having a change of heart? Don't know about that. Then again, like I said before, thought he was doing the right thing. Okay I'm pretty sure they won't see the Edolas crew EVER AGAIN. But if so, damn. They will be missed, either way! Wait a minute, Lisanna didn't actually die, but was sent to Edolas?! Can't say I saw this coming. But, she was clearly beaten to a pulp after her brother went berserk. It's been a while but I don't remember her fading away like that. Did the scene cut off before that point? If so, at the time I probably didn't think anything of it and possibly thought wizards just disappear like Jedi when they die or something. Maybe it's a retcon, I don't care! I'm just happy that Lisanna is back! T___T Edolas Mirajane and Elfman knew she wasn't their Lisanna all along waaaahaaahaaa. In any case, Lisanna surely didn't “die” for no reason. This is going to have ramifications. I'm not going to get comfortable and have my hopes up that she's safe, either. That will make the later pain less horrible, lol. Also the fact of how things changed while she was gone and now she comes back to things as they are. It's going to cause issues. One I'm especially thinking of is Lucy. Lisanna is like an angel. She can't compete with that. I have a feeling there's going to be some heartbreak coming up no matter what happens. Everyone seems to be adjusting the new normal of Lisanna being alive fairly quickly. And Elfman and Mirajane didn't even question it. I know they had a big celebration and everything, and maybe they're all just happy she's back. Still, I think I would be out of sorts for a while there. Haha, just going a bit into the new arc, I can see that Carla's power will be about as useful as Troi's empath ability. I know it would be too powerful and render everything meaningless otherwise, but it's still funny. Did Loke go back to his old character design? What the heck? Edited January 15, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
Daos Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Ok so about the Lisanna thing.... supposedly the higher ups liked the character design and pressured Mashima to bring her back. He does nothing with the character and she's never a threat to the NaLu pairing. Also, Seven Deadly Sins episode 1 just came out, go get em! Quote
The1gairon Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Okay well I saw this thread and was hopeful that i could repeat my journey of thoughts I had upon going through the anime. .... then I saw that 7 of the posts were all blocked. But I will read them here later, since Fairy Tail is an odd experience for me, and I can share some experiences of mine even though I pretty much repeated them all on the last board. Quote
The1gairon Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 .... I wanna motorboat so many of the girls. oh my GOD. Quote
ben0119 Posted January 16, 2018 Author Posted January 16, 2018 5 hours ago, Daos said: Ok so about the Lisanna thing.... supposedly the higher ups liked the character design and pressured Mashima to bring her back. He does nothing with the character and she's never a threat to the NaLu pairing. Also, Seven Deadly Sins episode 1 just came out, go get em! Just the character design, not even the character? Well, that's kind of dumb. Damn editors! Yeah, in a recent episode (for me) of the next arc, Lisanna says something along the lines of "stand by Natsu's side, when he has his friends with him, that's when he's strongest" or some blahblahblah, I took that like Lisanna giving Lucy her blessing. But yeah, I mean, she was a flashback character. Not like she was a member of the current cast. It would be like bringing back Kaien from Bleach. A character that dies as part of someone's backstory and is integral to their character. It kind of undermines things. Baffling, to say the least! Of season 2 you mean? Awesome! Quote
Daos Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Well the character was dead from episode 1, so there wasn't much to go on. Some editor or director liked the design and pressured to get the character brought back to life, that's the rumor. I believe it, since he didn't do anything with her and she was a background character for the rest of the series. Unless she does something in the final part that hasn't been animated yet that I'm unaware of. Yup what Mashima lacks in storytelling ability he makes up for with ample boobage. Quote
The1gairon Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 2 hours ago, Daos said: Yup what Mashima lacks in storytelling ability he makes up for with ample boobage. That's what you realize upon finishing the anime: the only thing the female characters are worth is fap material. But they serve a story in the meantime until their story is complete and then they keep reappearing in the story for no reason whatsoever, much like the Dragonball gang in Kai and Super. Quote
mochi Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 8 hours ago, Daos said: Well the character was dead from episode 1, so there wasn't much to go on. Some editor or director liked the design and pressured to get the character brought back to life, that's the rumor. I believe it, since he didn't do anything with her and she was a background character for the rest of the series. Unless she does something in the final part that hasn't been animated yet that I'm unaware of. Yup what Mashima lacks in storytelling ability he makes up for with ample boobage. and if you're reading the manga (or watching the OVAs) there's just as much fanservice content of the male characters as there is of the female ones Quote
Daos Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Are you referring to the King's Game where Erza makes Natsu and Gray get naked and on all fours? Quote
mochi Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Daos said: Are you referring to the King's Game where Erza makes Natsu and Gray get naked and on all fours? and the OVA where Freed offers to wash Laxus's back, which turns into a back massage, and Laxus tells Freed to "massage every inch of his body" (also the fact that Gray constantly strips naked randomly for absolutely no reason in the manga) (and I mean completely naked, in the anime he for some reason has basketball shorts on) Edited January 17, 2018 by mochi Quote
naraku360 Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 2 hours ago, Daos said: Are you referring to the King's Game where Erza makes Natsu and Gray get naked and on all fours? I can't imagine a Fairy Tail King's Game being any better than King's Game: the Animation. Quote
The1gairon Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Many consider the Edolas Arc to be the best. I thought it was ALMOST up to that quality. It finally explains where Happy and Carla come from and even develops them into dramatic characters. Half the arc is almost deconstructing children's TV shows. However, I thought the whole ordeal with the carnival inside a castle, and a lot of the villains' gimmicks to attack, were cheesy. My pic for the best arc is a tie between the Phantom Lord arc and the Heaven's Tower arc. Quote
Daos Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 1 hour ago, naraku360 said: I can't imagine a Fairy Tail King's Game being any better than King's Game: the Animation. Depends on what you're into. Erza and Mira spanking each other? Natsu Spanking Gajeel? Gray naked on all fours? Underage Wendy in fishnet stockings? Lucy getting her breasts groped? Lucy tied up like a slave? And this is the Xmas special. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) 21 hours ago, Daos said: Well the character was dead from episode 1, so there wasn't much to go on. Some editor or director liked the design and pressured to get the character brought back to life, that's the rumor. I believe it, since he didn't do anything with her and she was a background character for the rest of the series. Unless she does something in the final part that hasn't been animated yet that I'm unaware of. Yup what Mashima lacks in storytelling ability he makes up for with ample boobage. Yeah that is pretty dumb then. Like I said in my original post, I'm glad to have her back, even if it's a retcon, since she seemed like a sweet girl, but at the same time I wondered what the purpose would be in the story, so it's kind of disappointing to hear that she was brought back for artificial purposes and won't do much. Some characters didn't die or were un-killed thanks to editorial and fan interference in Bleach too. I would make a comparison to Vivi from One Piece. I loved the character and wanted more of her, but it ultimately didn't make sense story-wise for her to join the crew and continue to be a regular. Oh I don't know about that. I like how the show does a good job of making progress and revealing things without dragging it out forever, and having arcs self-contained to a degree, but also having things tied together to create the sense of a larger world and connectivity, but still leaving more things open for later. And it's got lots of great emotional, moving scenes. Don't know if it will have the same kind of place in my heart that Rave Master did (including the manga there too since the anime didn't get far), but I'm really enjoying it so far. There's just a certain feel and character to Mashima's work that I really appreciate. Edited January 17, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) @Daos ROFL! How far do I need to watch before I can watch that without spoilers? Or the Rave Master crossover? Particularly looking forward to that one. Any of the OVAs dubbed by the way? Edited January 17, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) 19 hours ago, elfie said: That's what you realize upon finishing the anime: the only thing the female characters are worth is fap material. But they serve a story in the meantime until their story is complete and then they keep reappearing in the story for no reason whatsoever, much like the Dragonball gang in Kai and Super. I wouldn't agree with that. Not for the main girls anyway. This show arguably does a better job with female characters many others. Strong women that serve a purpose in the story while still having flaws and struggles, and decent development and growth in them. Reading that last part just after I wrote it... lul... and Lucy has developed in other ways too. Some characters though, not even just women, are really just there. Obviously just side/background characters, which is fine. The Tennrou Island Arc I'm currently on is actually developing Cana, which I didn't expect. Always thought she would just be that one drunk girl at the guild haha. Edited January 17, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) @mochi Gray was completely nude in at least one of the episodes I recently watched. They couldn't show it of course lol. Not sure how fighting scenes would work in the manga with Gray fully nude though since he almost never has a shirt on haha. Edited January 17, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Mashima was wondering if he had to write Wendy differently after hearing Japan changed its underage representation laws in fiction. I wonder if anything came of that. Quote
Daos Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Ummm I think you should probably finish the first seasons.... I don't remember any spoilers, but there's characters that haven't been introduced yet in some of the OVA's. So if that sorta thing bothers you I'd finish everything before the 2014 season started. That xmas special I posted looks spoiler free if you've seen past episode 50 or so. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 2 hours ago, elfie said: Mashima was wondering if he had to write Wendy differently after hearing Japan changed its underage representation laws in fiction. I wonder if anything came of that. Are you sure? I mean why would that be? I haven't seen anything inappropriate with her so far. Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2018 Author Posted January 17, 2018 (edited) 2 hours ago, Daos said: Ummm I think you should probably finish the first seasons.... I don't remember any spoilers, but there's characters that haven't been introduced yet in some of the OVA's. So if that sorta thing bothers you I'd finish everything before the 2014 season started. That xmas special I posted looks spoiler free if you've seen past episode 50 or so. Oh ok. I'm in the Tennrou Island Arc right now. I guess I'll just finish all the regular episodes first before I check out the OVAs. Thanks Edited January 17, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
Daos Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 9 hours ago, ben0119 said: Are you sure? I mean why would that be? I haven't seen anything inappropriate with her so far. Skip to 13:26 =P Quote
mochi Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 1 hour ago, Daos said: Skip to 13:26 =P what the HELL Mashima?! Quote
The1gairon Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 .... so I guess that's ONE reason . I gotta watch the other OVAs. I only saw two of them and remember thinking, "...... absolutely nothing happened, yet I feel accomplished." Quote
Daos Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 It's almost impossible to watch any of the OVA's without getting a boner. Into naked guys? Naked girls? Bondage? Underage girls? S and M? Huge breasts? Small breasts? Guys taking a bath? Guys massaging other guys? Furry, Cosplay stuff? Whatever you're into, FT has something just for you. I think the girls get even bustier and thicker as time goes on... look at Lucy and Erza in that last movie. This isn't an OVA it's an actual movie. 2 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 (edited) I have not seen Dragon Cry. Therefore, that video is all the more effective for me! <3 Fairy Tail is NOT a good show. Not even close to the quality of the best out there, but I realize I enjoyed it for a few years because it's basically a Saturday-morning cartoon for those who are now adults and are wiser to their cheesiness, so it just relishes in it. That's why I say it's just "FUN!" Edited January 18, 2018 by elfie Quote
mochi Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 41 minutes ago, elfie said: I have not seen Dragon Cry. Therefore, that video is all the more effective for me! <3 Fairy Tail is NOT a good show. Not even close to the quality of the best out there, but I realize I enjoyed it for a few years because it's basically a Saturday-morning cartoon for those who are now adults and are wiser to their cheesiness, so it just relishes in it. That's why I say it's just "FUN!" I'll agree on one thing, Fairy Tail is NOT good.....but it isn't Bad either it' that weird gray area between being great, and being complete shit the fact that the Manga has just as much Porny moments of the guys is also a Plus to me since it means the Mashima is secure enough in his sexuality to not be afraid to add appeal for demographics other than Straight teenage boys Quote
The1gairon Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 It's in that weird Gray area. "DID YOU SAY 'GRAY AREA'?!??!!?" Quote
The1gairon Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 We discussed a bit of Fairy Tail in the Fairy Ta-- I mean... the Black Clover thread since it's so similar Quote
mochi Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 eh, I'm not so sure the subtle implication involving Laxus and Freed in the manga's ending should be considered Canon now one of the Manga's nearly pornographic OMAKE chapters confirms he's straight....sort of its an AU where they're cavemen and they apparently live in an all male Villiage and have never seen women before, so Natsu finds Lucy, concludes that she's not human because she doesn't have a penis and brings her back to the villiage, after seeing her most of the men in the villiage get erections including Laxus confirming he is straight it then proceeds to turn into all the female characters dominating the male characters by making them get erections and pass out in battle from all the blood rushing to their crotches that said the same Omake also implies that Gray and Gageel are gay, since they never get erections from looking at the women and both of them are straight in canon Quote
The1gairon Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 Hm For some reason I didnt get an email notification of this post. Well it is an AU so i take that with a grain of salt. Quote
mochi Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) 22 minutes ago, elfie said: Hm For some reason I didnt get an email notification of this post. Well it is an AU so i take that with a grain of salt. to be fair one of the Other Omakes has Lucy's hand get possessed by Migi from Parasyte (addressed by name) and makes her grab everyone's butts so making Laxus so hetero he passes out from all the blood in his body rushing too his dick at the mere mention of a woman could easily have been a joke Edited January 23, 2018 by mochi Quote
The1gairon Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 R u... ... Are we talking about a multi-million-sales, hugely successful corporate franchise, or an amateur fan work?!? Just repeat the description of this omake to yourself and wonder which one it is! Seriously. THIS is the mangaka who got lucky?! This is what I mean when I say I have a love-hate opinion of Fairy Tail. Quote
mochi Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 1 hour ago, elfie said: R u... ... Are we talking about a multi-million-sales, hugely successful corporate franchise, or an amateur fan work?!? Just repeat the description of this omake to yourself and wonder which one it is! Seriously. THIS is the mangaka who got lucky?! This is what I mean when I say I have a love-hate opinion of Fairy Tail. funny story, Almost all mangaka originally began as Doujinka (fan comic artists) hell, before they got famous for their original Manga, CLAMP famously made a Jojo's Bizzare adventure Doujin where the male characters fucked and got eachother pregnant and many mangaka continue making Doujin, or even Hentai, on the side under pseudonyms....I mean the fact that Mashima's artstyle is Identical to Eichiro Oda's can't be all coincidence and based on the blatantly pornographic nature of the Caveman Omake, I wouldn't be shocked if Mashima is a porn artist in his off time Quote
The1gairon Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) 53 minutes ago, mochi said: funny story, Almost all mangaka originally began as Doujinka (fan comic artists) hell, before they got famous for their original Manga, CLAMP famously made a Jojo's Bizzare adventure Doujin where the male characters fucked and got eachother pregnant and many mangaka continue making Doujin, or even Hentai, on the side under pseudonyms....I mean the fact that Mashima's artstyle is Identical to Eichiro Oda's can't be all coincidence and based on the blatantly pornographic nature of the Caveman Omake, I wouldn't be shocked if Mashima is a porn artist in his off time Japan. Where the line between fan works and official properties is incredibly blurred. Mashima is one of those artists who knew all the steps to get his work out there and happened to become a valuable figure among the manga and anime community. But he exemplifies all the things about them I do not like. He doesn't get his inspiration from classics- he gets them from other manga to the point where I seen one deviant on DA point out all the blatant rip-offs he made from other sources. He only creates things around what's trending to gain revenue. He writes character development for the views but doesn't like to evolve characters to anger stubborn fans- they always reboot into the state they were when the story started (Wendy, Juvia, and Lucy all had important new haircuts that were all redone back to there previous state. Remember when Juvia cut her hair short for all of around ONE chapter??). His comedy amounts to sleazy jokes. I could go on. The reason I keep going back to Fairy Tail as an interest is because there are a lot of great things about the whole thing too. Another reason is because you know I LOVE perverted stuff on MY off time. Edited January 23, 2018 by elfie Quote
mochi Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, elfie said: Japan. Where the line between fan works and official properties is incredibly blurred. Mashima is one of those artists who knew all the steps to get his work out there and happened to become a valuable figure among the manga and anime community. But he exemplifies all the things about them I do not like. He doesn't get his inspiration from classics- he gets them from other manga to the point where I seen one deviant on DA point out all the blatant rip-offs he made from other sources. He only creates things around what's trending to gain revenue. He writes character development for the views but doesn't like to evolve characters to anger stubborn fans- they always reboot into the state they were when the story started (Wendy, Juvia, and Lucy all had important new haircuts that were all redone back to there previous state. Remember when Juvia cut her hair short for all of around ONE chapter??). His comedy amounts to sleazy jokes. I could go on. The reason I keep going back to Fairy Tail as an interest is because there are a lot of great things about the whole thing too. Another reason is because you know I LOVE perverted stuff on MY off time. the original comic I intend to make this year I intend to be similar to Fairy tail in terms of level of manservice but have very little (if any) female fanservice, (I'm going to be making a porn Fairy Tail Doujin as practice for making comics with my tablet) Edited January 23, 2018 by mochi 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 1 hour ago, mochi said: the original comic I intend to make this year I intend to be similar to Fairy tail in terms of level of manservice but have very little (if any) female fanservice, (I'm going to be making a porn Fairy Tail Doujin as practice for making comics with my tablet) That's okay with me bro. Quote
Daos Posted January 24, 2018 Posted January 24, 2018 Remember that time Cana had an arc and then went back to being an underused background character? Quote
ben0119 Posted January 29, 2018 Author Posted January 29, 2018 (edited) @DangerMouse O_O That's an OVA though. So Mashima probably had nothing to do with it. Agreed on the women getting bustier and thicker as time goes on. Well, I've noticed with Lucy at least so far. Edited January 29, 2018 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 29, 2018 Author Posted January 29, 2018 On 1/17/2018 at 11:58 PM, elfie said: I have not seen Dragon Cry. Therefore, that video is all the more effective for me! <3 Fairy Tail is NOT a good show. Not even close to the quality of the best out there, but I realize I enjoyed it for a few years because it's basically a Saturday-morning cartoon for those who are now adults and are wiser to their cheesiness, so it just relishes in it. That's why I say it's just "FUN!" I wouldn't agree with that. There's a certain charm and sweetness to Mashima's work, it's definitely there with Fairy Tail. So many emotional moments! I've teared up so many times! And I love the relationships the characters have with each other. It's all very heartwarming. Fun, yeah it's fun, too. There's no shame in liking it, just because others might rip into it, is no reason to say it's not good, when you say you enjoyed it. As for the cheesiness and corniness, I think Fairy Tail owns it. There's something to be said for a show that's just that honest. It's trying to be edgy or earth-shattering or anything. It's not afraid to go that, well, classic fairy tale route. 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 8 hours ago, ben0119 said: @DangerMouse O_O That's an OVA though. So Mashima probably had nothing to do with it. Agreed on the women getting bustier and thicker as time goes on. Well, I've noticed with Lucy at least so far. FYI, all or some of the OVAs are taken directly from Mashima's omakes/bonus chapters he just does for lulz/trollings/fapping. Quote
The1gairon Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 (edited) 8 hours ago, ben0119 said: I wouldn't agree with that. There's a certain charm and sweetness to Mashima's work, it's definitely there with Fairy Tail. So many emotional moments! I've teared up so many times! And I love the relationships the characters have with each other. It's all very heartwarming. Fun, yeah it's fun, too. There's no shame in liking it, just because others might rip into it, is no reason to say it's not good, when you say you enjoyed it. As for the cheesiness and corniness, I think Fairy Tail owns it. There's something to be said for a show that's just that honest. It's trying to be edgy or earth-shattering or anything. It's not afraid to go that, well, classic fairy tale route. Indeed I said that i keep going back to this show despite all that because there's this charm to it. The rainbow colors, basic character archetypes, excellent Celtic-inspired rock OST, and saturday-morning-style adventures make it feel like you're eating sweets. Early on I did cry a bit, such as during Gray's past, or Lucy trying to make amends with her father again, or during Cana's realization in the Tenrou Island arc. ..... actually, I'm a sucker for parent stories I guess. Edited January 29, 2018 by elfie 1 Quote
mochi Posted January 29, 2018 Posted January 29, 2018 14 hours ago, ben0119 said: I wouldn't agree with that. There's a certain charm and sweetness to Mashima's work, it's definitely there with Fairy Tail. So many emotional moments! I've teared up so many times! And I love the relationships the characters have with each other. It's all very heartwarming. Fun, yeah it's fun, too. There's no shame in liking it, just because others might rip into it, is no reason to say it's not good, when you say you enjoyed it. As for the cheesiness and corniness, I think Fairy Tail owns it. There's something to be said for a show that's just that honest. It's trying to be edgy or earth-shattering or anything. It's not afraid to go that, well, classic fairy tale route. I would agree with that, I don't think fairy tail is out-right bad it just feels inherently a bit more amaturish and fanmade than some other shonen series tend to, which isn't a bad thing in and of itself I also can't fault it on the grounds that it is the only shonen manga I've ever seen that acknowlages that macho gay men exist and that not every single gay man is an Okama as this character is confirmed to be Gay (and has a female counterpart in another dimension who is a lesbian but that's another story) as well as this character who is later confirmed to be gay (by way of him getting turned on by Gray's stripping) not that Okama's don't exist in their world either because Bob is a thing but, ironically, even Bob is revealed to have been handsome and Macho when he was a teenager (I've also been informed that there's an implication that Bob actually makes himself look like that as an adult with magic specifically to gross out insecure straight boys and is actually still good looking in his personal life but I dunno if that was true or just a headcanon) all of this is in start contrast to shows like One Piece which make it specifically clear that ONLY Okama gay men exist and makes them as disgusting looking as it possible can I mean heck in comparison Bob is actually sort of Okay looking, he just sorta looks like a fat old man with lipstick and rouge, the gay men in One Piece don't even look human Quote
The1gairon Posted January 30, 2018 Posted January 30, 2018 One Piece is NOT the best example of LGBT representation! Quote
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