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Hottie from PA never responded to my texts


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The only responses I got were from that Italian girl in my area. She's pretty cute too, but she's not as sex-driven and promiscuous as shorty from PA, plus her body's sorta strange because she's thin and has long arms, so she ends up being kinda like one of those weird stick figures, but my baby from PA is compact and perfect and might have some STDs tbh, but I dig her.




I like both of them, but I prefer the PA babe's hard-to-get sexually deviant act over my area girl's friendly and wanna get to know you style, which is wack as fck by comparison. <3

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The only responses I got were from that Italian girl in my area. She's pretty cute too, but she's not as sex-driven and promiscuous as shorty from PA, plus her body's sorta strange because she's thin and has long arms, so she ends up being kinda like one of those weird stick figures, but my baby from PA is compact and perfect and might have some STDs tbh, but I dig her.



I like both of them, but I prefer the PA babe's hard-to-get sexually deviant act over my area girl's friendly and wanna get to know you style, which is wack as fck by comparison. <3




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