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I actually had a really scary nightmare yesterday

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I was working at a job, and suddenly the manager asked me to come with him, and he lead me to this room where there were five other managers sitting down and looking at a TV set, and he hit played and each clip started with a caption. The first one read "stealing" and it was a clip of me slyly putting something from the store into the space between the back of my shirt and the back of my pants. Then he forwarded to the next clip and this one read "assault" and it was a clip of me getting up in a coworkers' face after we had a trivial argument, and then the last clip read "harassment" and it was an innocuous clip of me talking to a hot girl in the store.



After he finished, he said, "you're done here and you'll be leaving in handcuffs today" and my eyes started to shift wildly from side to side and I wanted to punch him to ease the pain, but he was dieseled and I didn't have my liquid courage in this dream. I woke up terrified, thinking it might have been real.

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