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The fuck I'm a rap channel wtf they expect me to do make a rap about this whole anti-vaxx thing..Could be unrelated, but maybe not a bad idea. Idk though.. I really just want it not to be a thing any more, and with internet trends.. I swear a good portion of these anti vaxxers HAVE to be trolls..o.O

but at the same time they do put the rest of the world, and especially the weak, and frail at risk for their stupid ass beliefs. Maybe I can put together something from a comedic satiric kind of view like others I've seen have that can spread awareness I guess. Thoughts?





anit-faxxers.. Honestly people convinced theres a political agenda inherently against them whether or not it's a sentient lizard race or a corporation..or vaccines..makes me wanna grab a shotgun sometimes. It's like they all start to bleed together in my head.. and no matter how you try to come at them with science based facts they find a way to..lizard brain your logic.

All I know is I'm staying out of DF for a while. 

Posted (edited)

flattards, wingnuts, anti-vaxx crap
fat nards, clean up, anti-faxx blaat!
pick up a book man, sketch you a map
This a anti-faxx clean up, the ante
anti-faxx rap..

looping this as a chorus might suck..

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
Posted (edited)

Concerning Flat Earth Clowns---

circular shadows, Copernicus! Allusions to sailing, flight etc

Hey look Neil deGrass, and Bill nye. 

magnetic declination, mole people, Hiter, and UFO's..the edge of the world in Antartica

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
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