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Crisis phone fun


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1 minute ago, Vamped said:

What do you in case of a crisis?

A real crisis? Call 911 to have police come to the client's home to transport to the hospital.

99.999999999999999999999999999% of the calls we actually get? Just talk to the client for a bit. Sometimes they'll be really stressed out or upset about something and we just talk until they deescalate. Sometimes (like with the call I just had) they'll call for random shit that can most definitely wait until normal business hours. In those cases you usually just talk for a but, then remind them that this is a crisis line and what they are calling for is not a crisis and we can speak about it during normal business hours. If they don't get the hint after that, we pretend we're getting another call and hang up because some clients will just go on and on and on if you let them.

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1 minute ago, Athena 92 said:

A real crisis? Call 911 to have police come to the client's home to transport to the hospital.

99.999999999999999999999999999% of the calls we actually get? Just talk to the client for a bit. Sometimes they'll be really stressed out or upset about something and we just talk until they deescalate. Sometimes (like with the call I just had) they'll call for random shit that can most definitely wait until normal business hours. In those cases you usually just talk for a but, then remind them that this is a crisis line and what they are calling for is not a crisis and we can speak about it during normal business hours. If they don't get the hint after that, we pretend we're getting another call and hang up because some clients will just go on and on and on if you let them.

Gawd ...  it sounds annoying as hell. Im waiting to see where they place me for my internship. Hopefully I can walk right into a real social work job after my masters 

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2 minutes ago, Vamped said:

Gawd ...  it sounds annoying as hell. Im waiting to see where they place me for my internship. Hopefully I can walk right into a real social work job after my masters 

Oh yeah it definitely can be. Very first time I had the crisis phone we had two clients who were really bad about the whole "calling for random shit that can wait" thing. One of them had been with the program awhile so she understood how things worked and was good about only talking for 10 minutes or so and then hanging up. The other guy was new to the program would call multiple times every day, at all times of the day and night, to basically just complain about how awful we all were at our jobs. They've both since moved out of the county so they aren't in the program anymore. Phone's been fairly quiet since then.

Hopefully you get a good placement. The agency you work for and the supervisors you have can make a huge difference. I did the same job before and was miserable. The agency I'm at now is so much better.

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6 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

give the phone to kidney

Great he can talk to my client who says he wants to move TOMORROW and asks why we're not doing anything to help him, but when I explain to him that no, we can't find you another place to live by tomorrow but say "Okay let's sit down and try to find housing tomorrow instead of just going to Family Dollar like we usually do" he says no he wants to go to the bank and we call someone from an assisted living place that he already had an assessment with and was told he does not qualify but he is absolutely convinced that he does even though I told him no, you don't qualify for that but clearly I'm wrong and we should call the assisted living place again even though it would waste everyone's time.

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1 minute ago, Athena 92 said:

Great he can talk to my client who says he wants to move TOMORROW and asks why we're not doing anything to help him, but when I explain to him that no, we can't find you another place to live by tomorrow but say "Okay let's sit down and try to find housing tomorrow instead of just going to Family Dollar like we usually do" he says no he wants to go to the bank and we call someone from an assisted living place that he already had an assessment with and was told he does not qualify but he is absolutely convinced that he does even though I told him no, you don't qualify for that but clearly I'm wrong and we should call the assisted living place again even though it would waste everyone's time.

like i said. let quackers quack

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