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Black Clover Page 43 Discussion


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We have a Final Fantasy Bard, and now Dancer. :)

Undersea people should be allowed to visit the surface beyond just the beaches.


But Asta was able to counter the counter by coming up with a dance of his own. :D

Vanessa actually did something useful LOL YAMI.

Noelle doesn't want to fight a friend. ; ;

Noelle has been controling her magic just fine; she's been subconsciously missing this whole time because she doesn't want to hurt people.  ; ; This show has better writing than people give it credit for.

Kahono giving great tips.  Noelle's dream...

There's nothing junior about that woman's chest. :D

Luck still creepy as fuck.

The top mages are the priests son and grandchildren?

What's this now?  Eye of the Midnight Sun interrupting the game?

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2 hours ago, mochi said:

Asta: I may not have any Magic, now let me just magically summon this magical sword that can magically cancel out other people's magic



It's heavily implied and foreshadowed, based on the name of the grimroire, design of his book and swords, and when he first drew the sword, you see a shadow that looks like a devil behind him, that it's demonic power.

Edited by ben0119
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