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Posted (edited)

Two and a half years ago, I was first acquainted with a certain image. I loved that image. I adored that image. In fact, I loved and adored it so much, I had a spark of inspiration. What if I took the content of that image, which had not been revisited by the artist since its creation, and wrote a piece of fiction loosely based off of it? The influx of ideas surrounding the initial concept of three female ninja abducting unsuspecting women for their own naughty intentions soon built up, and before long, I had myself a plotline and characters I felt worthy of being expanded upon beyond the recesses of my mind and shared with the public who want to know what it's like when I get creative, either knowing so beforehand or not.

Well, that's what I'm about to do.

In the past, I wrote two previous fictions that I imagined as original anime and wanted to write from start to finish, which I shared on the original Adult Swim Message Boards. However, thanks to a combination of real-life interference, aggressive advertising that drove people away, depressingly long wait times between chapters, and the realization that I was writing at a teenager's level, I eventually scrapped them. (NIBAI MUGENDAI could be brought back since it's still one of my favorite ideas, but Kiguma might as well be lost media, between the ASMB purging its archives and my flash drive crapping itself so hard none of my Open Office files could be salvaged within one week of each other.) But this time, with nine and a half episodes written and two more coming down the pipeline, I felt now was as good a time as ever to share my newest work in more ideal conditions than the late 00s/early 10s: written in spite of reality's woes, advertised only in my signature, released at a consistent rate, and with both a high school diploma and bachelor's degree under my belt. (And the latter isn't even in the arts!)

And where better to share it than on a site with people I know, where I shared excerpts and talked about the writing process throughout multiple threads, and supports PDF uploads on top of all that?



premiering October 2, 2018 at approx. 12:35 P.M.

This has been a Poke service announcement.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Stupid lack of Japanese Daylight Savings...
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

As they say, third time's the charm.

jam #01: 攫われた友人

The Kidnapped Friend

Download link below.

Thank you, Jam, for the surge of inspiration that made this possible.

KK 01.pdf

Edited by PokeNirvash

If giving other people gifts was part of birthday tradition, then consider this my reverse birthday gift to you all.

jam #02: 手つかずの事件簿

Untouched Case Files

Download link below.

Two protagonists are better than one.

KK 02.pdf


Hi poke! I dl'd ur chps onto my phone I'll get to reading them little by little lol. I work so ill prolly be ultra mega slow. But good luck. Sounds intersting

  • Like 1

A word of assurance for the truly impatient: today, you're finally getting what you've been waiting for all month.

jam #05: ボンデージ忍者

Bondage Ninjas

Download link below.

Y'know, in case it wasn't obvious already.

KK 05.pdf


One of the things I never understood about TV Tropes is why, whenever they mentioned the trope "Title Drop", they stylized it in a very specific way. Maybe they were trying to make it stand out more to prove some meta sort of point? That's likely, but really, when it comes down to it, self-demonstrating tropes can be so annoying. Just look at how they idolize that Brian Blessed fellow in all caps like he's bigger than Chuck Norris.

...Huh? What was I talking about again?

jam #06: 一緒に

In Conjunction

Download link below.

Now premiering one hour early.

KK 06.pdf

Posted (edited)

Hey there, everyone. Now, I know my intention was to post this little-known contribution to the endless Internet repository of ideas for anime that don't exist (as anime) week by week, but unfortunately, this week's posting of Kunoichi 7 will be delayed due to various reasons.

In reality, it's because I scheduled a meeting on campus that I can't exactly pull open my laptop for frivolous B.S. during, therefore shutting out any opportunity to deliver it on time. However, in the context of the alternate reality I made for myself where Kunoichi is a legit anime, it can be attributed to the staff makeup. The outsourcing studio credited to the episode filed for bankruptcy a few months after I completed writing, so many of the folks at Pierrot - who are actually much better animators than their taste in outsourcing partners suggest - had to pitch in to get the episode finished. And from what I've read about how notorious a perfectionist Toshiyuki Tsuru is with the things he directs (Gungrave and Naruto movie 3, in particular), that's all the more reason to push it back: to make it "look" like the episode didn't completely shit the bed like this being studio drop's last credit would suggest. Though if you're looking for more realistic reasons, consider that the timeslot I selected for Kunoichi on TV Tokyo is currently occupied by a rerun of Mr. Osomatsu Season 2, consider that the month/day airdates are the same as they were last year, and consider that episode 13 aired on 12/26 (12/25 our time) instead of waiting another week before resuming cour 2...

All in all, this gives me more time to get episode 12 written and out, and more time to take care of any school stuff that may interfere with the writing process. Sadly, it won't give me enough time to try and rush the MAL watching challenge to the finish, but hey, at least I've finished over 1/4 of my planned action items at this point!

So yeah. Don't be alarmed, just be patient. You'll get your weekly dose of Kunoichi in seven days, so wait 'til then to file your complaints.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

On the downside, last week's delay somehow predicted the delay of this week's scheduled episode for the sakuga houkai anime of the season, My Sister My Writer, which can only mean bad things. On the upside, apparently one of the two episode directors for this week also did today's episode of Black Clover, so it's nice to see he's still in the industry.

The narrative is unfortunate, and yet absolutely perfect given my preliminary staffing. That said, enjoy.

jam #07: 卒業チャレンジ

Graduation Challenge

Download link below.

R.I.P. drop: 2004-2018.

KK 07.pdf

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

You ever wonder what it feels like to have one set of characters speak dialogue that no respectable human being would ever say outside of fap material, while the opposing set have a back-and-forth that's positively Seinfeldian by comparison?

You're about to.

jam #09: 三つの仮面の美女

Three Masked Beauties

Download link below.

It's time to pick a side.


KK 09.pdf

Edited by PokeNirvash
So it turns out one of the key animators actually died before I even started writing this one, so I replaced him in the credits, for "realism's" sake.

For those two or three of you who aren't in its "Viewer Apathy Dynamo" collective, I snuck an IGPX reference into this episode. It's subtle, but it's in there, and I hope those of you who still care/haven't stopped caring get a little enjoyment out of that, if nothing else.

jam #10: 二つの真の信者

Two True Believers

Download link below.

In 2084 or so, tenements on fire...

KK 10.pdf


So, according to the TV Tokyo schedule, the Mr. Osomatsu S2 rerun timeslot I'm using for Kunoichi premieres is airing this week's episode at 26:05 instead of 25:35. While it's nice to get the extra half-hour of time to get the chapter finished (even though I finalized everything yesterday), I have somewhere to be at noon, which is where I'll be five minutes later when I'd post this chapter in accordance with my premiere standards. Because of that, and because you've all been patient and cooperative (despite not even an inkling of feedback having come my way as of yet :(), I'm posting this fifteen minutes ahead of the adjusted schedule. In advance, you're welcome.

That said, you'll probably want to wait until Boxing Day to read this, assuming you don't like your Christmas afternoons ruined. :P

jam #12: 必然的な成否

Inevitable Outcome

Download link below.

Be good, Shin. Be better than me.

KK 12.pdf

  • 1 month later...

An average high schooler powering through his chaotic everyday with apathy.

A young yet jaded detective hoping to break the monotonous cycle.

Three mysterious women using the nocturnal battles plaguing the city as camouflage for their own misdeeds.

And one girl whose disappearance will shake the foundations of their lives, for both the better and the worse.

As of today, Kinky Kunoichi is now available on Archive of Our Own. Two chapters every week for the next six weeks.

Because apparently downloading PDFs isn't the hot thing to do.

  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I was going to post this when finished, but I thought I'd upload the lineart first, as a little sneak peek for the site where it originated.


As someone who's never drawn creases in clothing before now, I'd say it's a decent first try.

  • 1 month later...

Jam #13 has been finished (save for one scene I had to cut for time reasons), and on that hurdle overcome, here's the finished announcement sketch.

I fear I might have made Naokuu too pink-looking.

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

As part of a headcanon protest against the decision to marathon Fena I decided to premiere the season 2 premiere of Kunoichi early on DeviantArt. Y'all here'll be getting it in 2022.

But for now, here's an omnibus collection I made up for season 1 to represent the Kunoichi marathon as part of said headcanon, with Jam's original image and my personally illustrated season 2 promotional book-ending the twelve episodes within, in a sort of "how it started, how it's going" type deal.

Download link below, as always.


Edited by PokeNirvash
  • 1 year later...

Jam drew a new Kunoichi image that he posted on Patreon today. Naturally, I made a new poster for Nagoya File out of it, but I'll save actually posting it for later. Maybe around Christmas?

  • 4 months later...

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