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Oh. Yes. In that regard, not so great. But that's just a tangent to the larger symptom of this show not really having a core storyline anymore.

Personally, while I can sorta turn my brain off and enjoy this to some extent, there's always part of me that really finds the whole chimera ant concept to be absurd. Unless it's some magical new species, I can't really suspend disbelief that these wouldn't have dominated ages ago. And since they were established as some sort of known problem, it just doesn't make sense to me that it's never escalated to this point before. If it has, it seems like something that, without just the right people and circumstances in place, they could easily get established enough that eradication may be nigh impossible. I mean, isn't the whole reason they're attacking now because if King feeds, he'll be potentially unstoppable, right?


Heh well it DOES have a core storyline and it's still active, but for some reason this arc like to meander into side stories that in the large scheme is things don't plain have ANYTHING TO DO with it!  You can tell Togashi's writing style changed drastically in the many years he's been doing this.

I mean hell, who's to say the humans in this storyline ARE the descendants of old Ants that actually DID take over the world, and no one realizes it??

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