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Nintendo's going the way of Sega

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If they were going the way of Sega then they would be releasing amazing consoles made with blood, sweet, and tears only to get destroyed by poor advertising and the juggernaut of video game consoles.

(Poor Dreamcast, couldn't stand against the best selling console of all time: The Playstation 2. Not that previous efforts did much better anyways...)


i dont even know if you can excuse their mistakes as them just being ignorant anymore.

you'd think with the disaster that was the wii u, they'd make an effort to have the switch's launch be as great as it could be, but instead we're getting random shovelware, one good game, and ports.

they couldn't even think of making 1-2 switch a pack-in game to hopefully capture some the casual audience.



The Dreamcast had plenty of good games, just like the Sega Saturn did. Doesn't mean they're easy to find, though. After the Genesis, Sega lost a lot of ground in the North American gaming market. Did much better in Europe and Japan.


Sega was destroyed by mismanagement and trying to push too many things at once.


The Sega CD/32X/Saturn is what killed Sega, not the Dreamcast losing to the PS2.


They needed the Dreamcast to be the PS2 just to survive but it was their prior mistakes that put them in the position of needing a miracle console to save them.


Nintendo isn't in that bad of a position yet but I can see them getting there if the Switch fails.


Wasn't there a bunch of issues Sega had with the guy in charge of the American Sega company?


From what I understand, Sega of Japan and Sega of America acted as if they were two different companies. Sega of America wanted to build around the Genesis and that's why the Genesis had so many add-ons. Sega of Japan wanted to make a new console and that's where the Saturn came from.


You can see how this would be counter productive. Things didn't get settled until a few years after the Saturn and they were able to push out the Dreamcast. The problem was that they were in pretty bad shape and they didn't just need the Dreamcast to be competitive, they needed it to decisively win the console war the way the PS2 did.


The Saturn remains such a case of wasted potential, since they never fixed the console's engineering to make development on it easier. Even though it had more power Sony got all the third party support for the easier-to-make-games-for Playstation.


Also didn't help that they abandoned any plan to make a 2D Sonic title on the 2D powerhouse that was the Saturn


But us North American Saturn owners did get pretty screwed compared to those in the PAL regions.


Every time I dive into the whole Sega Japan vs. America I get lost in all the speculation. I just know that Sega Japan hired someone to take down Nintendo in the US market and the guy succeeded but Japan...didn't like how much they succeeded?


I never got too far into the Dreamcast's library, but I went in deep on the Genesis and Saturn. (These days the whole Saturn thing is way too pricey for me to just buy games to try out. I only have 4 games atm, but one is Guardian Heroes and the price on that one alone is insane.)


been hearing that for years now but nintendo right now is in a much better situation than sega ever was when they went under.


first of all, sega lost so much money on failed peripherals, advertising, and back to back failed consoles.

nintendo  failed with the wii u but they didn't lose any money on selling the console. they also had the 3ds doing really well for them.

and the generation before that both the wii and ds did really well for them. but they are in a tough spot now thats for sure.


as for games, both wii u and dc have fantastic games. the dc problem was that the ps2 had a dvd player and became more successful because of that. the wii u problems was the lack of 3rd party games.


The Saturn remains such a case of wasted potential, since they never fixed the console's engineering to make development on it easier. Even though it had more power Sony got all the third party support for the easier-to-make-games-for Playstation.


Also didn't help that they abandoned any plan to make a 2D Sonic title on the 2D powerhouse that was the Saturn


But us North American Saturn owners did get pretty screwed compared to those in the PAL regions.


japan saturn is where its at.

if youre a fighting game fame or shmup fan the system is best. a monster 2d machine.


japan saturn is where its at.

if youre a fighting game fame or shmup fan the system is best. a monster 2d machine.

I imported X-Men and Marvel vs Street Fighter, still the only faithful home versions of those games


I used an ST key to play them though, not the best method I guess..


Also I love Guardian Heroes, missed out on Panzer Dragoon Saga but I got Guardian Heroes


I imported X-Men and Marvel vs Street Fighter, still the only faithful home versions of those games


I used an ST key to play them though, not the best method I guess..


Also I love Guardian Heroes, missed out on Panzer Dragoon Saga but I got Guardian Heroes


the ps1 ports are a joke.

saturn version is the only ports that did the arcades justice.

i use the 4mb cart to play imports.


as for panzer dragoon, i'd get the other two games first, those were good.






the ps1 ports are a joke.

saturn version is the only ports that did the arcades justice.

i use the 4mb cart to play imports.


as for panzer dragoon, i'd get the other two games first, those were good.

Zwei is one of my faves


I do have the Japanese 4mb cart


zwei is beautiful. one of the few games that shows off what the 3d capabilities of the system.


i remember laughing at the saturn back then thinking how lousy the games were and how it still featured 2d games in a time when 3d gaming was being fully embraced.

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