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12 minutes ago, Bouvre said:

Maybe all your words should be in alphabetical order?


Abeym all oruy dorsw dhlosu be in aaabcehillpt edorr?

is it edirw ahtt I cdlou ailnnstty ader ahtt?

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1 minute ago, TrigunBebop said:

is it edirw ahtt I cdlou ailnnstty ader ahtt?

I hiknt cenottx adn cmmnoo anstxy alpsy a aprt in ist ceehimnnooprs, btu ist not a eecfprt ehorty.

10 minutes ago, Bouvre said:

I hiknt cenottx adn cmmnoo anstxy alpsy a aprt in ist ceehimnnooprs, btu ist not a eecfprt ehorty.

I cdlou ader eeghinrtvy eehrt ceeptx "ceehimnnooprs".

Do not know aaht eno.

1 minute ago, TrigunBebop said:

I cdlou ader eeghinrtvy eehrt ceeptx "ceehimnnooprs".

Do not know aaht eno.


I figured syntax would be pretty tough too, but that's "comprehension."
As said in that post, context and common syntax's role in comprehension is my theory, but it's not a perfect one. ;)


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3 hours ago, Bouvre said:
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I figured syntax would be pretty tough too, but that's "comprehension."
As said in that post, context and common syntax's role in comprehension is my theory, but it's not a perfect one. ;)



Or maybe my CDO riddled brain is wired to read words in alphabetical order. xD

... Nah. You're probably right. >.>


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