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7 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

*clothes immediately falls off*


JK I don't have time to listen to all that9_9

You should have gone with the more derisive "Aw isn't that adorable? This is going right up on the fridge!"

Need to sharpen them claws woman.


No idea what the lyrics are supposed to be, but they sound moody enough.  More importantly, nice use of distortion.  Now you need to put a full song together.

7 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

No idea what the lyrics are supposed to be, but they sound moody enough.  More importantly, nice use of distortion.  Now you need to put a full song together.

Oh Buddy senpai

Please notice me

Your attention makes me 

Happier than you can believe

Oh Buddy senpai

What must I do 

To get that sweet, sweet attention

I crave from you 

(Love me)

(Love me)

(Love me)

(Love me)

I used a different guitar than Ol' Trumpy to play with, so the tone is different than most of my order recordings.

You'll even get to see my other guitar in a new video I just recorded.

Bust out the double facepalm memes because I managed to fuck this one up royally. Why didn't I bother to fix it? You'll find out within the first 30 seconds or so when it's published.

Give it about 20 minutes and it'll be up.


Also, I get that this is music related... But I posted it in the appropriate folder.

The dumpster.

Now that someone moved it here people are going to think I take pride in this amateur hour bullshit for funsies. 


As promised...


I wanted to demonstrate the chords but completely fucked that up.

And after spending over an hour to squeeze this turd out I just didn't have the energy to redo it again. Not after a full day of work, three hours helping a friend pack shit for moving after work, and 4 previous attempts at recording this.

I'll try and do better next time.

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