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a coffee cup analysis of what ritual means to fashion;

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as your freshly brewed chamomile pushes its containing teabag to the surface of your cup for the third time, and you finish stirring the pure cane sugar

you eloquently poured into the styrofoam utensil, a $2000 machine bakes stale shit to its walls and all through its spout, while a teenager pours a cup of rotten

hyper bean into cup on the nasty bacteria-covered, sticky community stirring spaces, because he saw mama drink the brown fruit his whole life and is accustomed

to not having a brain of his own. 

another teenager trying to tidy up the ritual coffee station for the caffeine-addict rush coming at 3pm, accidentally spills a wet filter full of grinds on the floor and theres such an

appetizing mess that the coffee frenzy continues, with a vengeance.  in 1961 one acid head had the shakes.  starbucks took the scene.  all we need is caffeine pills you

fucking coffee fashion-fanatic fucking freaks.

the dirt on that swizzle stick is anywhere from AIDS to feces,

and its an imitation- an image they upkeep.  none of those fucking people like coffee.  they are drinking brown water and dont know why...

its because a hundred years ago a few travelers needed the hospitality.  not 75 idiots that think coffee is the greatest thing since air.

drink a monster you idiot fucks.

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