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24 hours in two days.


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40 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

But is that usual? For me this is unusual. If I alternated between three and four twelve hour shifts like other people do I might not mind so much.

lately, yeah, store is understaffed so a few people are working 12s with the other people on staff working 6 days

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Be happy yours seems managed at least. Nobody thinks about my department nor realized they are crushing us. Memorial day is a paid holiday, and I will be paid for it. But because the other shift is comprised almost entirely of worthless fucks I have no extra day off this week. I wish I ha zero self-control beca use I'd just go wild with a  knife, because stabbing is more satisfying.

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21 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Be happy yours seems managed at least. Nobody thinks about my department nor realized they are crushing us. Memorial day is a paid holiday, and I will be paid for it. But because the other shift is comprised almost entirely of worthless fucks I have no extra day off this week. I wish I ha zero self-control beca use I'd just go wild with a  knife, because stabbing is more satisfying.

I sympathize with you, because my workplace is staffed with several worthless warm bodies.


there are seven employees in total. Myself and two others comprise the "A" team. The others can be fired right now with little repercussion aside from extra hours for the rest of us.

I think about going on stabbing rampages sometimes but my better nature prevents it. it's best not to stab people.

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They air dropped a few useless bodies on our shift, it needs to be known that we need to be able to get rid of people. And we need to fucking keep the people that are good. One has become halfway decent, but two bad people on our shift is a detriment to how we run. We have an A and B team, and a C and F team. Preferably You want an A with a C, and an F you want gone. There was overtime tonight and that should not have happened. I showed up an hour late so it wasn't much difference to me, but I hoped to be strolling out 2 hours before I did. It's frustrating.

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