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im a little estranged to FFA right now.


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you guys dont want me, and theres no one posting in DF regularly.  theres sometimes 5 or 10 hours between new posts in DF, so if i post 3-5 posts,

im allover the front page and it looks like im treating my favorite forum like its my facebook so i have to stop posting and wait for new posts...

why did you guys kick me out, and how did you agree on it...?  you must be exaggerating whatever it is you think i did.

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Well you're about as significant as the tightly coiled shit I left in the dunkin donuts bathroom about an hour ago,  though you are much looser ....  So know your role and keep being you man. 

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2 minutes ago, Clu said:

Well you're about as significant as the tightly coiled shit I left in the dunkin donuts bathroom about an hour ago,  though you are much looser ....  So know your role and keep being you man. 

one time i had explosive diarrhea while i was driving in heavy traffic, far enough from home that i had to pullover to a public bathroom.

i made it, but the burger king toilet i shit allover wasnt so lucky.  there were no paper towels in the dispenser of course, and i cleaned the catastrophe with

just toilet paper. i got it all cleaned up without telling anyone because i was so embarrassed to tell anyone that i shit allover the place

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