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do you have any vocal chords


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All right, so...

16 years old, riding home  from school, sitting in the back of the school bus with my  friends. Well we stop to let one of them off, I turn to say "bye" and, well, I'd say it went black after that, but it was black before that too. That's just what I was told happened a week later after waking up from a coma.

Apparently while we were stopped, a semi going 70 mph did not see the bus and rammed us at full speed. Driven by the force of the semi, the bus traveled over 100 yards.

My friend sitting next to me was killed instantly, but due to the fact that I was turning on impact, I took the majority of my injuries to my right side, as opposed to squarely in the back.

Helicopters came and took me away, I was given an emergency tracheotomy, then just kind of sat in a coma for a week. 

The first thing I remember from waking up is being in a confused animal panic.  I had no idea where I was, what was going on, or even who I was. I just knew that I was in pain and I had cords coming from every orifice, including a few more that weren't there before. So I freaked out, starting pulling the tube out of my nose, pulled out my catheter, all the while wide eyed and tense breathing. A nurse had to physically lay down on top of my arms to prevent me from further damaging myself.

This whole time was extremely foggy due to brain damage; my mom brought me a shark balloon which I named Patent Manning. I talked about being on a ship headed over to Korea for the war. One time, I asked my mom to turn the cameras on (I was talking about the various monitors I was hooked up to). In my head, I saw myself as the giant monster in an episode of power rangers. Or rather, the man inside the monster suit (probably the brace I had to wear to keep my broken spine still). I sat there in the small replica city between takes in pain, because the power rangers had just badly beaten me, but the scene was not living up to the directors standards so they were going to beat me again (apparently one of the machines I was hooked up to felt like being punched in the stomach about once every 30 seconds or so).

The first time I would consider myself fully conscious I asked how everybody else was doing, and was informed that my friend had died. Now that I was awake, they were able to give me a full rundown of my injuries:

Fractured skull with traumatic brain injury, broken right clavicle, all ribs on right side broken with punctured right lung, and three vertebrae with all fins broken off, the middle  one badly compacted between the other two.

Some cogitive difficulties persisted (I could only read things with my left eye for a while) but within a week or so I was feeling well enough to transfer on up to the rehabilitation floor, where I busted my ass to leave with roughly the same level of mental ability I  had before the crash.

One month after the crash, I left the hospital.

More powerful than ever. 

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