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Unemployment and/or minimal work is the way to be honestly

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If you can just get by and pay the bills at bare minimum, it's the best way to be. I don't get sucked into all that status BS and whatnot because it's not important. I'd rather work some BS part-time gig for 15-20 hours that pays the bills and gives me a ton of free time than have some BS career-track job just to try to impress. Impress whom, baby? Nobody really cares, it's about just meeting your needs to live comfortably and happily. I used to want a serious career-track job, but seeing how employers are pussies and act like the fake scrub judges on reality TV shows, I say fuck 'em. If you win the lotto or some kind of crazy, inordinate amount of $$$ somehow, you can go back to them and curse them out and act big and bad if ya want, and it won't matter (except for their shattered egos lol)


That's what I'm saying. You're not overworked and you'll have enough to get by. No need for this full-time BS. All of those employers who buy into that hierarchy are lame brain sheep.


Damn, I can't remember the last time a 20 hour a week job paid my rent.

(Though, I'm still in the business of working toward a fulfilling career.)


.... or like .... I guess if you're not really trying to work or be productive you could .... eat a shit load and get like 700lbs and be put on disability .... or mess up your kidneys and be put on dialysis

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