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"For the Government, a front-bench spokesman said the Agricultural Tariff would have to be raised, and he fancied a bit. Futhermore, he argued, this would give a large boost to farmers, him, his friends, and Miss Moist of Knightsbridge."

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That's because it's a "woody" word, like "Caribou", "Voluptuous", "Antelope" or "Sausage".


i'm not quite sure what you mean by woody word and the net just tells me its a monty python thing... which explains my lack of understanding. words that sound sexual, or something? thats the best i got.


i love the word voluptuous though. the pronunciation feels and sounds to me like exactly what it means. 

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i'm not quite sure what you mean by woody word and the net just tells me its a monty python thing... which explains my lack of understanding. words that sound sexual, or something? thats the best i got.


i love the word voluptuous though. the pronunciation feels and sounds to me like exactly what it means.

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all well done sausage jokes aside, whenever people say stuff like that i just wonder about it. like... does it even fit? does that even matter to dudes? isn't that intimidating or kind of scary to some females? do any just say no once they've seen it? 0.o

Considering that a baby's head...
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