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I saw an article on Facebook titled "15 Things About The Final Fantasy Universe Square Keeps Secret." One of those 15 things is titled: "8. The Decline Of Celes’ Mental State (FFVI)" and can be found at this link: http://www.thegamer.com/disturbing-things-final-fantasy-universe-they-dont-want-you-know/3/


What that one says, is:


"The entire story of Celes is extremely tragic, and one of the highlights of Final Fantasy VI — especially when you are initially introduced to the World Of Ruin. She was forced into enduring experiments and became a Magitek Knight against her will. However, Celes still managed to retain her honorable nature after enduring this behaviour, but in the World Of Ruin, there’s a certain event that can truly throw her off the deep end.


Cid had treated Celes like her own daughter before the events of the game, and when you gain control of her after the world changes you find yourself in the care of your foster father. At one point, you have to catch a fish to feed a bedridden Cid. Choose the wrong one… and Cid ends up dying. Celes’ reaction to this? Freaking suicide."


Now, this confuses me. I have only played FFVI on the SNES cartridge (titled Final Fantasy III). In my experience, nothing happens to Celes after Cid dies. He leaves a note telling her about the raft.


Is this some kind of censoring they did for the SNES version? In the original Japanese version, does Celes commit suicide if Cid dies? Was this ported to American versions of the game?


It would actually make sense, as on the SNES cartridge, there is no incentive to keep Cid alive. When alive, he tells her about the raft. When dead, he leaves a note about the raft. That's it. The game continues on.




I haven't gotten to that part on the PS1 copy I'm playing at the moment, but she does throw herself off a cliff if Cid dies.


You can do everything to make sure Cid lives, but some people tend to let him die because it takes some effort to keep him alive and it'd be more emotional for Celes to jump off a cliff in despair from having shit pile on-top of shit in the World of Ruin. The world's gone to hell, she thinks Locke is gone, AND her father figure passed away because she messed up the quest.


Her discovery that Locke is still alive somewhere in the World of Ruin also feels more impactful after a failed suicide attempt instead of finding out after a healthy Cid tells her about the raft.


When I get to the scenario, I'll probably try to keep Cid alive because it'd be happier, and I've seen the Cid dying scene a couple times because fans rank it up there with the opera scene and the big FFVII spoiler.

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