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What coffee is better?

Still Me

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I'm annoyed at myself because I keep forgetting to show this to my mom. She's like a walking TMZ, especially when it comes to famous hoes, and this would almost make her pee laughing. Parts of Stinkmeaner episodes are hit or miss for me. Ed/Rummy never failed to entertain me in every scene that they're in mostly because of their actors and how fucking stupid they could be. *Sigh* I actually forgot that Charlie Murphy was dead until I wrote this.


I love Stinkmeaner.....I did hate his long ass introduction to the Hateration.....Or Hateology....Dammit I'm going to have to look for the name, but he talked way too long on that episode and Stinkmeaner should really stick to one liners.  Season 4 was kind of a bummer though

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