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as i got older i stopped being as scared of horror movies and just fapped to

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I cant play horror video games anymore. My nerves are shot and they scare the crap out of me. Turned me off resident evil. I thinl theyre scarier now because i invited my guy friend who loves zombie games...calls himself zombiekiller...over to play resident evil 6 and at one point while we were playing he turned to me and said "this is scary". Couldnt finish it and stopped buying them.


I cant play horror video games anymore. My nerves are shot and they scare the crap out of me. Turned me off resident evil. I thinl theyre scarier now because i invited my guy friend who loves zombie games...calls himself zombiekiller...over to play resident evil 6 and at one point while we were playing he turned to me and said "this is scary". Couldnt finish it and stopped buying them.

slender is the only horror game from the last 5 years that has scared me somewhat.

i don't know how you found resi 6 scary though. have you played the previous ones?

5 wasn't scary at all, but i dropped that shit after the first mission and haven't beaten it again in years.


the best ones for fapping.

i still rewatch a lot of them during halloween especially though.

anyone have any good ones that aren't as well known.


inb4 my life.

some genres of Horror are sexier than others




also, I have an aversion to stories that start out cheerful then suddenly spring horror on you out of nowhere, there should be a reasonable build, not "sunshine happiness and Puppies then all of a sudden BLAM the whole town is a cult and you're our new ritual sacrifice"



slender is the only horror game from the last 5 years that has scared me somewhat.

i don't know how you found resi 6 scary though. have you played the previous ones?

5 wasn't scary at all, but i dropped that shit after the first mission and haven't beaten it again in years.


5 scared the shit outta me, too. i lasted a good 10 minutes then sold it back to gamestop.

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