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Someone wanna go see that Valerian movie and tell us if it's any good?

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They hyping the shit out of this for some reason.


Idk it looks interesting but I get a very John Carter Mars vibe from it.


Going to see Dunkirk instead today.... seems more interesting anyways.


Christopher Nolan saw Saving Private Ryan and said "... I can make it grittier."


Honestly Dunkirk looks... pretty meh imho.


I'm thinking about it.


If you do end up seeing it let us know what you thought of it.


I haven't checked any review sites thus far as it's only been out for


Christopher Nolan saw Saving Private Ryan and said "... I can make it grittier."


Honestly Dunkirk looks... pretty meh imho.


Not sure what you read or saw of the movie, but I respect the hell out of the fact at least he made it only 90 minutes long and it drops you right in to the action. Also, "they" are saying that the star of the movie is actually Hans Zimmers score in the movie, some of the best music he has done yet. Valerian, though I am intrigued by the director and I love his work, just seems like a bunch of CGI fluff.... I will probably end up seeing it at some point but not really all that excited, plus I would want to do it right and would have to go to Providence, RI or Boston to see it in the proper theater.


So far I've seen mixed reviews on it, me personally doesn't seem appealing enough I would rather watch Dunkirk.

Also I don't think it will do all that well in the box office

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