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This is a thread about show and manga that are essentially dead for one reason or another. 


It is considered dead if


- The season/chapter ended alluding to another season or leaving loose ends untied, but it has been years without any updates. 


- An abrupt end, more in the case of manga where it just ends out of nowhere, but tries to tie lose ends and shoehorn a resolution. 


- The Mangaka died


- Dead end where the episode or manga chapter leaves off as a normal episode, then no updates for whatever reason.



For anime Neskoi is an example of a promised season 2 that never came. Highschool of the Dead is an example for both. The anime ends alluding to a second season, and the manga just ends on an arbitrary chapter.



- An abrupt end, more in the case of manga where it just ends out of nowhere, but tries to tie lose ends and shoehorn a resolution. 


Girl May Kill.


rifuckingp. had so much potential. but i guess people have bad taste.


- Dead end where the episode or manga chapter leaves off as a normal episode, then no updates for whatever reason.


Princess Climbing. <--ha, thats what i call it. true title: Itadaki!


where you at.


The devil is a part timer, this april will be 4 years of hiatus.  It even had a dropped spinoff manga.  I almost want to count A certain magical index, except it did get a movie in 2015. However the last season of it was close to 6 years ago. The railgun spinoff isn't much better since it's last update was close to 4 years ago. I heard that they will being giving Accelerator his own spinoff anime, he already has a manga.


I heard Black Lagoon finally came back from hiatus.  Whatever happened with that?  Finish the series?  The arc it's on, at least?


Also, lolberzerk.  lolhiatusxhiatus.


Black lagoon came back for like 4 months, then went back onto hiatus. I think the original hiatus was to protest online piracy or something like that. I read something that if a series is on hiatus for too long then the publisher will drop them.  I'm thinking that the come back was just to fulfill contract obligations so the series wasn't dropped.


Highschool of the Dead hiatus is really because the mangaka is a hack and doesn't want to continue, or even finish the story. The written reason though is because he felt that a manga about the apocalypses was too controversial because of the tsunami. The manga had nothing to do with a tsunami, it would be like if we didn't have zombie films because of 9/11.


Didn't care for trinity blood, but I didn't know the mangaka died.



Kaze no stigma's mangaka died, which was tragic since it was actually a good manga/anime.


Zero no Tsukaima got an end, but it was rushed because the mangaka was in poor health and died shortly after.  I did actually feel really bad for him while that was going on. He was updating status on social media all the way to keep in touch with fans. I think he had a message that was saying he was scared and didn't want to die. Also that he was disapointed that he couldn't continue the story further, but still prioritized giving it an ending.


The guy who made MM! passed away before he could finish the series. The Deadman Wonderland anime adaptation left things up in the air and removed any characters that would push them into finishing the series even though the mangaka finished the series after her hiatus. Nana has been on hiatus since 2009 due to illness.


Never knew that about MM!, I thought that show was pretty funny.  It was one of the few anime to have the balls to have the mother openly want to bang her son. Yeah deadman wonderland's manga end felt like such a horrible rush job. They pretty much dropped any interaction between the mc and hummingbird and made her more of a brocon. Then there was the other female interest that they only had in one scene of the anime. I would like it if the series got another anime season, but it would be better if it went a different route.


Really I could say the same for most anime. Just keep going and doing your own thing regardless of the manga. If the manga end is good enough, or the anime is well received,  then just pull a brotherhood or what they are doing with Blue Exorcist.

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