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Not one of the quick ones when I need to punch a clock......Like the one I just took.....3 different soaps.  One made especially for my face, the scented one for my body and under pickles, and the dove for my nuts and ass.......Then just marinating in that glow for a second before washing out the Head and Shoulders. Getting out, oiling down, geting my ex...pho...lee......Look, I don't know how to spell it but you know what I'm talking about pad....Anyway....Just jumped out of that shit.


My girl bought me a fresh outfit and left it on my couch this morning before leaving and I got some new Airs I haven't gotten to wear yet.


Nowhere to go......I'ma go hang out at the bar in Senor Frogs for a few hours because someone needs this kinda fresh in their vicinity.  I'm fucking shining and in a shit town.


Reality.....I'ma go order some wings, eat 4 of them and drink 3 beers and ask for a box to bring the rest home :(


Yeah but that box to bring them home means you have a snack for later, it's not so bad.


Looking forward to it.....This thread is a farce.  I actually can't wait to bring my shit home and turn off all the lights while pumping the AC to 60.  I'm old and tired.......I just like pretending I wanna go somewhere.


Sounds like a good night tbh


Already got my food and home....I didn't even order a beer......I was falling asleep waiting on my order but now I'm wide awake again.  I'm gonna introduce the pot/late dinner combo to my system.....That'll show it.

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