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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. Leon[/member] i am almost 32 years old no i had to eat some was hungry what are we going to do about it
  2. that grim
  3. what are we doing about it
  4. i am worried
  5. no i am scared very scared
  6. am i rigth? trump is acting like one
  7. to many to list
  8. you do realize the human life span for our generation is in the 100s look your life is not even half over
  9. medal of honor was great game series
  10. what you guys think
  11. happy birthday pooh
  12. i wish my cat dose that
  13. owo owo owo owo owo
  14. yes she dose
  15. i understood stood what i said i think it good movie
  16. did you understand what post to begin with and did you seen the film
  17. one post it in wrong area two why the slow clap
  18. it so wired well why did technology well go back to odd mixture of middle aged to 19 century technology well why i know that there was bell uh-1 Huey parked on a landing pad built in to the wall well that helicopter design from vietnam wars era it wired in my opinion they had flying machines and they used omni-directional mobility gear instead what the FUCK they are thinking
  19. it so wired well why did technology well go back to odd mixture of middle aged to 19 century technology well why i know that there was bell uh-1 Huey parked on a landing pad built in to the wall well that helicopter design from vietnam wars era
  20. i don't know we live in different states
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