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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. fuck him and the horse he road in on
  2. what mind blown
  3. Congregational
  4. no
  5. that did not happen
  6. i am right ?
  7. holy shit we all have been playing the game wrong
  8. some thing about sexism ? and stuff like that https://news.google.com/news/section?cf=all&pz=1&q=adult%20swim&siidp=48c9672046c849ed8c8cfa65555fce523a0e&ict=ln
  9. i have it and seen it
  10. macross plus? really
  11. wow nice to know some one likes my work
  12. yeah 2016 sucks
  13. me too i want restart my godzilla has kagome's dad fan-fics again
  14. old how old?
  15. i need get my mind off things any suggestions on a good anime to lose my self in
  16. no startrek stuff
  17. i would love to get my rank back
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