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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Not even for the off chance that you'll see some "unplanned fireworks"
  2. I did break down on the no weed thing pretty quick
  3. Each of them have to make at least five posts first
  4. Semen sluices out of wet holes
  5. Sluicing
  6. I only fuck with the bell for potato tacos these days
  7. Mexican food tastes worse cold and turns into a taco salad no matter what it was when you ordered it, but I don't mind eating it the next day if I have plenty of salsa to mix in with it.
  8. He's having sex with Jason Bateman
  9. Well the dude's got a multi million dollar contract You come into work at your retail jobs drunk while still on your probationary period
  10. I have something important to do otherwise I'd probably tune in to Democracy Now's all day coverage not gonna lie
  11. NaBarney


    My thread had scary elements A rock came through my window! While I was driving!
  12. NaBarney


    Pancakes are gross but waffles are stupid
  13. Mods I am just trying to help you out. Maybe we can negotiate a swap, I let you take this thread and in return the one about losing that cat is freed from the darkworld and resurrected in FFA
  14. I'd post my view but there's a lot of trash in the backyard, namely a church.
  15. Mods should know Gemini is like flies, it's past time to dispose of this one to the delt pile along with the rest of the post-premium content
  16. OP is creating monsters
  17. There's no place for babbling in Trump's America
  18. Kids love hearing about 74 year old politicians and my personal problems
  19. Thieves
  20. He upvoted himself a lot on the old forum, I was just making fun
  21. Why lock it. Why not steal it from me like the others
  22. Jesus, someone take this thread away
  23. Well, no they weren't
  24. Have you upvoted yourself yet on this forum?
  25. Lol. Hakuna matata
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