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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. The fuck? Is there any credence to this possible relationship at all in the series?
  2. Do you really have to ask that?
  3. If you were actually current with the manga and knew Kubo at all you'd know that's false. He took shots at the magazine and his editors via dialogue in the second-to-last chapter and still had tons of stuff set up for this arc that we're never going to get to see come to fruition now. Lots of big things Kubo still had in store for Bleach but Shueisha ruined everything. I'm boycotting them for life. Add them to my lifelong boycott list with Pizza Hutt for ruining my 18th birthday (I'm currently 32).
  4. Or is his heart just too broken to ever make manga again? Poor Kubo. Poor, poor Kubo. :'(
  5. Uhh, did anyone see the Ask links I posted? Some interesting things were learned from this rather productive slate of Demarco Ask responses.
  6. I pretty much treated him the way he deserved to be treated ever since he got here and he has been grudging on me forever for that. Well, stop being emo, then, Inception! And yeah, he's one of our more awful users. It really pisses me off he had to drive Elfie off since Elfie was one of the few people I was actually still friends with here.
  7. Yes I told him about the ignore feature and downvotes being disabled on the old boards and he still won't come back. Probably still wouldn't come here because he said some users make him upset.
  8. Yes we all know you're a "sociopath." :
  9. With this episode this arc has gotten exponentially more epic. Holy fuck that was awesome.
  10. I'd like to take a vacation in Perona. 8)
  11. Well this show show put me in a better mood.
  12. Sanji, Zoro, and Franky should triple dock Robin. 8)
  13. This is hilarious and brilliant. ;D
  14. More small children. Oh joy.
  15. No, I mean I'll see this and Naruto on my weekly late-week Toonami re-watch. Either way I do it, I am only watching Hunter x Hunter and Naruto once from now on.
  16. D-did you say focus? Already? o_O But I thought each Warlord got their own arc!
  17. So anyway, I think this arc makes my top 5 fave One Piece arcs, so far.
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