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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. Not sure what numerous threads you were talking about, but you said the board was being "cloned", which sounds like a transfer to me. People were posting there as recently as 3 hours ago. May not be to down to choice but just difficulty, being unable to find their way here. Like I said, they'd have a tough enough time getting to the first Uneven Edge. Doing a move right now is more system shock and another barrier to getting as many castaways on board as possible. 1. What, really? Thought they were a rather mainstream and widely used forum service. Seems odd that they would do that. Seems a bit ridiculous to threaten to shut down boards over single posts. 2. Then why the "clone" phrasing? I would've waited to make threads if I knew I'd just have to start over right away again. Didn't think the move would be this soon, either. You should've done this move before the ASMB got shut down, then. So it would be just a single move for people. 3. Well, that sucks. But, at least things are "safe" now, unless something happens to the server the where the forums are being hosted. Seems kind of risky to keep the forums on someone's personal server. What if their house burns down and the server is destroyed? What if they can no longer afford to pay for the server? What if their power goes out? Etc etc. But, at least we'll be able to actually transfer over with future migrations, should they be necessary, so that's good. 4. So what you're saying is they should stay archived. Nobody can post anything that sticks in Proboard's craw, so they can't shut down the forum because of people posting stuff they don't like. Of course, it's just a few months, or in the case of some of us, a few days worth of posts that are being saved, but still. That's good, but I think I'm still going to copy over my Pre-Flight posts. Had them saved in documents to post on the ASMB which got immolated, and now they're finally up, but on a defunct forum. Probably no reason to copy over show discussion posts since not many aside from myself go back and read old show discussions. Also makes me wonder if all our old ASMB posts will be lost forever now... *sigh*
  2. So, we have to make all the threads all over again after we just got done making them the other day? I just made that Pre-Flight thread. I wish you had been more clear that this would be a completely new forum and not a transfer, which is what you made it sound like, when you were saying the forum was being "cloned". After running to the old Uneven Edge after the ASMB got shut down and then having to run here just as we were getting settled in, this is all very exasperating. And what do you mean by two welcome threads?
  3. So wait, I don't get it. I thought you said you were creating a clone of the Uneven Edge forums, making it sound like everything would be transferred and we'd simply be on a new user interface/url/forum software. But this is a completely new forum, and we have to re-register, remake all the threads, basically start from scratch all over again after the ASMB already got nuked? Besides being a bit annoying in general, it's bad enough ASMB got shut down with no warning - there's probably plenty of people who didn't know about the dev boards or other channels they could use to find out about Uneven Edge; by doing this forum move you're creating yet another barrier that could end up with us losing even more people. So, I don't really get the rationale here, and the timing is especially poor, with many of us just getting to the old Uneven Edge from the ASMB. Yes, it can be argued that we just barely got on the other forum, so it's no big deal to just start right over again right away, but it's still a bit of a pain. And as I said, somebody not in the know would have to either be given the heads up through off-boards contacts, Reddit, etc., know of the dev boards or whatever else, get the link for the old boards, then get the link for this one. That's going to be rough for some people and a good number that managed to find their way to the old Uneven Edge may not make their way here. I also notice that you can still reply on the old forum. At least I think you can. You say we can link to old threads, the idea being to continue them without re-copying over all our posts, presumably. But if that board is eventually shut down and/or deleted, what purpose is there in linking back to it? So yeah, I don't really get what's going on with that or this whole situation in general, and I don't want us to lose anymore users. Edit - People are still posting on the other board. So... yeah.
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