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Order of the Owl
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ben0119 last won the day on September 22 2024

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About ben0119

  • Birthday 01/19/1984

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. I see what you're saying, but this wasn't an ongoing series, was it? It's a simple 25 episode single season. But man, I really hate that, when the anime is used as advertisement for the source material, with no intention of making more seasons. I'd really rather watch an anime than read a manga or light novel, so that really pisses me off. And long-ish breaks were rare back, then, eh? Yeah, if they wanted to continue it in some form or fashion, it shouldn't have started so soon after the manga did.
  2. Noooo the BOOM Viagra guy is back!
  4. Sailor Moon expecting Tuxedo Mask to show up lmao. Hmm that move undid the hypnosis and transformation. And another monster down, along with the pets. Silor Moon, not Sailor V! LOL be nice to the black cat named Luna. She used his fanboy ways against him lmao.
  5. Wow Usagi even fell for it. She's not too bright, is she? I guess Luna dispatched that critter haha. Where he went? He's been gone for 5 seconds. 😄
  6. Shindo should be glad Luna helped him get closer to his crush! Man, there's a lot of gullible people in this town! That little Snuffleupagus Shih Tzu hamster guinea pig rabbit thing is too good to be true. Doesn't have to be fed. 🤣 That's pretty good if Michelle Ruff is doing that trilling meow of Luna's too haha.
  7. LOL asleep in the brother's room. He's allergic? No, Shindo is AFRAID of cats? LOL. Not as bad as Ranma at least. 😄 Lol of course the cat goes to the person who isn't a big fan of cats. Dogs do that to me, too. Unless it's one of those lazy lay about dogs, they're totally unsuited to my laid back self who wants peace and quiet. 😄 I like cats because they don't bark. 😉
  8. This is overdue, but here we go. Kind of surprised the song wasn't at least dubbed again, even if this version couldn't use the original.
  9. Another cliffhanger. And if Piccolo dies again, Kami and the Dragon Balls are gone for good. It probably wasn't a good idea for him to come here. 😄
  10. Hurry the hell up, Goku! Frieza is such a shithead troll haha.
  11. Oh crap Frieza figured it out. That face lmao.
  12. Well it's a good thing the Spirit Bomb didn't disappear because Goku's stance was broken. 😄
  13. This strategy depends on Frieza being curious, confused, patient, and not looking up. 😄 I suppose no one else is really in the position to occupy Frieza while Goku builds up the Spirit Bomb, either.
  14. Entire universe, really?! Well, neighboring worlds I can see...
  15. So, was the scene explaining the constant daylight omitted for time or because it probably doesn't make sense? Having 3 suns wouldn't necessarily explain how Namek would be in constant daylight. Did Toriyama forget planets orbit stars and not the other way around? 😄
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