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  1. I was going to ignore you but what the hell...CNN, MSNBC, Newsy...
  2. idk...You might have Trump confused with somebody else.
  3. Should have said far-left, not progressive. Or maybe progressive-backed.
  4. Well, my mysterious twin poster...Biden got elected just by staying in his basement so that might not be a bad strategy.
  5. Because the Progressive outlets lie to no end.
  6. Wow. Crickets...Actually, crickets are louder.
  7. What could they fuck up to place blame on the Dems?
  8. The Guyver...The only other two I can think of were already mentioned.
  9. RIP. I will always remember him blowing a sarcastic kiss to Dennis Rodman. Good times...
  10. One of the worst officiated NBA games I've ever seen. Still, the Cavs deserved it - they finally put a competent game plan together instead of trying to outscore the Warriors.
  11. He went to Miami because 1. he, Wade, and Bosh are friends and 2. yes, teaming up with those all-star friends would increase his chances of winning a ring...unless you think all three of them should have went to Denver to play with Carmelo Anthony (?).
  12. Well, not for that reason. It would have been going to see one of those completely unneeded reboots that have disappointed me in the past.
  13. That's not LeBron's fault...Anyways, this thing's going to go 7 unless Green or that other goon from the Warrior's start undercutting key Cavalier 3-point shooters while shooting.
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