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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. Lmao I bet u fuggz would be hot if she was only 120lbs or so. But shes not and I'm shallow, so, no.
  2. figure out how to actually do it as long as i get 10 years, dying at 40 seems worth it.
  3. Idk but this girl i was fuckin around with before had a fox buttplug and i had no problem yankin on that shit while i was plowing her from behind she even told me to take it out so i can put it in her mouth yiff in hell i guess
  4. So there's this rapist that is still a free man. Shit keeps me up at night.
  5. https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/s-proof-keanu-reeves-basically-nicest-human-ever/
  6. She was lookin to cheat on her bf with you. She wouldn't tell u otherwise. That's trouble in paradise talk.
  7. Couple of weeks ago at the bar I normally go to. I was about to put brand new at the music jawn and this girl walked up to me and was like oh what r you putting.. oo brand new wats your name? She was hot and I was on "break" with my girl but my brain told me there was still a chance and I blew her off. I should have ate her ass.
  8. I definitely do this. Like this is me to a tee. I've always been generous with food, money and advice to all of my friends - never really spend time worrying about myself. I definitely flock to broken people. But.... I mean look at this shit show of a world we live in, I think we're all a little broken...
  9. the girl ive been with was in a heavily abusive relationship before me. rape, physical and mental abuse, etc. she told me i deserve better and she really isn't ready yet. it's what pushed me to the edge. I had thought my heart dried up a long time ago and this pushed me to the edge. i gave everything and it still wasn't enough, i tried so hard to make her happy and treat her right and there was nothing i could do. i cried for her and her past abuse first and then a surge came and everything went from her to me in my head, and i couldn't stop. everything i've repressed came out, I guess i have her to thank. I've been capable of loving other people but never myself until 3 nights ago when this happened. so.. that's what's been going on.
  10. mhm no just being honest. and judging by some of the replies in this thread it does look like people do. i know you wouldn't care either way if im dead or alive, but that's fine.
  11. I have suicidal thoughts on a weekly basis but they're fleeting and my brain quickly meets them with "Not worth it, life is interesting'. Depression for me has it's roots in my life from youth to about 19 being very unintentionally introverted. I am an extrovert by heart, and over the last few years with heavily socialization I figured having friends and plans every weekend would heal that hole - it just repressed it and in turn when I would be met by even the slighest hardship, I'd take it out on people around me, justifying what i say due to my ego that I'm always right and no one elses opinion matters. I realized I'm wrong and I don't have to hold everything in myself, people closest to you do listen and usually want to - thats what friends are.
  12. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Don't do this stuff, it just makes things worse.
  13. I'm sorry to you too ben.
  14. While she didn't really need to make that post (considering everyone here knows i go out all the time with friends), i think ignoring her post is better for you. I reported her the other day for using my images without permission so she's on thin ice. Anyway - I repressed things because I never wanted to burden people with how I was feeling, burying things seems a lot easier at first but it catches up to you.
  15. This'll really piss people off Sorry for being mean to you fuggz, honestly you've never been a dick to me.
  16. I have always found them impersonal and fruitless on the basis they're only there for your money.
  17. I had a break last night. Cried, and cried hard for the first time in years. There's been tears here and there over the last 7 years - but barely any. I know I'm not exactly everyone's favorite on here, but I'm pretty lost right now and I don't know what to do anymore. It's like everything I've repressed has came out and I don't know what to do.
  18. I'd give your butt a squeeze too
  19. good point
  20. cant help it
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