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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. *quits job* Now what do I post about.
  2. It's over twice what I make now
  3. Then why the fuck am I even working wtf
  4. It would make too much sense for them to ask people to volunteer first.
  5. But no job means no money. I might find a way to casually float the idea by my parents. They know I'm actively seeking a new job and that I'm not very happy here but idk if they know just how unhappy I am. And I don't know how much they'd be willing to support me if I voluntarily quit. I know they wouldn't let me become homeless or anything but that doesn't mean they'd be happy to pay all my bills for me. Like, I think my dad makes enough that they could probably support me and not have to worry about money being tight for it. Not that they'd want to, or that I'D want them to, for very long.
  6. Oh but apparently because of the way they do holidays for third shift, the night of the 25th has 3rd shift scheduled normally. So in other words I have a higher chance of being mandated on Christmas Day because there's a normal number of staff scheduled for the shift after me instead of having extra. After I work 2-10pm. Fuck that if I'm still here and I get mandated on Christmas fucking Day, I'm saying no.
  7. Can't really take classes right now unless they're 100% online.
  8. I don't know if I want to give my address to that weirdo.
  9. I'm not a great driver and try to avoid doing illegal things when I can <_< My car's probably a little too shitty for Lyft or Uber. Though I did apply for a delivery driver type job for one of the companies that Amazon contacts to, and I did get invited for an open interview session. Pay still isn't great but it's more than Walmart, and I'm assuming I'd be driving my own car so I'd have to ask about mileage reimbursement. Plus it's a 4 10 hour day schedule and I'd get Saturday - Monday off so I could still easily interview. My rent is 850 so ya 10 is pretty low. What will I make threads about if I get a new job that I don't hate.
  10. Moving is expensive and annoying tho. Like I'd rather stay here than take a $10/hr job and basically put myself into poverty. I'm not that desperate yet.
  11. I like all of those ideas except not paying my car insurance. Also 10 an hour is a bit too low, even full time my gross pay would be too low to make rent in a single check, let alone after tax pay. My parents already know how miserable I am. And they are probably a bit sad too since this year was the first Thanksgiving in 25 years that I wasn't with them. My dad did also say that sometimes it's best to just quit while you can. A few years ago my mom was stuck in a job at hated and my dad told her to just quit. She didn't and ended up getting fired. Their financial situation is quite a bit different from mine, though.
  12. I make good money where I am now because it's a state owned facility. I want to go back to school but I can't afford to right now. Why can't student loans just give you an extra 20k a year so you just have something to live off of while you go to school <_<
  13. But money. Like, I'm sure my parents would be willing to help me pay my bills for awhile if I were to get fired or something, but I kind of doubt they'd support me if I just quit without having anything else lined up. I barely have enough in savings to pay one month of bills.
  14. I sit down when I pee There's nothing that crazy about me I'm taking a whiz Mind your own biz Why is everybody always starin' at me?
  15. I think I already told u yes plz tell me
  16. Well I work at a residential facility for people with disabilities so yes they quite literally are crazy. But still most of the more stable ones will probably be going home for the holiday so if anything we'll need less staff.
  17. Someone always needs to be here to watch the clients. Still, seems like there has to be a better way to schedule people. Like I know they only schedule so many extra people because they know people are gonna call off that day or just do what I'll (hopefully be able to) do and just ounce before the holidays.
  18. Tell me ur job title I'll apply to all those positions
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