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Everything posted by Jeffchao228

  1. Sprint is still for Contract Phones, same for Verizon as well as AT&T, T-Mobile is what I am on, and I have a bill that is HALF as less as Sprint, and heck even better 4G service too, even their Base 4G LTE Package is something since I do not even use more 2 Gigs of LTE Data a month, let alone having tons of apps that take that much data.
  2. I have noticed that when I rechecked this place, but lets see how it can handle more people online before we can decide if it is good enough.
  3. I think it is fine, besides at least we have intelligent discussions during the episodes again.
  4. Well I think the host that this board is on is quite defective and we should know by tomorrow when Luuv will make the announcement that this host problem could be the issue of the boards slowing down, in turn it is not the Forum brand, it is the host.
  5. The Host of this site is defective, no doubt can't handle much of a large bandwidth load and probably will cost Luuv an Arm and a Leg to increase the Bandwidth limit on this board to provide even more access with less lags on here.
  6. I already sent a message to Luuv on here and on Facebook, this is not right, some how the Host Luuv is on is not very good.
  7. It is more of a Bandwidth issue that is causing this, it seems to also happen when there is more than 25 Logged in users that the WHOLE BOARD goes down.
  8. I would rather stick to the ones I still have from the older ASMB ones, that is how I like them.
  9. It is also happening in the main part of the forum too, for some reason Luuv needs to note that he may need to pay more if it is to increase bandwidth on this site if it keeps getting those 2 errors after a threshold of over 25 users online.
  10. And it seems to have the problems when there is usually 25 Users online or more that the Downtime tends to happen.
  11. In other words too many users online has triggered the Crash, bandwidth maybe TOO LOW Luuv.
  12. And noted being Cartoon Network's longest running series and most popular, I think it is reason that many will miss this series very much.
  13. Synthesizer Videos, something that does not make me bored, but also something to watch when Eating.
  14. It seems I have also noticed something, If you idle too long on here, the board seems to timeout at times or cause the loading to be much slower, that is another thing I denoted, because some how it is trying to connect with the board, but sometimes might timeout the IP that is accessing it, and thus causes this issue.
  15. Well I would do a check if the Server is having some problems handling more loads meaning more users being online, if it is having a problem like that, then that might need to be checked closely.
  16. Well in any case, good thing I have IE 11 with both Auto Correct and Spell Check on it, so that I won't need to do much on the whole editing part.
  17. I was seeing that earlier , some how it must be a server issue knowing this board just got started and all that.
  18. And yes using the Older Credentials from the ASMB seeing how that this hopes to be a permanent place for discussions.
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