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Everything posted by Jeffchao228

  1. And now to DBZ first, Extra Gohan Action.
  2. And I see we have another board change that too place while I was out, hopefully it won't slow down unlike the last time this happened.
  3. And just lost another one, because Gajllahorn is getting this strong.
  4. Well too close, and now it is almost over.
  5. And this is one way to get out of the Planet.
  6. They are going to have a long battle.
  7. She is really getting to have a Bad Itch.
  8. They are the group that tends to be Egotistic.
  9. Well it is the best way to sense them.
  10. Because Escaping is what is needed to do.
  11. Yet it seems that there is Backstabbing here because they know Escaping is going to be impossible.
  12. And this is where the Plan B to Escape the planet needs to come in handy.
  13. And this battle is surely vile, but this lesson is needed to understand.
  14. Something Bleach like given the type of energy.
  15. Yep, and it is no doubt this is going to be a long battle to get rid of the Mask.
  16. And that means the Mask is still around, not good.
  17. Another one looking to steal Jojo's Woman.
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