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Everything posted by midnight

  1. It beats most of the crap on Facebook. Nice to see something different for a change.
  2. I don’t understand how you’ve never watched the last two Captain America movies, so there’s that. The end credits scene of Black Panther, “Who’s that guy? Who is that?” It’s the Winter Soldier for God’s sake! Disco~ “Who’s that?” Goddamnit.
  3. I made another wrong turn didn’t I?
  4. We’ve never spoken, but thanks for the advice you’ve been sharing, in regards to, well, you know what I’m talking about. I don’t know if any info has been divulged here or not. But thanks. We appreciate it.
  5. I’m trying to navigate this place, but I’m not trying to be a Columbus and land in the wrong fucking spot!
  6. I’ll never tell.
  7. I know of you. Nothing but great things. I wouldn’t say significant other though. I’m her worse half.
  8. Did I mess up?
  9. Thank you. I am disco’s worse half.
  10. Thank you very much for the heads up.
  11. Who the fuck are you?
  12. The new status may be short-lived, but I am still trying to figure this place out. I’ve never been to the “boards” before. I suppose it would have been easier to just come in and say “Eat my ass” or something like that. But I’ve learned from previous social media sites, it’s best to ease into it, and not get banned on day one, as that has happened before.
  13. Hell, I don’t think we’ve ever even spoken on Facebook? Heard nice things though.
  14. I have not seen your butthole, and I’ll pass on that every time. Haha! An accidental blowjob seems like a damn near impossibility. And I don’t think I want to know about baked rats. I’ve heard there’s a couple of janitors. Not sure of their names though. I haven’t stumbled upon the black lives don’t matter topic yet. I have read a few chapters of the X-Men fanfiction. Not too shabby so far. I will continue when time allows, in this hectic house.
  15. I read part of Sponge’s fanfiction. Interesting stuff. TrigunBebop seems cool. However, I did pick up there was a balloon thing going on there. Nabloom and worms sounds disturbing. I’ve already had some fun with Zeni. Found out real fast, he is into the young chicks. But I question the whole “alpha” thing. I feel ya on not giving out too much personal info. I’ll probably remain somewhat reclusive myself, in regards to the personal details.
  16. I hate racism, but I love a good argument. I’ll enjoy slapping some knowledge (or trying to) into those folks.
  17. tell me about this place. I’ve seen a few colorful characters already. Seen a couple of racists. Side note about myself; racism isn’t something I tolerate. Bigots suck ass, as well. Not very tolerant of complete imbeciles either.
  18. Thanks. But I really don’t know anyone here yet. Except my wife, disco lemonade. Just kinda scoping it out. Trying to get used to the setup.
  19. He could still do that while single, however, once he incorporates the broom stick, that would constitute cheating. Then his relationship with the mop stick would be null and void. 👀
  20. It probably should. And when I reach the points level, in however many weeks, so I can access DF, I’ll strike the post back up. Just for you sweetheart.
  21. My posts aren’t wanted anywhere. 😭
  22. Yeah. Yeah. Rub it in.
  23. I didn’t find it funny when I first started watching it, but my opinion quickly changed. I love the show now.
  24. n00. Mainly cause I don’t know how, at this point.
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