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Majin Mayhem

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Everything posted by Majin Mayhem

  1. I don’t leap...
  2. No...saw lightning...had panic attack...went inside...plus side...we have back stage passes and where we’re bunkered down...has very little people in it and food
  3. and they have restricted all attendees indoors
  4. I have zero idea about table top games...that’s not my bag baby
  5. There is so much wrong with this...
  6. Fite me friend garden friend, the boys crush..... i will find something....
  7. Oh I’m not denying he’s a better character....I’m just saiyan
  8. Tank girl? Dude I’m struggling to find you something...I have zero idea what you’d want
  10. Yeah it’s doctor 21...but I’m super self conscious so I’m wearing leggings, spanks, dress, jacket
  11. No you racist piece of shit
  12. Yeah but krillin dies like a bitch more often than not...yams is just the funniest
  13. *dances*.... yet secretly lamenting the fact it’s gonna be 95+ degrees and I’m gonna have to traverse outdoors with 4 layers of shit on
  14. Slut...gonna give me profile STDs... also...I did not give consent...therefore...rape
  15. Na the mother fuckers dead
  16. makes me laugh really hard
  17. I ripped up some tp, ripped it up, sprinkled it on top in the hopes it would tuck my turd in for the night
  18. LB and I are going to a Korean bbq.....
  19. Should have been worried about my fuckin Lincoln logs
  20. Big convention hall...bathroom never empty....
  21. God no....but I laughed like a mother fucker on the way out
  22. if your in a public toilet and yer poop don’t flush? cause I’ll tell you what I did.....
  23. Anyone else envy the balance of person 8? also....now all I can think of is the diarrhea mess of the same individual
  24. The kind that go in bras
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