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  1. ShallowPos


    2008. Rip this man.
  2. ShallowPos


    I don't know what else to say. Rip rip rip.
  3. Is personal pain an authentic indication? The answer is no. No one feels or sees it. So how does it exist?
  5. This place only dredges up bad memories for me. As if the continuation of a "cartoon" message board should have any bearing on my life. But, I must feel the need to be heard because I keep coming back, regardless of what the current memes are.
  6. I think it's a freezer aisle miracle. That thing just appears and people snap it up like some kind of frenzy. Damned thing is gonna be fished out of existence.
  7. The monkey puzzle. I am an extinct genus of semi tropical plant. No I don't mind if you put your hand in there. Yes take of the wastes my children. It will give you strength in the coming months. Sorry if my thrashing limbs cut you to pieces. I am just that kind of guy. Oh we were talking about my magnanimous out-growth. Well shit. Who wouldn't want a version of me in their boring existence. I'm hypoallergenic.. unlike him -points in the dog's general direction-
  8. Well I think its better when they retain their sous chefs. I've had a bad meal, and a really good meal.
  9. P to the mufucking os.
  10. No, I am not he. You must be thinking of some other faded star. I'll work hard to achieve his/her ideals.
  11. Did you by any chance run across any gifilte fish? They are rare and their habitat has been all but destroyed but... GOD DAMN is it good on the bun.
  12. It's just that by that time your physical and mental faculties are past their peak and you begin to comtemplate death. I'm sorry.
  13. Pos
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