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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. Are you fat Pauly? I'M LOUIE ANDERSON!!! R.I.P. OL'BOY
  2. Ok it's just a movie I never heard of.
  3. Are you giving me twang or are you exited?
  4. I'm not providing anything warm except free heat, ok?
  5. Oh, wait, not that cold... They go to the morgue...
  6. Individuals or small groups, determined by entrance policies, and up to 24 hours per week, you have to leave ID with us, and pass a metal detector. It would all be documented in a computer and we will not allow over crowding or any abuse of the shelter.
  7. Not fair. They will have to provide their services elsewhere.
  8. I told you we will have policies that ensure we are a safe facility.
  9. Absolutely not, I'm 100% serious
  10. Louie changed his identity? I didn't know he was trans...
  11. I want to see how far people would take it and somehow begin a mutual cause, a volunteer cause, and a good will cause, with the mission of obtaining or even building properties, where citizens in transit or homeless would have a large, safe facility that provides free heat to anyone that wants, and we will have seating, and make policies that ensure it cannot be abused... Of course if would be totally non-profit, and a completely free service to ANYONE that needs to be protected from deadly cold temperatures in areas where outdoor travel, i.e. long walking distance, waiting times during personal reasons, shelter for someone if they have no where to presently be warm, AND homeless of they do not pose a threat or abuse the facility. Anyone is welcome. Maybe we can team up with feeding projects, that have similar goals, and can't operate 24 hours because of their limitations. There are other human services that could be involved, too. But I want our first and most important policy, is that we are a heating shelter, we do not provide anything but seating and free heat, and we require passiing metal detectors to enter.
  12. I'm good buddy chill out
  13. Cookie said I was pcool.... I'm never gonna forget it
  14. 12 Monkeys
  15. The world wanted to impeach a guy for getting a b****** excuse me? That makes all this sense to me I'm so into all these rules about who you're allowed to have sex with I'm totally down with the down with this man's business man no more man business man business no more I'm so done with that I know men that aren't even f****** down with that
  16. The world gets to ignore she likes dick and complains about it 10 minutes later half the World likes to forget that she's a friend of ours that obviously blows Cocks... breaking the vows of matrimony is not exactly a f****** crime
  17. Sorry she gives head and this president has to suffer she's so sorry that's okay she's just fine with that poor girl
  18. I'm befuddled by the statement here's my semen covered shirt look I blew somebody hahaha I get to play victim now check me out on ass face don't forget to like my dick book
  19. I'm confounded by the fact she wasn't raped and then complained
  20. There is no physical scientific psychological or in any other form explain why people have ultimate questions that can't be solved? And secondly if that's a yes then does that mean there's a paranormal element to everything?
  21. Can the human crisis actually not be solved by science?
  22. Serious I'll put it in one simple sentence. Is The Human Condition itself the fact we don't know what kind of mental connection to some other kind of paranormal being or existence the the thing inside us is not pure human it's also got psychic and inner powers that we don't understand something not relative to physics something not relative to science there's a counterpart almost like a dream that happens at the same time you live there's a deep mental existence and something knows it's there besides us to me that's all is that simple enough? So the question is is the human crisis something we will never understand and it's ultimately controlling everything anyway? One more time simple is The Human Condition some kind of ultimate question that drives people to the point they don't know what kind of decision to make? Is it based on the fact they don't know why they're alive in the first place? Or I mean we we don't know why we're alive in the first place and some people can't take that but that's not the point I want to know just plain simple question is The Human Condition something we will never understand from some other level that can't be solved with physics and Science and relativity and human understanding is it definitely something paranormal that we did not expect to be here when we were born? Because that would mean this is not a simple Humanity this is not a question of Justice or peace or honesty and integrity or living Our Lives the way we always planned this is a question of why the hell are we here?
  23. Please, I love sweet mustard French flavored type very liquidy and tang, but not too much tang of course, and I'm sorry but I can't remember the other flavors they make it with....? It's kind of like the Subway chicken stuff they invented last year????
  24. Oh, tsume was my first ASMB friend... I reached out to diabolical jazz and rorschach first but they ignored me.. First posting buddy was tsume, but she took me too seriously line every one else and thought I was a berserker... It's totally justified, I do get kreepy sometimes. But in jest... and a few weird slip ups and miscommunication is inevitable of course... blowhard, idiot. Blogger.... I've been every sense of noob and foolishness, I'm surprised trolls are even interested 😁😁😁
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