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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. I loved Gargoyles as a kid. RIP to an influential man with great impact and reputable talent.
  2. Yep. Nightmares, my mind playing tricks on me, strange noises that can be ignored or rationalized, but I never saw anything from hell standing in front of me, or anything from a spiritual realm either.
  3. That's exactly what I was going to say about your resolution. It sounds like you are explaining IMPOSSIBLE sightings. However, spiritualists require an untraceable acceptance of their beliefs. Same as Creator of the Universe religions. It's sort of a different ball game. Many people believe e in demons, personally I have never encountered a demon and the only reliance on any demonic theories is to believe word of mouth, which I also do not. But, I never discredit it. Maybe because I am a believer and I am still searching for realistic answers?
  4. I also am thrilled about it being possible, but have no evidence worth mentioning.
  5. Get what, broham?
  6. Is it "Album," or "Albumn,"?
  7. I posted Orange 9mm album by accident, it was supposed to be a single.
  8. Not sure if sarcastic but I'll give it what it deserves.
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