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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Hmm nope. I am sorry but I'm not gonna beat myself up over it.
  2. I'll have to check out this Undetale thing...
  3. That's not up to you...
  4. That could be different, but it's not what I was referencing.
  5. Well... none. Otherwise they wouldn't be dicks. By definition and such...
  6. Why you gotta be such bitch, youtube?
  7. I filled my quota.
  8. owo
  9. That was rude of me.. like for real, though. >_> :>
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy? No? >__>
  11. Smart kid. Dating a single mom, though... >_>
  12. That's it? How many episodes have you seen? They were all from season 1, weren't they? >_>
  13. "That was my favourite knife..."
  14. Why not?
  15. Can you afford it, like, spiritually?
  16. It's an issue in society that deserves to be addressed. Did you just stop watching before the end of the episode? The conversation he had with Steven on the plane ride back to the barn? -__-;
  17. I wonder what a fusion between her and Peridot would be like...
  18. The water clones? Yeah, Lapis is super strong all by herself. @.@
  19. Lasty

    Sup Nerds

    Glad you found your way to us.
  20. For me it's about the feels, mostly, but those things are important too. The fight between Alexandrite and Malachite was epic. o_o I'm really curious about Rose myself and specifically what Lion is and why only Steven can activate his mane...
  21. I don't think getting old has much of anything to do with it. The notion that things like cartoons and video games are only for kids is one of a number of traditional values that are slowly going out the window. Some peeps reading will auto-troll when I say that it's not about the quality (at least as far as SU and AT go). Maybe your subconcious is looking for new outlets because you've become stagnated?
  22. What about SU does it for you?
  23. Lasty

    Send newbs

  24. Let me guess... you stopped liking it as soon as shit got real with character development... >_>
  25. What do you like about it?
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